Another Day, More Democrat Election Fraud Uncovered: Michigan - Voted For Trump Omitted

Lets do the math.. 600 x 32 counties = 19,200 votes

If this is proportionally done by county vote size it could be as many as 60,000+ votes... I would say a recount is in order but we have to go to each voting site and clerks office to find them.
The polls would have been correct they were counting on planned Dem election fraud + Trump's 2016 turn out but then Trump up and crushed his 2016 numbers throwing the polls off.
Airizona is now within 7,500 votes..... This could go to Trump and not Biden with over 150,000 votes outstanding to count. Current split is 59% to Trump... This could very easily flip real soon..

Source? The AZ secretary of state site still shows Biden with a 69k vote lead.
Airizona is now within 7,500 votes..... This could go to Trump and not Biden with over 150,000 votes outstanding to count. Current split is 59% to Trump... This could very easily flip real soon..

Source? The AZ secretary of state site still shows Biden with a 69k vote lead.
FOX News vote tally after the early morning vote dump. there should be more at 9 am MST
Oops - BUSTED: Michigan County Discovered Omitting Votes for Trump

BREAKING: Michigan County Discovered Omitting Votes for Trump

An accident you say?

So, just out of curiosity, has anyone heard of any "Accidents" that led to undercounting BIDEN votes, or are all the "accidents" one way?
Airizona is now within 7,500 votes..... This could go to Trump and not Biden with over 150,000 votes outstanding to count. Current split is 59% to Trump... This could very easily flip real soon..

Source? The AZ secretary of state site still shows Biden with a 69k vote lead.
FOX News vote tally after the early morning vote dump. there should be more at 9 am MST

Okay by my math Trump will whoop Biden's ass in AZ Biden's so called lead is quickly vanishing.

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