Another Federali 'War' Results in More of the Problem, This Time it is Visa Overstays


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
When the Feds 'Declare War' on something, it is a guarantee that we will never fix the damned problem. Since the Cold War started, Feds don't fix anything, they declare war on it then manage the problem while milking it like a two ton dairy cow.

At first they contain the problem, whatever it is (drugs, illiteracy, crime, fraud, illegal immigration, whatever), but after a decade or two they lose sight of maintaining the façade of fixing anything and just exploit the system to the max and the whole thing runs away from them.

Look at the 'War on Terror' as a response to 9-11. How did ALL of the terrorists get into the country and plan and stage their attacks? Using visa overstays. We do not enforce our visa laws and we today have SIX MILLION unknown people still here on their expired visas.

Loophole Used by 9/11 Hijackers Still Open with 6 Million Visa Overstays in U.S.

There are at least six million illegal aliens who arrived in the United States the same way seven of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist hijackers came to the country: by overstaying a visa.
All 19 terrorists from 9/11 — who murdered nearly 3,000 Americans and injured more than 6,000 others in 2001 — arrived in the U.S. legally, with 16 obtaining tourist visas and three others obtaining business and student visas.

In total, seven of the 19 terrorists overstayed their visas at some point either before the 9/11 attacks or at the time of the attacks and were supposed to be deported, but never were....

Eighteen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the loophole where legal immigrants become illegal aliens after overstaying their visas remains fully open, with at least 4.5 to six million foreign nationals living in the U.S. who should have been deported after their visas expired, according to Pew Research Center.

In total, there are roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. at any given moment, and more than 1.2 million foreign nationals are legally admitted to the country every year — like all 19 terrorists were....

Foreign nationals arriving on temporary visas continue to go largely untracked by the federal government despite The 9/11 Commission Report pleading with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to implement a nationwide biometric entry-exit system, which would identify legal immigrants who have overstayed their visas and help in deporting them.

"Sorry, we are too busy hiring cute contractors fresh out of college and having tax payer funded orgies in Columbia, so F U."

Feds Have Not Implemented Immigration Controls to Avert Another 9/11

Vital immigration controls have yet to be implemented now, fifteen years after the 9/11 Commission released its report on how to prevent another terrorist attack in the United States.
Three years after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks — when nearly 3,000 Americans were killed and more than 6,000 others were injured — the 9/11 Commission released their report detailing the scale and scope of the attacks, as well as the ways in which the U.S. legal immigration system enabled the 19 terrorist hijackers to legally enter the country and remain despite seven overstaying their visas.

In the report, the 9/11 Commission details how former advisers to then-President Clinton requested that a number of immigration reforms be implemented, but never fully were, in the late 1990s and early 2000...

These unfulfilled initiatives included detaining terrorists already present in the U.S. while they await their deportation proceedings, raising standards for travel documents, and enacting stricter controls on student visas, which two of the 9/11 terrorists used to come to the U.S.

The 9/11 Commission, in its “What To Do?” portion, recommended that the U.S. implement a nationwide Biometric Entry/Exit screening system which would track every foreign national arriving and leaving the country...

Since the 9/11 Commission report, a nationwide Biometric Entry/Exit screening system has not been completed or implemented. Thus, illegal aliens who have overstayed their visas are not tracked and removed after their visas have expired. There are at least 4.5 to six million visa overstayers living in the U.S.​

In other words terrorists can hit us the SAME EXACT WAY THEY DID 18 years ago.

We are too stupid to survive another generation, I swear!
The only war will be against the Democratic party who will defend their illegal voters to the end. Unpopular, unintelligent, unpatriotic and unhinged Democrats have turned to illegal aliens to save them at the ballot box.
When the Feds 'Declare War' on something, it is a guarantee that we will never fix the damned problem. Since the Cold War started, Feds don't fix anything, they declare war on it then manage the problem while milking it like a two ton dairy cow.

At first they contain the problem, whatever it is (drugs, illiteracy, crime, fraud, illegal immigration, whatever), but after a decade or two they lose sight of maintaining the façade of fixing anything and just exploit the system to the max and the whole thing runs away from them.

Look at the 'War on Terror' as a response to 9-11. How did ALL of the terrorists get into the country and plan and stage their attacks? Using visa overstays. We do not enforce our visa laws and we today have SIX MILLION unknown people still here on their expired visas.

Loophole Used by 9/11 Hijackers Still Open with 6 Million Visa Overstays in U.S.

There are at least six million illegal aliens who arrived in the United States the same way seven of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist hijackers came to the country: by overstaying a visa.
All 19 terrorists from 9/11 — who murdered nearly 3,000 Americans and injured more than 6,000 others in 2001 — arrived in the U.S. legally, with 16 obtaining tourist visas and three others obtaining business and student visas.

In total, seven of the 19 terrorists overstayed their visas at some point either before the 9/11 attacks or at the time of the attacks and were supposed to be deported, but never were....

Eighteen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the loophole where legal immigrants become illegal aliens after overstaying their visas remains fully open, with at least 4.5 to six million foreign nationals living in the U.S. who should have been deported after their visas expired, according to Pew Research Center.

In total, there are roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. at any given moment, and more than 1.2 million foreign nationals are legally admitted to the country every year — like all 19 terrorists were....

Foreign nationals arriving on temporary visas continue to go largely untracked by the federal government despite The 9/11 Commission Report pleading with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to implement a nationwide biometric entry-exit system, which would identify legal immigrants who have overstayed their visas and help in deporting them.

"Sorry, we are too busy hiring cute contractors fresh out of college and having tax payer funded orgies in Columbia, so F U."

Feds Have Not Implemented Immigration Controls to Avert Another 9/11

Vital immigration controls have yet to be implemented now, fifteen years after the 9/11 Commission released its report on how to prevent another terrorist attack in the United States.
Three years after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks — when nearly 3,000 Americans were killed and more than 6,000 others were injured — the 9/11 Commission released their report detailing the scale and scope of the attacks, as well as the ways in which the U.S. legal immigration system enabled the 19 terrorist hijackers to legally enter the country and remain despite seven overstaying their visas.

In the report, the 9/11 Commission details how former advisers to then-President Clinton requested that a number of immigration reforms be implemented, but never fully were, in the late 1990s and early 2000...

These unfulfilled initiatives included detaining terrorists already present in the U.S. while they await their deportation proceedings, raising standards for travel documents, and enacting stricter controls on student visas, which two of the 9/11 terrorists used to come to the U.S.

The 9/11 Commission, in its “What To Do?” portion, recommended that the U.S. implement a nationwide Biometric Entry/Exit screening system which would track every foreign national arriving and leaving the country...

Since the 9/11 Commission report, a nationwide Biometric Entry/Exit screening system has not been completed or implemented. Thus, illegal aliens who have overstayed their visas are not tracked and removed after their visas have expired. There are at least 4.5 to six million visa overstayers living in the U.S.​

In other words terrorists can hit us the SAME EXACT WAY THEY DID 18 years ago.

We are too stupid to survive another generation, I swear!

Yeah, but the airports have been turned into the equivalent of the intake section at the county hoosegow!

You're telling me that this doesn't make you feel safer?
Anyone with an expired Visa should be booted out and there are thousands out there. Problem is finding them.
No, Claudette, there are literally MILLIONs of them and any of them could be nefarious.

What amazes me is that the Federalis have done NOTHING at all to implement the recommended changes to our way of tracking temporary visa holders.

Yeah, but the airports have been turned into the equivalent of the intake section at the county hoosegow!
You're telling me that this doesn't make you feel safer?

Of course not, it merely aggravates me in that it reminds me that the Federalis are more concerned with the façade of fixing the problem instead of actually fixing the problem.

They are milking the problem and trying to contain it some, hoping that we don't have another 9-11, but I can promise you we have had repeat attempts again, and one day the malicious population in the estimated 4 million foreigners no longer tracked living without documents in our country
Anyone with an expired Visa should be booted out and there are thousands out there. Problem is finding them.
Many of those who overstay their visas are from Europe, so deporting them is not as high a priority as deporting those at the detention centers at our southern border.

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