Another Day in San Francisco

I had to wear a jacket at night. The weather in SF is not like the weather in Santa Clara. In SC I lit the gas wall heater exactly 3 times in a year and a half. and only ran the fan several days in august. Of course even with great weather they still had rolling blackouts that would last for hours on the mildest days. Idiots.
No, you are just a liar. I can't point out the ridiculous crap you do because that's against Board rules, and I am not going to make it easy for you to ban me because you suck.

I’m just asking you to explain how I managed to vote in San Francisco? It should be pretty easy since you seem to know so much about it.
You’ve obviously never been to San Francisco. One of my favorite Sam Clemens quotes is “the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco”. I was stationed there in the early seventies and often the temps were 50F with twenty or more degrees of windchill and 100 % humidity. Dank, cold and uncomfortable.
Sam Clemens (Mark Twain) a great writer from the red state of Missouri.
People need housing, but for politicians making property prices rise is seen as a good thing, people need mental health treatment, but people don't see mental health as a genuine problem.
It's essentially government run for the rich, by the rich, and ignoring anything they find inconvenient.
" people need mental health treatment"

You can say that again and again but libtardy views have destroyed their safe spaces. They were once called asylums.

California has gone out of its way to attract the homeless over the past decades of liberal control. When conservatives ran California, cities were clean, criminals were in jail and the homeless were made to understand they were not welcome and had better stay out of sight unless they wanted to be jailed for vagrancy.

When a free country locks up homeless people, is it really free?
I had to wear a jacket at night. The weather in SF is not like the weather in Santa Clara. In SC I lit the gas wall heater exactly 3 times in a year and a half. and only ran the fan several days in august. Of course even with great weather they still had rolling blackouts that would last for hours on the mildest days. Idiots.
Yes, but in Santa Clara you don't get free drug paraphernalia and free vodka.
If they're locked up, they're no longer homeless.

If they're locked up for the crime of not having a home, then the government needs to provide HOMES, not prisons, for them.

But then we know the right wing will demand everyone accepts rights for the right wingers, but for everyone else, they can go fuck themselves.
If they're locked up for the crime of not having a home, then the government needs to provide HOMES, not prisons, for them.

But then we know the right wing will demand everyone accepts rights for the right wingers, but for everyone else, they can go fuck themselves.
The “government” (meaning, we taxpayers) already provide homes: they’re called shelters.

In fact, they are planning to tear down the one near me and build a more modern one, complete with a workout room and a computer room. The problem is that many, if not most, of the homeless are mentally ill, and they would rather live outside in their “tent city” - which is just a few blocks from the shelter in a wooded area.
You’ve obviously never been to San Francisco. One of my favorite Sam Clemens quotes is “the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco”. I was stationed there in the early seventies and often the temps were 50F with twenty or more degrees of windchill and 100 % humidity. Dank, cold and uncomfortable.
I lived close to the City for four years. I lived in Fairbanks Alaska for three years. One gets really cold, the other one sells sweat shirts and pants to tourists from Iowa in July.
They are not clueless. Their actions or inaction are a deliberate attempt at destabilization.

Or another possibility.

They simply do not care about Americans or America. All they care about is their own personal political and financial gain so much that they will let the country be buried under a pile of shit as long as their backyard is nice. They do not care and do not want to actually do anything, they just want the illusion of doing something.
Then these people are stuck there then. Similar to Toronto where apparently the average rent is now $3000 a month. Just a broke city that would be the first dominoe to fall if not for government transfer payments.
How are they stuck there? If they gave some thought to their post-school years and took vocational training or went to college, then it’s only a starting point.

ALL my friends, in our early post-graduate years, shared dumpy apartments or rented a room in a house. That’s how it goes. But because we had marketable skills, we were in middle-class apartments by our late 20s.

And if a 20-year-old never took free vocational training to learn a job skill, that was their choice. Perhaps by the time they were 25 and sick of living like a poor person, they signed up for something. If not, that was their own decision.
Why is it the local government's fault.
The problem is that a lot of homeless people go to California, especially, because of the weather. The problem of homelessness is a national issue. It's dealt with badly all over the country, and CA ends up with a lot more of it.

Oh, you couldn't give a shit right, as long as it's "blame the Dems".

Nope. Rational Americans warned the leftist kooks what would happen to San Francisco 60 years ago. It all came true.
'Vocational training' is nothing but fraud. All those truck driving schools are jokes just sucking money out of the state govts. and Fed for an imaginary 'driver shortage' that never existed in real life are Exhibit A. Same with many others, like 'computer skills' or welders or what ever industry wants a lot of cheap workers and rigs wages. Businesses now feel entitles to free employee training and all the green cards they can get to keep wages artificially low. Business owners and right wingers hate real 'free markets' with a passion; pay no attention to their whining to the contrary, that's just a lot of smoke.
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