Bragg refuses to appear before the House on Trump prosecution

You are the filthy weasel. You and all Trumpies are criminals. Congress has no oversight authority over local prosecutors.
Such love for people who disagree with your perverted party of Fascist.

Hate reeks off this screen from your posts.

History has seen your kind before.

Lock that fucking pavement ape up.... or change the subject.

Put that simian fatfuck in general population at Ryker's for a few months, on a steady diet of convict cock, and watch it snitch out shit that needs to be snitched out.... if it even makes it past day 3. That shiftless mother fucker won't stop sobbing for 2 or 3 years, and that's a risk I'm willing to take.

bragg baby pic (2).jpg
He did not refuse to never appear before them but later on a convenient date when he is not busy with this current Trump case.

Unlike republican in congress who waste their time in trying to impeach Biden that failed, he has successfully prosecuted Trump and now ready to move onto the next stage.

Congress makes laws and provides funding. They also meddle in matters that are political in nature.
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Republicans should stop abusing congressional subpoenas. This is getting ridiculous. They aren’t even trying to cover up their abuse.

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