Another Deep State Planted Diplomat Exposed -- Should Bill Taylor Be Charged

Except he crumbled under cross examination from representative Radcliffe Lol OPPPPS
Wait wait wait.....

I thought you tRumptards were all upset because you couldn't coross examine witnesses? So now you can?

And "crumbled under cross examination"? When? What did he say? 'Cause I haven't heard a thing about it. The only "oops" I heard was from all the republicans.
Sometimes you just gotta ignore Jizz….well actually, most times you have to ignore him...
Ha I bet you do haha
It's fun to laugh at you, and I can't do that if I ignore you.
Umm or you like getting a education
Reading that last post I'm thinking it's you who needs a little educating.
Wait wait wait.....

I thought you tRumptards were all upset because you couldn't coross examine witnesses? So now you can?

And "crumbled under cross examination"? When? What did he say? 'Cause I haven't heard a thing about it. The only "oops" I heard was from all the republicans.
Sometimes you just gotta ignore Jizz….well actually, most times you have to ignore him...
He lies just like all the rest of the tRumplings. dOnald has made it a major part of the party platform..
John durham
Yeah, I'm sure he lies too.

I guess when the entire Obama administration is in jail you can folllow the trial lol
Lol, you are so completely delusional it's kinda funny.
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

You just verified that Taylor's information came from Morrison, who heard about a conversation between Sondland and Yermak. How many times removed from this conversation was Taylor? It's called hear-say!

Sondland's testimony denied there was ever a quid pro quo and he has a text message to Taylor showing he told him that!
What’s up with these closed hearings? I smell a rat... lol
Republicans lost the credibility of being trusted to keep secret testimony secret when Rep. David Nunes was caughr and exposed for revealing the information to the Pres.'s lawyers.​
If these hearings were worth a shit they’d be open to the public... But then again we’re talking about career politicians… Born to be corrupt
In America, it's normal and routine to keep investigations or parts of investigations secret until the investigation is finished and ready for presentation to a Grand Jury or prosecutor. The House is conducting an investigation and gathering evidence for presentation to a Constitutional form of a Grand Jury in the House of Representatives called an Impeachment. No amount of whining and complaining can change the fact they are following legal protocol.
With Nixon all of the hearings were public... There is no reason these hearings should be close to the public and the Republicans. Unless they are trying to hide something... Another nothing burger
Both Nixon and Clinton had special prosecutors conducting investigations and kept interviews and depositions secret until presentations to Congress. The House Inquiry committees are taking the place of a special prosecutor.
But the point is it’s one-sided, there again it’s all about one diplomats word against another. If There’s nothing to hide? Why not open up the hearings?
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

Support for impeaching, removing Trump at all-time high in CNN poll
View attachment 285837

Polls? Consider the source! No one believes CNN if they said they sun would come up tomorrow morning!
The Democrats are swinging and missing when it comes to public perception… Especially in swing states. That is why they are trying to push the Russian connection, Ukraine and Expecting America to be the world’s police man...

Closed hearings are an act of desperation... lol
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....
People with a z in their names are always highly suspect. There is no z in the Welsh alphabet. We dont need it.
Your nation was once the ruler of the world. The sun never set on the British empire. Then to many people like yourself happened. And wallah. A second rate nation with nukes. Your connection to us is a common language and the financial district known as "the city" located in London. And we saw what you became and damn...that is what we want to become also. Two world wars were fought in the transition of power from you to us. And we had more things in common back then. Just think of the turbulence when China and East Asia takes over in a couple of decades or so.

WTF is "wallah"? Is that some Middle Eastern terrorist's name?
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

You just verified that Taylor's information came from Morrison, who heard about a conversation between Sondland and Yermak. How many times removed from this conversation was Taylor? It's called hear-say!

Sondland's testimony denied there was ever a quid pro quo and he has a text message to Taylor showing he told him that!
A text message that has been proven to have been dictated by Trump. So one must question its actual probity.
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

You just verified that Taylor's information came from Morrison, who heard about a conversation between Sondland and Yermak. How many times removed from this conversation was Taylor? It's called hear-say!

Sondland's testimony denied there was ever a quid pro quo and he has a text message to Taylor showing he told him that!
And how many times removed have you heard about anything the Bidens may or may not have done??

Are you telling me if this was happening during a democrat presidency right now, you would be defending that Democrat by saying "hey, this is hear-say"

just shut the fuck up....let me know when you can get at least someone related to Hillary or Obama indicted for something....their lawyer, their campaign manager, hell, their gardener...anybody
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....
People with a z in their names are always highly suspect. There is no z in the Welsh alphabet. We dont need it.
Your nation was once the ruler of the world. The sun never set on the British empire. Then to many people like yourself happened. And wallah. A second rate nation with nukes. Your connection to us is a common language and the financial district known as "the city" located in London. And we saw what you became and damn...that is what we want to become also. Two world wars were fought in the transition of power from you to us. And we had more things in common back then. Just think of the turbulence when China and East Asia takes over in a couple of decades or so.

WTF is "wallah"? Is that some Middle Eastern terrorist's name?
Maybe he was thinking of "Voilà "

Or the upcoming actress Viola Davis
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

You just verified that Taylor's information came from Morrison, who heard about a conversation between Sondland and Yermak. How many times removed from this conversation was Taylor? It's called hear-say!

Sondland's testimony denied there was ever a quid pro quo and he has a text message to Taylor showing he told him that!
And how many times removed have you heard about anything the Bidens may or may not have done??

Are you telling me if this was happening during a democrat presidency right now, you would be defending that Democrat by saying "hey, this is hear-say"

just shut the fuck up....let me know when you can get at least someone related to Hillary or Obama indicted for something....their lawyer, their campaign manager, hell, their gardener...anybody
Lost joe not only a fucking pervert, He obviously is corrupt beyond repair.... And the Clintons obviously are above the law. And Obama was a plant for the deep state… You need to quit trusting shady Government officials. Sure, Trump is absolutely no saint, no one is accusing him of that but he is not part of the establishment.... And no matter which way you look at it that is refreshing. Lol
Republicans lost the credibility of being trusted to keep secret testimony secret when Rep. David Nunes was caughr and exposed for revealing the information to the Pres.'s lawyers.​
If these hearings were worth a shit they’d be open to the public... But then again we’re talking about career politicians… Born to be corrupt
In America, it's normal and routine to keep investigations or parts of investigations secret until the investigation is finished and ready for presentation to a Grand Jury or prosecutor. The House is conducting an investigation and gathering evidence for presentation to a Constitutional form of a Grand Jury in the House of Representatives called an Impeachment. No amount of whining and complaining can change the fact they are following legal protocol.
With Nixon all of the hearings were public... There is no reason these hearings should be close to the public and the Republicans. Unless they are trying to hide something... Another nothing burger
Both Nixon and Clinton had special prosecutors conducting investigations and kept interviews and depositions secret until presentations to Congress. The House Inquiry committees are taking the place of a special prosecutor.
But the point is it’s one-sided, there again it’s all about one diplomats word against another. If There’s nothing to hide? Why not open up the hearings?
Investigations are always one-sided in favor of the investigators and prosecutors. The defense gets access when formal charges are made.
If these hearings were worth a shit they’d be open to the public... But then again we’re talking about career politicians… Born to be corrupt
In America, it's normal and routine to keep investigations or parts of investigations secret until the investigation is finished and ready for presentation to a Grand Jury or prosecutor. The House is conducting an investigation and gathering evidence for presentation to a Constitutional form of a Grand Jury in the House of Representatives called an Impeachment. No amount of whining and complaining can change the fact they are following legal protocol.
With Nixon all of the hearings were public... There is no reason these hearings should be close to the public and the Republicans. Unless they are trying to hide something... Another nothing burger
Both Nixon and Clinton had special prosecutors conducting investigations and kept interviews and depositions secret until presentations to Congress. The House Inquiry committees are taking the place of a special prosecutor.
But the point is it’s one-sided, there again it’s all about one diplomats word against another. If There’s nothing to hide? Why not open up the hearings?
Investigations are always one-sided in favor of the investigators and prosecutors. The defense gets access when formal charges are made.
You’re deflecting, there’s no reason not to have open hearings… Absolutely no reason
In America, it's normal and routine to keep investigations or parts of investigations secret until the investigation is finished and ready for presentation to a Grand Jury or prosecutor. The House is conducting an investigation and gathering evidence for presentation to a Constitutional form of a Grand Jury in the House of Representatives called an Impeachment. No amount of whining and complaining can change the fact they are following legal protocol.
With Nixon all of the hearings were public... There is no reason these hearings should be close to the public and the Republicans. Unless they are trying to hide something... Another nothing burger
Both Nixon and Clinton had special prosecutors conducting investigations and kept interviews and depositions secret until presentations to Congress. The House Inquiry committees are taking the place of a special prosecutor.
But the point is it’s one-sided, there again it’s all about one diplomats word against another. If There’s nothing to hide? Why not open up the hearings?
Investigations are always one-sided in favor of the investigators and prosecutors. The defense gets access when formal charges are made.
You’re deflecting, there’s no reason not to have open hearings… Absolutely no reason
There are reasons, you just don't like them.
With Nixon all of the hearings were public... There is no reason these hearings should be close to the public and the Republicans. Unless they are trying to hide something... Another nothing burger
Both Nixon and Clinton had special prosecutors conducting investigations and kept interviews and depositions secret until presentations to Congress. The House Inquiry committees are taking the place of a special prosecutor.
But the point is it’s one-sided, there again it’s all about one diplomats word against another. If There’s nothing to hide? Why not open up the hearings?
Investigations are always one-sided in favor of the investigators and prosecutors. The defense gets access when formal charges are made.
You’re deflecting, there’s no reason not to have open hearings… Absolutely no reason
There are reasons, you just don't like them.
Na, not really
It’s typical partisan shit... It’s the game they play on the public. The Ukraine thing is just another nothing burger
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

You just verified that Taylor's information came from Morrison, who heard about a conversation between Sondland and Yermak. How many times removed from this conversation was Taylor? It's called hear-say!

Sondland's testimony denied there was ever a quid pro quo and he has a text message to Taylor showing he told him that!
And how many times removed have you heard about anything the Bidens may or may not have done??

Are you telling me if this was happening during a democrat presidency right now, you would be defending that Democrat by saying "hey, this is hear-say"

just shut the fuck up....let me know when you can get at least someone related to Hillary or Obama indicted for something....their lawyer, their campaign manager, hell, their gardener...anybody

I am going to enjoy seeing Clapper, Comey, Strozk, and Steele perp-walked into prison. Can you just imagine the liberal heads exploding when their heroes are locked up in federal prison? Maybe they will cut a deal to finger Obama, Biden, and Clinton!
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....
People with a z in their names are always highly suspect. There is no z in the Welsh alphabet. We dont need it.
Your nation was once the ruler of the world. The sun never set on the British empire. Then to many people like yourself happened. And wallah. A second rate nation with nukes. Your connection to us is a common language and the financial district known as "the city" located in London. And we saw what you became and damn...that is what we want to become also. Two world wars were fought in the transition of power from you to us. And we had more things in common back then. Just think of the turbulence when China and East Asia takes over in a couple of decades or so.

WTF is "wallah"? Is that some Middle Eastern terrorist's name?
Maybe he was thinking of "Voilà "

Or the upcoming actress Viola Davis
View attachment 285847

A viola is a musical instrument.
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

This is too funny.

Trump said "No Quid Pro Quo" at least a hundred times.

Now you say he didn't say it.

Then you say if he did, so what.

It shows that Trump lied about the entire issue. He admits to an impeachable offense.
Gaslighting is the favorite activity of the fat donnie Administration and the CEC.
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

The problem here is that Bill Taylor was a Bush II appointee and left the office of Ambassador to the Ukraine when Obama took over only to be put back into that position by Trump.
Diplomat Bill Taylor testifies Trump used Ukraine aid, White House meeting as leverage for probes

We now have unquestionable proof that Obama is the most evil, insane, weak, pathetic and incompetent president in US history -- his Deep State coup continues to keep falling apart -- sure, he managed to get half of Trump's campaign and inner circle either sent to prison, indicted or under investigation -- but that only proves how rattled and desperate he is -- This illegal coup needs to be stopped and heads need to roll...Bill Taylor is clearly committing treason and he needs to be arrested ASAP...Any day now, Trump is going to drop the hammer and all of these Dem traitors will be going to jail -- and if they don't, its just because the Deep State prevented it.

"Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor testified unequivocally Tuesday that President Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate both election interference and a company linked to former Vice President Joe Biden's son -- and was willing to hold up military aid and a White House meeting to get a public announcement from the country that the probes were underway. During this same phone call I had with [National Security Council aide Tim] Morrison, he went on to describe a conversation [United States E.U.] Ambassador [Gordon] Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw," Taylor testified, referring to a July 28 conversation. "Ambassador Sondland told [top Ukraine aide Andriy] Yermak that security assistance money would not come until President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation."

Dems are claiming that Taylor's testimony is some type of smoking gun evidence of some type of quid pro quo -- stupid libtards, Trump never claimed that there was no quid pro quo -- and even if he did claim there was no quid pro quo -- guess what?? there was -- I bet you are so triggered right now. Trump is president and he can do whatever he wants when it comes to handing out aid to foreign countries, look at what the Bidens did -- that is the real problem. Besides, Americans aren't really interested in anything Bill Taylor had to say and lots of the names involved or funny sounding names like Zelenskyy, Yermak, who cares about these people....Trump is up in the polls and he will win in a landslide because of this....

Support for impeaching, removing Trump at all-time high in CNN poll
View attachment 285837
Polls had Hillary winning at 94% lol


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