Another Example of Trump Mis-Managing the COVID Response

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Please quote where I made those rules darling?

The right wing did on this board when Obama got OBL. Something Bush failed to do. Look it up sonny.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Please quote where I made those rules darling?

The right wing did on this board when Obama got OBL. Something Bush failed to do. Look it up sonny.

You ain't the boss of me.

You said it was my rules.

Not true.


The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The Covid Vaccine will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

No brag; just fact....
As a hospital administrator, I'm getting a shot of the Covid Vaccine before the general public. I might be among the first to die from it or suffer it's side effects as well.

Society's judgment, not mine.

In this scenario, you are irrelevant. The positions you take? That just makes you an idiot.


The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

No brag; just fact....
As a hospital administrator, I'm getting a shot of THE TRUMP VACCINE before the general public. I might be among the first to die from it or suffer it's side effects as well.

Society's judgment, not mine.

In this scenario, you are irrelevant. The positions you take? That just makes you an idiot.


I am sorry you are so important.

How could I not see it.

Queen CandyCorn.

Thanks for advertising your importance for all to know.

How would we survive with out you.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

No brag; just fact....
As a hospital administrator, I'm getting a shot of THE TRUMP VACCINE before the general public. I might be among the first to die from it or suffer it's side effects as well.

Society's judgment, not mine.

In this scenario, you are irrelevant. The positions you take? That just makes you an idiot.


I am sorry you are so important.

How could I not see it.

Queen CandyCorn.

Sounds like you started doing bong rips early today.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

No brag; just fact....
As a hospital administrator, I'm getting a shot of THE TRUMP VACCINE before the general public. I might be among the first to die from it or suffer it's side effects as well.

Society's judgment, not mine.

In this scenario, you are irrelevant. The positions you take? That just makes you an idiot.


I am sorry you are so important.

How could I not see it.

Queen CandyCorn.

Sounds like you started doing bong rips early today.

Yes Queen Important. Whatever you say

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

Pure evidence that when we say "Trump could invent a cure for cancer and the left would find a way to criticize him for it" we are not joking.

Sorry, per the right wing rule that you have to be on the strike team to get credit for killing Bin Laden, Trump gets zero credit for anything to do with the vaccine.

His administration spending $600B on a pre-load that hasn't been tested at the sub-arctic temperatures is a concern though.... If the millions of doses in those pre-loads cannot be administered...that much time and precious vaccine will have been wasted. Better to go with the old glass vials in this case. I'm sure none of this will sink in with you but it is nevertheless is the truth.

Here is the part where you make an uninformed snide comment in response. It's all you can do.
Uninformed snide comments are your specialty. I’m just noting the fact that Trump is getting criticism. I said nothing about credit. I see you still haven’t learned to read very well since the last time we debated. Pity.
Daaaaamn! Predfan just pushed candycorn's shit in.

I know, it's not really difficult. She doesn't understand what she reads. Probably a combination of reading disability, pure emotional reaction, and a need to sidetrack the discussion to a position she's better suited to win.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

CC a girl from tuscan arizona important?

You couldn't even change a tire in the desert.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

SOME people refused to give obama credit for getting Osama, no one made up any rule. We DID criticize the media's adoration of obama as if he killed him with his own hands. No one here is claiming that Trump DEVELOPED the vaccine, but we can call it the Trump Vaccine because just like obama ordered the strike, Trump paved the way and financed research for the vaccine.

If Trump developed a cure for cancer, and I mean developed it by himself in Trump tower using his own money, everyone knows that the left would find a way to criticize him for it. It's no surprise that simpletons like candycorn are doing so with the vaccine.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

SOME people refused to give obama credit for getting Osama, no one made up any rule. We DID criticize the media's adoration of obama as if he killed him with his own hands. No one here is claiming that Trump DEVELOPED the vaccine, but we can call it the Trump Vaccine because just like obama ordered the strike, Trump paved the way and financed research for the vaccine.

If Trump developed a cure for cancer, and I mean developed it by himself in Trump tower using his own money, everyone knows that the left would find a way to criticize him for it. It's no surprise that simpletons like candycorn are doing so with THE TRUMP VACCINE.

Well stated sir.

We call it ObammyCare although he will never touch a patient.

And Trump directed production in parallel with development before the outcome is known. A bold course that is not financially optimal.

If trump jumped in the river and saved a drowning child and their puppy, Queen Self Importance CandyCane would complain he polluted the water.
Last edited:

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

No brag; just fact....
As a hospital administrator, I'm getting a shot of THE TRUMP VACCINE before the general public. I might be among the first to die from it or suffer it's side effects as well.

Society's judgment, not mine.

In this scenario, you are irrelevant. The positions you take? That just makes you an idiot.


I am sorry you are so important.

How could I not see it.

Queen CandyCorn.

Sounds like you started doing bong rips early today.

Yes Queen Important. Whatever you say

I'm sorry you're so frustrated at your lowly station in life. Better luck next life.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

No brag; just fact....
As a hospital administrator, I'm getting a shot of THE TRUMP VACCINE before the general public. I might be among the first to die from it or suffer it's side effects as well.

Society's judgment, not mine.

In this scenario, you are irrelevant. The positions you take? That just makes you an idiot.


I am sorry you are so important.

How could I not see it.

Queen CandyCorn.

Sounds like you started doing bong rips early today.

Yes Queen Important. Whatever you say

I'm sorry you're so frustrated at your lowly station in life. Better luck next life.

And what is my station Miss Braggart?

I am so far from frustrated.
I feel so bad about working form home every day.

So now my expenses are so much lower and I can deduct my home expenses on my taxes for a home office.

A huge raise and quality of life enhancement.

And then my side cash business....

I wish I was So Important like you darling.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

No brag; just fact....
As a hospital administrator, I'm getting a shot of THE TRUMP VACCINE before the general public. I might be among the first to die from it or suffer it's side effects as well.

Society's judgment, not mine.

In this scenario, you are irrelevant. The positions you take? That just makes you an idiot.


I am sorry you are so important.

How could I not see it.

Queen CandyCorn.

Sounds like you started doing bong rips early today.

Yes Queen Important. Whatever you say

I'm sorry you're so frustrated at your lowly station in life. Better luck next life.

There is no next life. I guess science eludes you.

Sad really the public school outcomes.

The article that most won't read or listen to is about a delivery device for the vaccine. It's completely untested. Here is a picture of it:

View attachment 418308

The Trump administration is giving the manufacturer a $500M loan to build these self-contained devices (We call them pre-loads in the biz). It comes loaded with vaccines already.
This is not really any thing new--we've had penicillin in preload form for years. What is a change is that given the Pfizer variety having to be kept at -70C. Its unclear on how the plastic in the above syringe will hold up to sub-arctic temperatures...much less what happens when they are thawed.

On one hand, the self-contained prevents shortages of vials and syringes and needles--it's all one unit. On the other hand, it could delay the roll-out if the never-before-tried technology fails.
It would be much better to simply ensure we have enough of the conventional delivery systems instead of making this 1/2 billion dollar gamble.

Bad form Mr. President.

So will you take the Trump vaccine?

There is no Trump vaccine. Trump gets zero credit. Just like Obama got zero credit since he wasn't on the strike team that took down OBL.

Your rules, not mine.

When the Covid vaccine is made available, I'll be among the first to receive it as I work in a major hospital.

Trump's Operation Warp Speed saved us form the second virus on his watch.

Let us know how you respond to The Trump Vaccine.

There is no Trump vaccine. He gets zero credit. Your rules, not mine.


Please quote me as to where there are the rules.

Now take your Trump Vaccine as your commander in chief has directed you.

You can look it up.
The TRUMP VACCINE will be administered to persons like myself first. We're important. You? Not so much.

Glad you feel the need to make yourself important.

So humble.
Pretentiousness is a hallmark of the publicly Schooled.

And right who really needs electricity?
Do you happen to use any where you work honey?

Society deems me important. Not my idea.
Your life choices have made you irrelevant. Again, not my idea.

Telling that you need to brag about it.

And belittle others.

Sounds like you are an only child.

I don't need to the self validation to feel good about myself as you do.

"Society deems me important."

"We're important. You? Not so much."

And the funny part is you know nothing about me but have no qualms about saying:
"Your life choices have made you irrelevant. "
"We're important. You? Not so much."
Sad really darling. And telling.

Enjoy being around all those people that haven't taken THE TRUMP VACCINE yet Miss Self Important ....

* Snicker *

No brag; just fact....
As a hospital administrator, I'm getting a shot of THE TRUMP VACCINE before the general public. I might be among the first to die from it or suffer it's side effects as well.

Society's judgment, not mine.

In this scenario, you are irrelevant. The positions you take? That just makes you an idiot.


I am sorry you are so important.

How could I not see it.

Queen CandyCorn.

Sounds like you started doing bong rips early today.

Yes Queen Important. Whatever you say

I'm sorry you're so frustrated at your lowly station in life. Better luck next life.

And what is my station Miss Braggart?

I am so far from frustrated.
I feel so bad about working form home every day.

So now my expenses are so much lower and I can deduct my home expenses on my taxes for a home office.

A huge raise and quality of life enhancement.

And then my side cash business....

I wish I was So Important like you darling.

You're arguing on a message board about things you have zero clue of. Preloads are usually refrigerated. Some are frozen. Almost no vaccine in the world produced at this scale has to be kept at -70C; sub-arctic temperatures. Nobody knows how the plastic will hold up over time...that's the key...over time. Nobody knows how the vaccine will interact with the plastic over time...thats the key...over time.

Producing enough vaccine for the billion or so people who are going to be getting the shots is hard enough. Wanting to put a significant amount of it into unproven vessels...thats a pretty big gamble seeing as how thousands are dying every day from the pandemic.

You turn every debate into a personal attack and try to make some sort of snide comment. Put bluntly; you're an imbecile.

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