Another example of what happens when race baiters are taken seriously


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Seems the thinking now is that any deaths of black people are automatically the fault of the police. Holder did a good job with the Ferguson case. He twisted facts and with the help of Sharpton managed to whip uneducated minorities into a frenzy.

Cops will be blamed for deaths even though they are just doing their job. Do the race baiters expect cops to start looking the other way when minorities are committing crimes?

Three young teens stole a car and went speeding down the road on a joyride. A cop clocked the speed and immediately pulled them over. As the officer exited his vehicle and started walking toward the car, the driver pulled away and went speeding around a corner. She lost control and hit a tree, killing herself and seriously injuring one of her friends. She sped off so quickly that the officer didn't even have time to give chase. There was no pursuit and it was over before he could think about it.

The mother blames the cop for pulling them over and claims it was a high speed chase. No, ma'am, it was a high speed get away and your baby is a criminal who made several incredibly stupid choices that night. It is sad when young people die needlessly, but you cannot blame the cop for pulling over a speeding vehicle, that happened to be stolen. Perhaps the young girl would still be alive if she had been raised by parents who taught her the difference between right and wrong. It's her own fault that she stole a car and drove recklessly. Cops pull over speeders. Cops pull over cars reported as stolen. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with breaking the law. Don't want to get pulled over? Try obeying the law. Speeding off because you know that a speeding ticket isn't your only offense is no excuse for making a get away. It makes things worse. If you live through it, you face even more charges. The mother should be sad because the entire thing would have been avoided if her daughter had any respect for other people and property. She wasn't taught that. Stealing cars is not just kids being kids. Something has gone horribly wrong when such young people commit such serious thefts.
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The cop must have been black or they'd be all over the "evilwhiteracistkkk police kill unarmed baby" angle.
Not sure of the race of the cop. Of course, it shouldn't matter. The cop in this case, as in the Ferguson case, did nothing wrong. Not that it will stop Holder from intervening if enough people cry racism.

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