Another example of Obama giving Congress the finger

Reuters) - New solar photovoltaic power installations in the United States totaled 723 megawatts (MW) during the first quarter, up 33 percent over the same period in 2012, industry analysts said in a report on Tuesday

U.S. photovoltaic power installations rise 33 pct in 1st quarter | Reuters

For those that are capable of their own installations and building the racks for the panels, the cost of a solar installation can be well below $2 a watt.

Go find me a quote that actually shows that. Not some blog, not some bloviating, an actual vendor quote including the hookups to the power supply.
Reuters) - New solar photovoltaic power installations in the United States totaled 723 megawatts (MW) during the first quarter, up 33 percent over the same period in 2012, industry analysts said in a report on Tuesday

U.S. photovoltaic power installations rise 33 pct in 1st quarter | Reuters

For those that are capable of their own installations and building the racks for the panels, the cost of a solar installation can be well below $2 a watt.

DAYUM, Ol' Rocks, with all the knowledge and brilliance you are exhibiting here I'll bet you are generating at least 500 megawatts all by yer damn sef!
Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.

If we're worried about being dependent on foreign countries for energy, then why are we exporting it? Coal, natural gas, refined gas and I understand that if the xl pipeline is approved, then the refined product will be mostly for export.
Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.

If we're worried about being dependent on foreign countries for energy, then why are we exporting it? Coal, natural gas, refined gas and I understand that if the xl pipeline is approved, then the refined product will be mostly for export.
That's true but not accurate.
The point is with the increased capacity would come increased supply which would translate to lower prices. Don't forget, oil and natural gas are valuable commodities and these products help to lower our international trade deficit.
With more oil and gas harvesting, that trade deficit falls even further.
Now, with the royalties collected by the federal government, spending deficits could become a thing of the past as Washington would have more money than it knew what to do with.
It's a win win. We would import almost no oil. We would become the world's leading producer and exporter. The possibilities are enormous.
Obama is attempting to move forward on his mission in deference to environmental groups( a key democrat constituency) who are frustrated with Obama's inability to fulfill promises made to the environmentalists during his campaigns.
That statement is found in the article which is in the link.
Once again, Obama's enormous ego has him and his minions cracking the books to find a way to bypass Congress. This time on energy policy.
He plans on giving the EPA broad pseudo legislative powers regarding energy. The plan is to cripple the US's energy production capability. This puts us in deeper dependence on foreign countries for energy. Obama has it in his mind that oil and coal can be eliminated as energy sources...Now.
Obama actually believes he can stop the Earth's climate cycles.
» Obama, EPA plan climate change action without Congress » News -- GOPUSA
The guy is out of control.

"...his mind..." he has a mind ? oooooooh yes ! he mined one, found out it is coal and now wants to ban coal mining, thus adding to the unemployment rolls, creating more poverty which will in turn make those people dependent on the .gov for a meager existence.


just look at that photo, what fuck does he think he can do to change anything.

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