Another example of Obama giving Congress the finger

Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.

No, it is you idiots that are out of control. First, you flap-yap and lie about current events concerning the warming of the globe. It is not a natural cycle. It is a man created event. Every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this little planet has policy statements the say that. Yet ignoramouses like you with no scientific education at all believe that you know more than all the scientists in the world.

Second, we have the capability of supplying all of our energy needs with alternatives. And, should we decide to make that a priority, can do so in a single generation. That would not only free us from dependence of foriegn energy, but also clean our skys and waterways of much of the pollution with see today. We will be a healthier and wealthier nation for doing that.

Green energy is a joke. Every watt of wind and solar requires 100% backup from a coal fired plant. Germany is building 20 new coal plants. That's how good wind and solar are.

Global use of solar and wind energy continued to grow significantly in 2012. Solar power consumption increased by 58 percent, to 93 terrawatt-hours (TWh), and the use of wind power increased by 18 percent, to 521 TWh. Although hydropower remains the world's leading renewable energy, solar and wind energy continue to dominate investment in new renewable capacity and are quickly becoming the highest-profile renewable energy sources, write Worldwatch staff in the Institute's latest Vital Signs Online trend.

Read more: Growth of Global Solar and Wind Energy Continues to Outpace Other Technologies - Renewable Energy - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
(smile) You really are quite the ignorant fuck.

Come try and take some of my money ;)

LOL. Since I am drawing SS while working, I guess I already am doing just that. Of course, the money coming out of my paycheck, and still coming out of my paychecks, supported the prior generation for the 50 years that I have already been paying into the system.

You'll be dead soon, the world will be a better place.

We both know you'd have been fragged in the Nam.

Not at all. A good twenty years left, and maybe even 40.

As for 'Nam, I have always been capable of doing what is neccessary. As with other places I have been and worked, I would have been an asset to whatever unit I was with. I was never there, and am quite happy with that fact. Many freinds and some relatives were, and it was not a good place to be.
Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.
Well, he's going about it the wrong way.

Obama keeps thinking he's a monarch, a kingpin who has decided political opponents are his enemy and should be visited by the IRS and the NSA listen ins.

He's a troubled man, very confused.
LOL. Since I am drawing SS while working, I guess I already am doing just that. Of course, the money coming out of my paycheck, and still coming out of my paychecks, supported the prior generation for the 50 years that I have already been paying into the system.

You'll be dead soon, the world will be a better place.

We both know you'd have been fragged in the Nam.

Not at all. A good twenty years left, and maybe even 40.

As for 'Nam, I have always been capable of doing what is neccessary. As with other places I have been and worked, I would have been an asset to whatever unit I was with. I was never there, and am quite happy with that fact. Many freinds and some relatives were, and it was not a good place to be.

Not today dad, you've become what you fought.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.
Promoting all government jobs to come under the umbrella of the union and then hiring all people without a job to work for the government and take home a million bucks on retirement day in 20 years is not sustainable, Old Rocks.

You better be glad Republicans did their best to stop it and prevented more spending bills from being passed, because forcing 20% of the working population to support with all their labor 80% is also a condition known as enslaving the middle class, not freeing the middle class.

Always had a problem with math?
No, it is you idiots that are out of control. First, you flap-yap and lie about current events concerning the warming of the globe. It is not a natural cycle. It is a man created event. Every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this little planet has policy statements the say that. Yet ignoramouses like you with no scientific education at all believe that you know more than all the scientists in the world.

Second, we have the capability of supplying all of our energy needs with alternatives. And, should we decide to make that a priority, can do so in a single generation. That would not only free us from dependence of foriegn energy, but also clean our skys and waterways of much of the pollution with see today. We will be a healthier and wealthier nation for doing that.

Green energy is a joke. Every watt of wind and solar requires 100% backup from a coal fired plant. Germany is building 20 new coal plants. That's how good wind and solar are.

Global use of solar and wind energy continued to grow significantly in 2012. Solar power consumption increased by 58 percent, to 93 terrawatt-hours (TWh), and the use of wind power increased by 18 percent, to 521 TWh. Although hydropower remains the world's leading renewable energy, solar and wind energy continue to dominate investment in new renewable capacity and are quickly becoming the highest-profile renewable energy sources, write Worldwatch staff in the Institute's latest Vital Signs Online trend.

Read more: Growth of Global Solar and Wind Energy Continues to Outpace Other Technologies - Renewable Energy - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Green energy is a disaster for every country that has tried it:

  • German’s electricity bills have doubled since 2000. (Germans pay about 40c a KWH.)
  • Up to 800,000 Germans have had their power cut off because they couldn’t pay their bills.
  • Germany’s renewable energy levy rose from €14bn to €20bn in one year as wind and solar expanded. German households will pay a renewables surcharge of €7.2bn this year alone.
  • Germany has more than half the worlds solar panels. They generated 40% of Germany’s peak electricity demand on June 6, but practically 0% during the darkest weeks of winter.
  • Seimens closed it’s entire solar division, losing about €1bn. Bosch is getting out too, it has lost about €2.4bn.
  • Solar investors have lost almost about €25bn in the past year. More than 5,000 companies associated with solar have closed since 2010.
  • Germany has phased out nuclear, but is adding 20 coal fired stations. Gas power can’t compete with cheap coal or subsidized renewables and 20% of gas power plants are facing shutdown.
  • Despite the river of money paid to renewables, emissions have risen in Germany for the last two years.
  • Two weeks ago the Czech Government has decided to end all subsidies.
  • Spain owes €126bn to renewable energy investors.
  • In Spain more than 5,000 solar entrepreneurs face bankruptcy without the subsidies.
  • EU leaders now officially list affordable energy as being more important than greenhouse emissions.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.

Repealing Obamacare would increase jobs and the quality of jobs. Not passing another "stimulus" when the last one didn't stimulate anything is good.
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

One of the drawbacks of a republican form of government is that we allow people like you to partake in it.

You have no choice but to allow people like Old Rocks to participate in our representative form ofgovernment. We've got the Armed Forces on our side!
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

This president should be permitted to rule by political fiat?
obama controls the climate. The sun only rises to see him smile.

Yep, and doofus flap-yap like that is exactly the reason that you lost in 2012. And deserve to lose again in at least the next two elections.

just a minute. Obama claims HIS policies can 'do something' about climate change.
So with the stroke of a pen, Obama is going to alter the Earths climate cycles?
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

Yeah.. checks and balances and rules of government are a BAD thing :rolleyes:

It is NOT supposed to be easy to expand the powers of government

Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.

No, it is you idiots that are out of control. First, you flap-yap and lie about current events concerning the warming of the globe. It is not a natural cycle. It is a man created event. Every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this little planet has policy statements the say that. Yet ignoramouses like you with no scientific education at all believe that you know more than all the scientists in the world.

Second, we have the capability of supplying all of our energy needs with alternatives. And, should we decide to make that a priority, can do so in a single generation. That would not only free us from dependence of foriegn energy, but also clean our skys and waterways of much of the pollution with see today. We will be a healthier and wealthier nation for doing that.

There is no scientific evidence that proves any climate shift( not admitting there is such a thing other than natural shifts) is man made.
You may believe what you wish. All of the made up junk science that has been debunked. All the data collected and destroyed by those so called scientists that proved the global warming thing was a lie.
The NASA study that concluded the Earth's average temperature rose by a whopping 1.8*C in the last 100 years....Of course to a true believer in the lib narrative, those facts mean nothing believe what you will. US Energy independence is coming. Fossil fuels will be part of the future for generations to come.
New energy sources will be developed in time. And those which are viable and economically feasible and affordable will go to the marketplace.
Believe what you will.
40 votes wasted on repealing the ACA, and all wasted time. In the meantime, the Teabaggers that ran on the jobs issue have done every thing in their power to keep unemployment high. Every thing in their power to crash the economy. What a bunch of dirtbag assholes.

Harry Reid has not brought one single House Jobs Bill to the Senate floor. They're all in that pile in his office. You know; the one with the budgets...
Good for the President. We all should give this do-nothing Congress made up of the worst ignoramouses ever to stink up the halls of Congress the finger. And do the same for the insane Teabaggers.

One of the drawbacks of a republican form of government is that we allow people like you to partake in it.

Get used to it. You are going to see me for at least another thirty years. Giving 'Conservatives' heartburn by exposing their complete idiocy is a lark.

Just quaking in our boots....
You are free entertainment. That's all.

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