Another example of how right wingers think

Here's another example of right wing logic..
During an interview on Friday afternoon with, far-right radio host Wayne Allyn Root suggested that Trump runs for Congress in a bid to "wipe" Biden out.
"Why not, instead of waiting for 2024, and I'm hoping you'll run in 2024, but why not run in 2022 for the United States Congress? A House seat in Florida. Win big. Lead us to a dramatic landslide victory. Take the House by 50 seats," Root said. "Then you become the Speaker of the House, lead the impeachment of Biden and start criminal investigations against Biden. You'll wipe him out for this last two years," the radio host continued.

Trump appeared to be taken by the idea. "That's so interesting," the former president said. "You know, it's very interesting," he added.

He then said that Root's idea "might be better" than the suggestion that he run for the Senate'.Trump on idea to run for House seat in 2022 in a bid to become Speaker and launch an impeachment inquiry against Biden: 'It's very interesting'

Yet another glaring example of TDS / Trump OCD.

The see their POTUS Trump everywhere.
Says someway with a glaring example of BDS and sees POTUS Biden everywhere.
Spoken like a true 'rightie'..convoluted logic and all.
Lefties have no business talking about how righties think, or how our logic works. Lefties have absolutely no idea how righties think, since they have never actually been righties. Righties on the other hand, have all been lefties at some point. You see, every person who has been born was born a lefty, and we all screamed for that tit or bottle so we could survive. Some of us were civilized by the church and our families, and we were taught righty values. When we were taught these judeo Christian values that western civilization is based upon, we evolved to being righties. We still remember what it was like to be worthless commies/lefties, since that is what we evolved from, but we never go back. We can think like lefties OR righties, since we have been both. Lefties are still just lefties, and they haven't ever been righties. This means lefties cannot know how righties think.
Wayne Root? Where do lefties come up with this stuff? I guess (tax exempt) Media Matters is still monitoring (only) conservative speech 24/7. At least Root is articulate. Left wing spokespeople (including the president) seem to talk in grunts and single syllables these days.

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