Another Democrat Charged With Corruption!

Mollohan, Jefferson Cases Hamper Democrats' Attacks (Update1)

By Kristin Jensen and Laura Litvan

May 16 (Bloomberg) -- House Democrats' efforts to capitalize on what they call a Republican-created ``culture of corruption'' in Washington are being complicated by ethical allegations against two of their own members.

Representative Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, until April the ranking Democrat on the House ethics committee, said yesterday he is reviewing his financial disclosures after being accused of misstating personal assets. Fellow Democrat William Jefferson of Louisiana vowed to stay in office and fight allegations that he accepted bribes.

Democrats have focused on Republican scandals as they try to regain control of Congress amid sagging approval ratings for President George W. Bush and congressional Republicans.

The ethics problem ``seems to transcend party affiliation,'' said Amy Walter, House editor of the Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan Washington newsletter. ``An overwhelming focus on this corruption issue feeds into the negative stereotype that voters have about Congress, which is that it's just one side trying to score points off the other.''

A statement issued by Mollohan, 63, said he is ``confident in the fundamental accuracy'' of his financial statements. Jefferson, 59, declared his innocence at a news conference in New Orleans yesterday, almost two weeks after an associate pleaded guilty to bribing him.

this site might help you and heres some names,

Bob Ney
Cunningham: convicted
Foley Philip Giodano:37 years in prison
Mike Scanlon: guilty puplic bribery
Bob Packwood:resigned after ten female staffers reported him for sexual harrassment
Tom Delay

Now you have to go back in time and talk about people who are no longer in Congress

I know Dems are up to their ass in corruption and broken promises - but do try to stay with the current Congress
BTW how much time did that mayor you started the thread with spend in congress?
Rep. Murtha ripped for 'invisible' $1,000,000 earmark
Jim Brown
July 20, 2007

Vocal anti-war Congressman John Murtha is under fire for a million-dollar earmark to an entity his Democratic colleagues could not prove even existed.

The House of Representatives recently passed an energy and water appropriations bill that included a $1 million earmark for the "Center for Instrumented Critical Infrastructure" in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the hometown of Congressman John Murtha (D-Pennsylvania). Congressman Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) tried unsuccessfully to get the earmark stripped from the bill after his staff could not find a website for the Center.

When Flake took to the House floor and asked the chairman of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, Peter Visclosky (D-Indiana), whether the Center actually existed, Visclosky said he did not know. Despite Flake's objection, the bill -- earmark included -- passed overwhelmingly.

Leslie Paige of the watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste notes Murtha did not even come to the House floor to defend his earmark.

"Congressman Murtha seems to have actually created a new form of earmarks, which is earmarks for muggles, which mean we -- we muggles, us lousy taxpayers -- can't even know what it is," says Paige. "We aren't even allowed to see the earmark. It's like invisible."

Paige says Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's earlier vow to reform the earmark process was merely bluster -- and that Murtha's dubious earmark is symptomatic of a much larger problem.

"You've got to remember that back when the Democrats took over Congress under Chairman [David] Obey, the chairman of the Appropriations Committee, the promise was made that this would be the most transparent Congress," she points out, "and that they were going to peel the lid back from the spending process and show us all how the sausage is made.

"Well, it doesn't appear that they've done anything more than their predecessors did," Paige continues, "which is shove the stuff willy-nilly in the bills [and] defend it at all costs -- even when it makes no sense, even when they can't even explain whether or not the entity receiving the money physically exists. So much for the most transparent Congress in history."

It turns out Murtha's $1 million earmark will go to a private sector firm called Concurrent Technologies Corporation, which has donated $7,000 to Murtha's re-election campaign since 2002.
No it sucks when idiots cant tell the differance between propaganda and facts.
Imagine if top aides to President Bush ordered the FBI to produce damaging but false information about Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader. Now that would be a scandal. And that is what is happening in New York state, as the New York Post reports:

Gov. [Eliot] Spitzer suspended a top aide and reassigned another yesterday after Attorney General Andrew Cuomo released a bombshell report concluding they conspired with the State Police to damage Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno by cooking up a plot claiming he misused state aircraft.

Spitzer, who had recently insisted that neither his staff nor the State Police had acted improperly, said communications director Darren Dopp was suspended without pay for an "indefinite period" of at least 30 days.

William Howard, the governor's assistant secretary for homeland security, will be reassigned to a position outside of the governor's staff.

Cuomo's report also recommended disciplinary action be considered against acting State Police Superintendent Preston Felton, but none was taken.

The scathing, 53-page report detailed a months-long scheme in which Dopp, Howard, and Felton--at times with the partial knowledge of Spitzer chief of staff Richard Baum--used the State Police to gather and create misleading and inaccurate records on Bruno's use of state aircraft to travel from Albany to Manhattan in hopes of showing he was using the flights strictly for political purposes, a possibly illegal action. . . .

The report confirmed a week's worth of investigative stories in The Post beginning July 5 that found aides to Spitzer, including Dopp, used the State Police as, in effect, a spy agency as part of a broad conspiracy aimed at destroying Bruno.

For what it's worth, Spitzer is a Democrat and Bruno is a Republican. The New York Times, in covering the report, described Spitzer as " a former prosecutor who came into office less than seven months ago with a reputation for integrity and who promised to bring a new ethical climate to Albany."

The ethical climate he brought to Albany is new, all right. But if he had an undeserved "reputation for integrity" before becoming governor, perhaps that is because of the friendly coverage he received from such news organizations as the Times. The Post's scoop and its consequences are an object lesson in the importance of an independent press in holding public officials accountable.
this is why people dont like to discuss with you , you are oblivious to reality.

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