Another defection


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
My wife has a friend she's had since she was 10 years old. She's 70 now. Her friend lives about 600 miles from us in the democrat autonomous zone of the Rio Grande Valley. They talk on the phone quite a bit and this woman bitches about Trump so much sometimes my wife won't talk to her for a week. This woman believes everything the media says. A while back my wife told her that she has several guns and immediately her friend starts in with the classic gun grabber talk about how guns are dangerous, and why do we need guns when the police can protect you, blah blah blah.

She has a step son that can't stay off drugs or out of jail. He's about 30 and she says he has assaulted her several times and robbed her also. Last week she called crying telling my wife he broke in the house and stole all her money and then hit her in the head with a full coke can. My wife told her to call the police but she said the police won't do anything because the police have arrested him in the past and she always refuses to press charges. Today she called up and said that he's robbed her again and she went out to buy a gun, but was put on hold because something came up on her background check. She has no record and has never been arrested so it was probably some freak thing or a fluke, I don't know. She was very upset and had no idea she couldn't just go buy a gun, and my wife told her it was about time she realized the media and the democrats have been lying to her for her whole life about guns. She said she would have one by the end of the week and was going to take lessons, and she was pretty miffed about all the bullshit she has been fed. Hello Trump voter, welcome aboard!
My Wife has a buddy like that as well.
She was going on about the Floyd shooting until the Wife told her about his past.
She of course had no idea that he was a lifelong criminal and asked why the news didnt cover that side of the story...the Wife just laughed and reminded her that She had warned her about the leftwing media.

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