Another example of Obama giving Congress the finger

Get used to it. You are going to see me for at least another thirty years. Giving 'Conservatives' heartburn by exposing their complete idiocy is a lark.

(smile) You really are quite the ignorant fuck.

Come try and take some of my money ;)

LOL. Since I am drawing SS while working, I guess I already am doing just that. Of course, the money coming out of my paycheck, and still coming out of my paychecks, supported the prior generation for the 50 years that I have already been paying into the system.
You've paid into nothing. You've been taxed.
The Social Security system is a ponzi scheme that gives back those taxed pennies on the dollar.
Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.

No, it is you idiots that are out of control. First, you flap-yap and lie about current events concerning the warming of the globe. It is not a natural cycle. It is a man created event. Every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this little planet has policy statements the say that. Yet ignoramouses like you with no scientific education at all believe that you know more than all the scientists in the world.

Second, we have the capability of supplying all of our energy needs with alternatives. And, should we decide to make that a priority, can do so in a single generation. That would not only free us from dependence of foriegn energy, but also clean our skys and waterways of much of the pollution with see today. We will be a healthier and wealthier nation for doing that.

There is no scientific evidence that proves any climate shift( not admitting there is such a thing other than natural shifts) is man made.
You may believe what you wish. All of the made up junk science that has been debunked. All the data collected and destroyed by those so called scientists that proved the global warming thing was a lie.
The NASA study that concluded the Earth's average temperature rose by a whopping 1.8*C in the last 100 years....Of course to a true believer in the lib narrative, those facts mean nothing believe what you will. US Energy independence is coming. Fossil fuels will be part of the future for generations to come.
New energy sources will be developed in time. And those which are viable and economically feasible and affordable will go to the marketplace.
Believe what you will.

Lordy, lordy. Not a belief. A scientific theory based on evidence, both in nature and the lab.

You people blather on about no scientific evidence, yet every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Lies is all you have, and lies is what you present. 1.8 degrees C is enough that we are seeing the Arctic Ice disappearing with the results that we see daily now in a changing climate. And, since the effects that we are seeing today are from the GHG levels of 30 to 50 years ago, every year we will see even more effects.
(smile) You really are quite the ignorant fuck.

Come try and take some of my money ;)

LOL. Since I am drawing SS while working, I guess I already am doing just that. Of course, the money coming out of my paycheck, and still coming out of my paychecks, supported the prior generation for the 50 years that I have already been paying into the system.
You've paid into nothing. You've been taxed.
The Social Security system is a ponzi scheme that gives back those taxed pennies on the dollar.

Really? Most seem to think that it is the most effective program the government has put into effect. However, when you go to retire, just refuse to take any SS you have earned as a point of honor. Won't be any skin off of my nose.
No, it is you idiots that are out of control. First, you flap-yap and lie about current events concerning the warming of the globe. It is not a natural cycle. It is a man created event. Every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this little planet has policy statements the say that. Yet ignoramouses like you with no scientific education at all believe that you know more than all the scientists in the world.

Second, we have the capability of supplying all of our energy needs with alternatives. And, should we decide to make that a priority, can do so in a single generation. That would not only free us from dependence of foriegn energy, but also clean our skys and waterways of much of the pollution with see today. We will be a healthier and wealthier nation for doing that.

Green energy is a joke. Every watt of wind and solar requires 100% backup from a coal fired plant. Germany is building 20 new coal plants. That's how good wind and solar are.

Global use of solar and wind energy continued to grow significantly in 2012. Solar power consumption increased by 58 percent, to 93 terrawatt-hours (TWh), and the use of wind power increased by 18 percent, to 521 TWh. Although hydropower remains the world's leading renewable energy, solar and wind energy continue to dominate investment in new renewable capacity and are quickly becoming the highest-profile renewable energy sources, write Worldwatch staff in the Institute's latest Vital Signs Online trend.

Read more: Growth of Global Solar and Wind Energy Continues to Outpace Other Technologies - Renewable Energy - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
Bullshit ...Companies that manufacture the shit cannot drop out of the business fast enough.
Mother earth news? Are you fucking kidding?
One of the drawbacks of a republican form of government is that we allow people like you to partake in it.

Get used to it. You are going to see me for at least another thirty years. Giving 'Conservatives' heartburn by exposing their complete idiocy is a lark.

Just quaking in our boots....
You are free entertainment. That's all.

Well, the blathering of the willfully ignorant and mean spirited is not even entertainment, so I guess that I am a bit ahead of you.
Green energy is a joke. Every watt of wind and solar requires 100% backup from a coal fired plant. Germany is building 20 new coal plants. That's how good wind and solar are.

Global use of solar and wind energy continued to grow significantly in 2012. Solar power consumption increased by 58 percent, to 93 terrawatt-hours (TWh), and the use of wind power increased by 18 percent, to 521 TWh. Although hydropower remains the world's leading renewable energy, solar and wind energy continue to dominate investment in new renewable capacity and are quickly becoming the highest-profile renewable energy sources, write Worldwatch staff in the Institute's latest Vital Signs Online trend.

Read more: Growth of Global Solar and Wind Energy Continues to Outpace Other Technologies - Renewable Energy - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
Bullshit ...Companies that manufacture the shit cannot drop out of the business fast enough.
Mother earth news? Are you fucking kidding?

LOL. Really? Then how come the amount installed is increasing by double digit figures every year? As in compounded. You people that are so into denying reality are a hoot.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.

Right. Ok....Facts and links please.
Who told you that the path to prosperity is through the expansion of government and more government spending?
Have you no ability to see what has been occurring in the Euro Zone for the last 10 years?
Virtually every EU country is on COD.
Even the Germans, which kept most of the EU afloat have thrown in the towel.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.

Repealing Obamacare would increase jobs and the quality of jobs. Not passing another "stimulus" when the last one didn't stimulate anything is good.

It would certainly end the threat against the full time job status.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.

Right. Ok....Facts and links please.
Who told you that the path to prosperity is through the expansion of government and more government spending?
Have you no ability to see what has been occurring in the Euro Zone for the last 10 years?
Virtually every EU country is on COD.
Even the Germans, which kept most of the EU afloat have thrown in the towel.

Well, if you are against expanding government spending, why have you ever supported the GOP? They have expanded government spending far more than the Dems ever did.

Economist's View: Per Capita Government Spending by President

Per capita government spending under President Obama has actually decreased, the only decrease since the 70's. Nixon-Ford and Bush 2 were the people that increased the spending, per capita, the most, with Reagan close behind.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.

Repealing Obamacare would increase jobs and the quality of jobs. Not passing another "stimulus" when the last one didn't stimulate anything is good.

It would certainly end the threat against the full time job status.

And you are both full of shit. It has worked well in Massechusetts, and it will work well in the nation. It is just like the economy that was supposed to utterly fail because of President Obama, and now the market is running along at over 15,000, in spite of the best efforts of the GOP.
Reuters) - New solar photovoltaic power installations in the United States totaled 723 megawatts (MW) during the first quarter, up 33 percent over the same period in 2012, industry analysts said in a report on Tuesday

U.S. photovoltaic power installations rise 33 pct in 1st quarter | Reuters

For those that are capable of their own installations and building the racks for the panels, the cost of a solar installation can be well below $2 a watt.
No, it is you idiots that are out of control. First, you flap-yap and lie about current events concerning the warming of the globe. It is not a natural cycle. It is a man created event. Every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this little planet has policy statements the say that. Yet ignoramouses like you with no scientific education at all believe that you know more than all the scientists in the world.

Second, we have the capability of supplying all of our energy needs with alternatives. And, should we decide to make that a priority, can do so in a single generation. That would not only free us from dependence of foriegn energy, but also clean our skys and waterways of much of the pollution with see today. We will be a healthier and wealthier nation for doing that.

There is no scientific evidence that proves any climate shift( not admitting there is such a thing other than natural shifts) is man made.
You may believe what you wish. All of the made up junk science that has been debunked. All the data collected and destroyed by those so called scientists that proved the global warming thing was a lie.
The NASA study that concluded the Earth's average temperature rose by a whopping 1.8*C in the last 100 years....Of course to a true believer in the lib narrative, those facts mean nothing believe what you will. US Energy independence is coming. Fossil fuels will be part of the future for generations to come.
New energy sources will be developed in time. And those which are viable and economically feasible and affordable will go to the marketplace.
Believe what you will.

Lordy, lordy. Not a belief. A scientific theory based on evidence, both in nature and the lab.

You people blather on about no scientific evidence, yet every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Lies is all you have, and lies is what you present. 1.8 degrees C is enough that we are seeing the Arctic Ice disappearing with the results that we see daily now in a changing climate. And, since the effects that we are seeing today are from the GHG levels of 30 to 50 years ago, every year we will see even more effects.
Nonsense. It is YOUR belief...
The ice caps are not disappearing. If that were the case, the result would have resulted in a catastrophe already.
It makes no difference. Human beings cannot change the Earth's climate cycles.
LOL. Since I am drawing SS while working, I guess I already am doing just that. Of course, the money coming out of my paycheck, and still coming out of my paychecks, supported the prior generation for the 50 years that I have already been paying into the system.
You've paid into nothing. You've been taxed.
The Social Security system is a ponzi scheme that gives back those taxed pennies on the dollar.

Really? Most seem to think that it is the most effective program the government has put into effect. However, when you go to retire, just refuse to take any SS you have earned as a point of honor. Won't be any skin off of my nose.
SS is viewed in this manner because those same people have been convinced SS is an entitlement.
Just ask the wealthy elderly retired people living off a large pension...Touch their SS and they go ballistic.
Do you really think there is a SS trust fund? Do you really believe there is an 'account' with your name on it somewhere?
If the government had to default on SS tomorrow, none of us would get a dime and there isn't a fuckin thing we could do about it.
What's the first thing Obama threatened to do if the Congress did not do as he ordered and refused to raise the debt ceiling? He told the country that SS checks would not be mailed.
SS will not be there for me when I retire. I am not worried about it. I have other plans.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.

Right. Ok....Facts and links please.
Who told you that the path to prosperity is through the expansion of government and more government spending?
Have you no ability to see what has been occurring in the Euro Zone for the last 10 years?
Virtually every EU country is on COD.
Even the Germans, which kept most of the EU afloat have thrown in the towel.

Well, if you are against expanding government spending, why have you ever supported the GOP? They have expanded government spending far more than the Dems ever did.

Economist's View: Per Capita Government Spending by President

Per capita government spending under President Obama has actually decreased, the only decrease since the 70's. Nixon-Ford and Bush 2 were the people that increased the spending, per capita, the most, with Reagan close behind.

No, that's not what the chart says. It says per capita growth comparing the first quarter spending of a new President with his last quarter. That doesn't mean the spending has decreased, it means that he spent really big early on and has tapered off.

So if Bush '43 started at $100 per person and ended at $$150 per person while Obama started at $500 per person and ended at $450, this charts show that his spending has decreased.

But is $450 less than $150?
There is no scientific evidence that proves any climate shift( not admitting there is such a thing other than natural shifts) is man made.
You may believe what you wish. All of the made up junk science that has been debunked. All the data collected and destroyed by those so called scientists that proved the global warming thing was a lie.
The NASA study that concluded the Earth's average temperature rose by a whopping 1.8*C in the last 100 years....Of course to a true believer in the lib narrative, those facts mean nothing believe what you will. US Energy independence is coming. Fossil fuels will be part of the future for generations to come.
New energy sources will be developed in time. And those which are viable and economically feasible and affordable will go to the marketplace.
Believe what you will.

Lordy, lordy. Not a belief. A scientific theory based on evidence, both in nature and the lab.

You people blather on about no scientific evidence, yet every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Lies is all you have, and lies is what you present. 1.8 degrees C is enough that we are seeing the Arctic Ice disappearing with the results that we see daily now in a changing climate. And, since the effects that we are seeing today are from the GHG levels of 30 to 50 years ago, every year we will see even more effects.
Nonsense. It is YOUR belief...
The ice caps are not disappearing. If that were the case, the result would have resulted in a catastrophe already.
It makes no difference. Human beings cannot change the Earth's climate cycles.

Sheesh. Such a dumb fuck you truly are. The laws of physics don't give a damn whether an increase in GHGs has come the burning of fossil fuels, or the outgassing of volcanic trap flows, the result is the same, a rapid heating of the earth, and, in the case of some of the trap flows, an extinction event.
Repealing Obamacare would increase jobs and the quality of jobs. Not passing another "stimulus" when the last one didn't stimulate anything is good.

It would certainly end the threat against the full time job status.

And you are both full of shit. It has worked well in Massechusetts, and it will work well in the nation. It is just like the economy that was supposed to utterly fail because of President Obama, and now the market is running along at over 15,000, in spite of the best efforts of the GOP.

The DOW Index is not the economy, and the market is being propped up with $80 Billion in gifts from the Federal Reserve.

Unemployment is at 7.4%, higher than all but Bush's last month in office. Median household net worth is lower now that at any time in the Bush economy.
You've paid into nothing. You've been taxed.
The Social Security system is a ponzi scheme that gives back those taxed pennies on the dollar.

Really? Most seem to think that it is the most effective program the government has put into effect. However, when you go to retire, just refuse to take any SS you have earned as a point of honor. Won't be any skin off of my nose.
SS is viewed in this manner because those same people have been convinced SS is an entitlement.
Just ask the wealthy elderly retired people living off a large pension...Touch their SS and they go ballistic.
Do you really think there is a SS trust fund? Do you really believe there is an 'account' with your name on it somewhere?
If the government had to default on SS tomorrow, none of us would get a dime and there isn't a fuckin thing we could do about it.
What's the first thing Obama threatened to do if the Congress did not do as he ordered and refused to raise the debt ceiling? He told the country that SS checks would not be mailed.
SS will not be there for me when I retire. I am not worried about it. I have other plans.

So did a lot of people prior to '29, and most of them were smarter than you, but just as broke as you will be by '30.

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