Another Day in San Francisco

I'm continuously astonished by how many people don't see this as the problem it is.

It isn't just a SF problem unfortunately. While it hasn't gotten nearly that bad yet, it is getting to be a more pronounced problem in my city. The homeless shelter is in downtown. They turn people out at 7am. If you go before 830 or 9, you will find people sleeping in the postoffice foyers til they run them out, and piled up around the public library and along a wall behind it. Most of them are young white dudes and they are high as a kite when they are walking around so clearly this is a drug thing. A lot of business have had to lock their outdoor receptacles and spigots because they would all pile up around them grooming or charging their phones.
I’m not sure about that. I think most of them are just lazy or have fallen into a drug fueled rut

The US political system certainly seems to be full of people leeching off the system, and why? Because that's what the system seems to be there for.
Simple solution, make it illegal.

---Trump Wants to Make Homelessness Illegal---

He hasn't even thought the issue out, especially in the most important free narion on earth that has a constitution. It is going to be a federal law? Will the FBI be roaming the streets arresting homeless people all day? Trump has to present ideas wth more nuance when the issues are complex. Even when he was building the wall he brokered a deal.with Mexico, that is how to address an issue more thoroughly.
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Why is it the local government's fault.
The problem is that a lot of homeless people go to California, especially, because of the weather. The problem of homelessness is a national issue. It's dealt with badly all over the country, and CA ends up with a lot more of it.

Oh, you couldn't give a shit right, as long as it's "blame the Dems".

It's mainly due to the handouts that dems give them.
When you encourage this type behavior it'll only get worse.
I'm continuously astonished by how many people don't see this as the problem it is.

SF has always been known to be a different sort of place--but now it is just a common shithole. It is a shame but what can you expect for the place that spawned Harvey Milk, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Piglosi, Willie Brown and Kamala Harris.

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