Another Day in San Francisco

This morning in Columbia, Missouri...

Spokane, WA needs to take a lesson from Columbia, MO. They have Camp Dope, oops hope. The republican mayor and sheriff have been trying to close it for three years. Every time they get close, the WSDOT (democrat gov. Inslee's boys) and the flaming liberal city council sues for the vagrants. At last mention, Mar. 30, there were still 65 people living in Camp Dope and the surrounding businesses and homeowners be damned.
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This was the Embarcadero last night. Why are "progressives" opposed to law and order in their streets?


They vote for it over decades then flood the board to complain of their results? Evil or pathetically stupid.

As they slander and bash decent Taxpaying working Citizens who only wish for common sense pro-American policy.

All this mayhem? And they just voted to add in 4 years of wide open border? They Chirp like holler monkeys barking in the trees. DEM lowIQ monkeys.

Almost all R stink too (less) and they did not help Trump. Trump had everything but GOVT going the right direction. Trump is not really an R, he piggybacked onto them to get a foot in the door. There are only 2 choices to get in.
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Why is it the local government's fault.
The problem is that a lot of homeless people go to California, especially, because of the weather. The problem of homelessness is a national issue. It's dealt with badly all over the country, and CA ends up with a lot more of it.

Oh, you couldn't give a shit right, as long as it's "blame the Dems".
California has gone out of its way to attract the homeless over the past decades of liberal control. When conservatives ran California, cities were clean, criminals were in jail and the homeless were made to understand they were not welcome and had better stay out of sight unless they wanted to be jailed for vagrancy.
I visited there a couple of times in 1997; it wasn't anything to brag about then, either. Lots of painted over dry rot and run down blocks.
It never gets really hot or cold in SF. They've had a large homeless population since long before you were born.
You’ve obviously never been to San Francisco. One of my favorite Sam Clemens quotes is “the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco”. I was stationed there in the early seventies and often the temps were 50F with twenty or more degrees of windchill and 100 % humidity. Dank, cold and uncomfortable.
Then you’ll have to explain it to me because I’m confused
No, you are just a liar. I can't point out the ridiculous crap you do because that's against Board rules, and I am not going to make it easy for you to ban me because you suck.

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