Another Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down DOMA

That's why it has to be decided in the Supreme Court. We have a nation in decline and decay, I expect DOMA to be struck down by the Supreme Court, we are simply becoming too degenerate to survive.

Can you explain how two adults in a monogamous relationship filing a married tax return is degenerate?


Life started with a male and a female, not a male and male or female and female.
Romney will not pursue DOMA or DADT: he is simply telling the far right what they want to hear.

The only things Romney will be pursuing is golf games and speaking gigs as a private citizen after November 6th.

Obama is the golfer. Of course, whether he wins or not, all he will be pursuing after the election is golf and speaking engagements.
Romney will not pursue DOMA or DADT: he is simply telling the far right what they want to hear.

The only things Romney will be pursuing is golf games and speaking gigs as a private citizen after November 6th.

Obama is the golfer. Of course, whether he wins or not, all he will be pursuing after the election is golf and speaking engagements.

Nope obama will be pursuing another assault weapons ban.
That's why it has to be decided in the Supreme Court. We have a nation in decline and decay, I expect DOMA to be struck down by the Supreme Court, we are simply becoming too degenerate to survive.

Can you explain how two adults in a monogamous relationship filing a married tax return is degenerate?


Life started with a male and a female, not a male and male or female and female.

What does that have to do with allowing gays to marry?
DOMA is bad legislation based on hate

Long overdue for it to be ruled unconstitutional

It became necessary when homos and their defenders decided they wanted to rewrite the fundamentals rules of society.

Homosexuals have always been is society that is catching up

Birth defects have always been here. That doesn't mean that we should allow someone with Cerebral Palsy to become a brain surgeon.
Seawytch says she had children with "other couples." Apparently she believes procreation requires 3 people, and she has the gal to tell me I don't understand biology!

It does when you include a surrogate mother.

She also says she had a child with her lesbian partner. I'd like her to explain how that works. What part did her partner play in the act of conception?

She already explained that they used a sperm donor. Guess you weren't paying attention.

BTW, you do realize that it won't be very long before advances in reproductive medicine will allow women to sire children, right?

These are the kind of nutburgers who try to tell us that marriage has nothing to do with procreation.

Okay, let's say for a moment that it does. So what? How in the world can the "small government" right wing possibly justify the government being so intrusive in people's lives as to legislate procreation?
I also procreated with multiple partners since, after I had our two children (the children of my 17 year lesbian partner and I), I went on to have three more children for another couple.

Were y'all the 10 people @ Fluke's rally ?

Seawytch says she had children with "other couples." Apparently she believes procreation requires 3 people, and she has the gal to tell me I don't understand biology!

She also says she had a child with her lesbian partner. I'd like her to explain how that works. What part did her partner play in the act of conception?

These are the kind of nutburgers who try to tell us that marriage has nothing to do with procreation.

Marriage isn’t solely about procreation; again, it’s a contract between two committed individuals, their gender irrelevant, it doesn’t define marriage alone and legal, legitimate marriage can exist absent children.

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