Another example of Trump's blatant LIES....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Following his blatant hatred of a much more popular president Obama, Trump this morning tweeted:

122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama administration from GITMO, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision.

Now, Trump sort of got this from a FOX news report and, in fairness, Fox never mentioned that these prisoners were released by Obama.

However, the DUMBEST of presidents....the one who now sits in the oval office never bother to check that 113 of these prisoners were released by the GWB administration.

My dear right wingers keep THIS in mind when you choose to fully "believe" the Trumpster when he casts his screwed up accusations that Obama wire tapped the orange clown.
Not a single one of you left wing assholes has any standing to complain about lies. You sat there and listened and approved as 0bama, Pelosi, Reid, Emmanuel, and the rest of the democrats lied continuously for 8 years. You assholes can just shut the fuck up.
How are you going to keep this up for 8 years?
Jake gets paid by the post, this is his full time job, so yes, expect this for 8 years.

Hopefully, it changes to pleading that Comey, Clapper and Obama not face a firing squad after they've been found guilty of sedition and treason
Hey, we're not supposed to take him seriously, we're supposed to take him literally.

Um, wait.

We're not supposed to take him literally, we're supposed to take him seriously.

Ah, fuck it, I don't remember now.
Following his blatant hatred of a much more popular president Obama, Trump this morning tweeted:

122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama administration from GITMO, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision.

Now, Trump sort of got this from a FOX news report and, in fairness, Fox never mentioned that these prisoners were released by Obama.

However, the DUMBEST of presidents....the one who now sits in the oval office never bother to check that 113 of these prisoners were released by the GWB administration.

My dear right wingers keep THIS in mind when you choose to fully "believe" the Trumpster when he casts his screwed up accusations that Obama wire tapped the orange clown.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- its cool , mrobama released SOME of these 'gitmo' prisoners and thats good enough . In fact Trump just droned one of them a day or 2 ago. GWB was also scum Nat !!
How are you going to keep this up for 8 years?
Jake gets paid by the post, this is his full time job, so yes, expect this for 8 years.

Hopefully, it changes to pleading that Comey, Clapper and Obama not face a firing squad after they've been found guilty of sedition and treason

Is this NAT person also Jake?

Enough people have seen how full of shit NAT is. I've posted his nonsense from before the election.

I'm tapping out. Buyer beware.
Another example of lies and propaganda from Putin's biggest bitch?
Or are you a paid Hillbot Vagina Blogger?
I dub thee, "Sir Spamalot"!
Twitter needs to just do the dumb ass a favor and ban his account. The man has the entire federal government at his disposal and instead of having someone do a fact check in 30 seconds, he just blasts off tweets he sees on Fox News or reads on Brietbart. This is fucking insane... I can't imagine what people in other countries are thinking about him and how it reflects on the U.S.
Nat has taken R-Derp's place as the board's "spammer" of anti conservative strings.
What's happened to our board idiot by the way...I haven't seen an R-Derp post in days...I'm starting to worry he's either hurt himself or he's off his meds at the home!
FREE Country , have you forgotten hmm ?? And fureigners , some people are always worried about fureigners , feck them fureigners Lew .
Hopefully, it changes to pleading that Comey, Clapper and Obama not face a firing squad after they've been found guilty of sedition and treason

You're funny.......a moron, for sure....but funny, nonetheless.....LOL
Hey, we're not supposed to take him seriously, we're supposed to take him literally.

Um, wait.

We're not supposed to take him literally, we're supposed to take him seriously.

Ah, fuck it, I don't remember now.

Actually, there was a time when "defenders" claimed that the Trumpster was a master of sarcasm.....LOL
This is fucking insane... I can't imagine what people in other countries are thinking about him and how it reflects on the U.S.

Oh. my friend, you should READ what the foreign press is stating about the orange clown. They objectively think that the U.S. has "elected" a spoiled toddler.
Obama tapped Trump's phones and listened in for political advantage during the campaign season.

Slaves were immigrants.

Fuck it, I can't take it any more. I'm done fighting with this madness.
Following his blatant hatred of a much more popular president Obama, Trump this morning tweeted:

122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama administration from GITMO, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision.

Now, Trump sort of got this from a FOX news report and, in fairness, Fox never mentioned that these prisoners were released by Obama.

However, the DUMBEST of presidents....the one who now sits in the oval office never bother to check that 113 of these prisoners were released by the GWB administration.

My dear right wingers keep THIS in mind when you choose to fully "believe" the Trumpster when he casts his screwed up accusations that Obama wire tapped the orange clown.
Hard to tell the Bush regime from the Obama regime...both neo con clowns.
Hard to tell the Bush regime from the Obama regime...both neo con clowns.

Lets see, GWB releases 113 versus Obama's 9 and you would STILL equate those two presidents the same?

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