Another Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down DOMA

That's why it has to be decided in the Supreme Court. We have a nation in decline and decay, I expect DOMA to be struck down by the Supreme Court, we are simply becoming too degenerate to survive.

Can you explain how two adults in a monogamous relationship filing a married tax return is degenerate?

Same sex marriage is degenerate.

According to what objective and legally recognized authority?

If you believe it’s ‘wrong’ then don’t engage in same-sex marriage; otherwise you’re in no position to dictate to others.
Can you explain how two adults in a monogamous relationship filing a married tax return is degenerate?

Same sex marriage is degenerate.

According to what objective and legally recognized authority?

If you believe it’s ‘wrong’ then don’t engage in same-sex marriage; otherwise you’re in no position to dictate to others.

I don't think the people I pay taxes to should be ruling on this
Gay have the same rights everybody else does.
Should gay family members be allowed to marry each other?
Should non-gay members in a family be allowed to marry each other?

Same sex marriage is degenerate.

According to what objective and legally recognized authority?

If you believe it’s ‘wrong’ then don’t engage in same-sex marriage; otherwise you’re in no position to dictate to others.

I don't think the people I pay taxes to should be ruling on this
Gay have the same rights everybody else does.
Should gay family members be allowed to marry each other?
Same sex marriage is degenerate.

According to what objective and legally recognized authority?

If you believe it’s ‘wrong’ then don’t engage in same-sex marriage; otherwise you’re in no position to dictate to others.

I don't think the people I pay taxes to should be ruling on this
Gay have the same rights everybody else does.
Should gay family members be allowed to marry each other?

Why not let the courts decide?

Can you prove any detrimental impact on society if family members are allowed to marry? There are none with gays marrying
Next you will tell us that anyone who insists 1+1=2 is full of shit.

Anyone who insist on it, in fact, is full of shit like bripat.

But procreation is a big part of the reason there is a legal institution of marriage to begin with. You're right that it's also a contract between two committed individuals, but that doesn't speak to the unique union of marriage. Without procreation you just have two people wanting to call themselves married to attain a type of social distinction while not fulfilling one of its most fundamental purposes.

The only reason for the contract is to protect the offspring of the union. Without procreation, marriage wouldn't exist. Anyone who denies that is simply full of shit.
Same sex marriage is degenerate.

According to what objective and legally recognized authority?

If you believe it’s ‘wrong’ then don’t engage in same-sex marriage; otherwise you’re in no position to dictate to others.
According to God.

Religion is not an objective and legally recognized authority.

If one’s faith dictates he conducts himself in a certain manner, that’s fine; but it has no force of legitimate authority concerning the rest of society.
That's why it has to be decided in the Supreme Court. We have a nation in decline and decay, I expect DOMA to be struck down by the Supreme Court, we are simply becoming too degenerate to survive.

Can you explain how two adults in a monogamous relationship filing a married tax return is degenerate?

Same sex marriage is degenerate.

Same sex marriage is degenerate.

According to what objective and legally recognized authority?

If you believe it’s ‘wrong’ then don’t engage in same-sex marriage; otherwise you’re in no position to dictate to others.
According to God.

Thusly hilighting the point, that the only objection that really makes a lick of sense... (all the other ones are strawmen) is that opposition to it is nothing more than religious bigotry.

One day, Bigots will no longer have a voice strong enough to hold sway. It's time for the rest of the world to drag them kicking and screaming in to the 21st century.

Marriage is not about family members marrying each other, but that is what you want? Why?
You're deflecting
So should family members that are gay be allowed to marry each other. Yes or no?

It's not about two male perverts marrying each other either.

Bet you don't get quite so upset when you're watching your girl on girl porn.
Then your understanding of God is wrong.

According to what objective and legally recognized authority?

If you believe it’s ‘wrong’ then don’t engage in same-sex marriage; otherwise you’re in no position to dictate to others.
According to God.
No it isn't. God created Man and Woman. He said man is to cleave unto his Wife. Read the Bible before you say stupid things like that, you would not look as foolish.
Can you explain how two adults in a monogamous relationship filing a married tax return is degenerate?

Same sex marriage is degenerate.

Thusly hilighting the point, that the only objection that really makes a lick of sense... (all the other ones are strawmen) is that opposition to it is nothing more than religious bigotry.

One day, Bigots will no longer have a voice strong enough to hold sway. It's time for the rest of the world to drag them kicking and screaming in to the 21st century.

Marriage is not about family members marrying each other, but that is what you want? Why?

It's not about two male perverts marrying each other either.

Bet you don't get quite so upset when you're watching your girl on girl porn.
So, are calling God a bigot? God is correct, you gays are wrong. Live with it.
Same sex marriage is degenerate.

Thusly hilighting the point, that the only objection that really makes a lick of sense... (all the other ones are strawmen) is that opposition to it is nothing more than religious bigotry.

One day, Bigots will no longer have a voice strong enough to hold sway. It's time for the rest of the world to drag them kicking and screaming in to the 21st century.

It's not about two male perverts marrying each other either.

Bet you don't get quite so upset when you're watching your girl on girl porn.
So, are calling God a bigot? God is correct, you gays are wrong. Live with it.

I'm straight, actually. I just don't hate people mindlessly because they love someone of the same sex. It's not my right to decide for them. Nor is it yours.

Just go back to reading your bible and praying for the rapture.

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