Another gay Repugs outs himself using tax dollars at a gay porn shop

How many tax dollars has Obama wasted in his term just by taking separate trips then his wife and kids. His wife and kids went to Martha Vineyard before him. Now they are going to HI before him. How many tax dollars does it take for security , fuel , ect for unnecessary shit not to mention his campaign ooops I mean Jobs tour
/ Also our tax dollars pays for Holiday cards because god forbid you put Merry Christmas on them or Happy Hanukkah or what ever religion you are is offensive but its ok to use our tax dollars to send them out.

Do you understand HOW MUCH vactioning Bush did?

why are you such a hatefilled human being when it comes to this first family?

Why I hate Truthmatters 101

He didn't vacation. He used his ranch as WH #2.

I hate liars. Stop please.
Miss. Mayor Reveals He is Gay

Davis, a Republican, has been under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing $170,000 in city funds on both his city-issued and personal credit cards. According to the Commercial Appeal, an audit revealed he used city money to pay for thousands of dollars worth of liquor, expensive dinners, and a $67 charge at Priape, a Toronto store described by its website as “Canada’s premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.”

He told the newspaper he doesn’t remember what he purchased at the store, but said he visited it on a recruitment trip for the city.
Davis, who is divorced with three daughters, made an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008, running on a family values platform. He was first elected mayor in 1997, and said it‘s too early for talk about whether he’ll resign in light of the disputed expenses. He said he plans to take time off through the holidays to spend time with his family.

“The only apology I would make to my supporters if they are upset is the fact that I was not honest enough with myself to be honest with them,” he said. “But I have lived my life in public service for 20-plus years, and in order for me to remain sane and move on, I have got to start being honest about who I am.”

Why do you people hate gays?
did relabeling his flights that way change how much it cost the taxpayer to fly him back and forth?
Miss. Mayor Reveals He is Gay

Davis, a Republican, has been under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing $170,000 in city funds on both his city-issued and personal credit cards. According to the Commercial Appeal, an audit revealed he used city money to pay for thousands of dollars worth of liquor, expensive dinners, and a $67 charge at Priape, a Toronto store described by its website as “Canada’s premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.”

He told the newspaper he doesn’t remember what he purchased at the store, but said he visited it on a recruitment trip for the city.
Davis, who is divorced with three daughters, made an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008, running on a family values platform. He was first elected mayor in 1997, and said it‘s too early for talk about whether he’ll resign in light of the disputed expenses. He said he plans to take time off through the holidays to spend time with his family.

“The only apology I would make to my supporters if they are upset is the fact that I was not honest enough with myself to be honest with them,” he said. “But I have lived my life in public service for 20-plus years, and in order for me to remain sane and move on, I have got to start being honest about who I am.”

Why do you people hate gays?

For the life of me, I don't have a clue why libs hate gay conservatives. And no one has told me why yet.
did relabeling his flights that way change how much it cost the taxpayer to fly him back and forth?

I'm still trying to figure out what this thread is about. The header reads gay repug.

So is it about his gayness or his misuse of taxpayer dollars? Or do we have another poster doing a hit and miss in election season?
How many tax dollars has Obama wasted in his term just by taking separate trips then his wife and kids. His wife and kids went to Martha Vineyard before him. Now they are going to HI before him. How many tax dollars does it take for security , fuel , ect for unnecessary shit not to mention his campaign ooops I mean Jobs tour
/ Also our tax dollars pays for Holiday cards because god forbid you put Merry Christmas on them or Happy Hanukkah or what ever religion you are is offensive but its ok to use our tax dollars to send them out.

quit pretending some con didnt bring it up

For the life of me, I don't have a clue why libs hate gay conservatives. And no one has told me why yet.

We dont hate them we wish to expose the facts that republicans Hate gay people and campaign against them as harmful to society yet they have as many or more gays in their ranks.

If you were honest with yourself you could easily figure it out
See here folks, the Left has no problems using and bashing homosexuals when they can USE them for their agenda.

But they care more for them, they really really do.
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For the life of me, I don't have a clue why libs hate gay conservatives. And no one has told me why yet.

I'll give it a shot.

It starts with conservatives (note how I lump them all together*). Conservatives like to have all of these "Family" groups with religious overtones endorse them when it comes to election season. They like to get up and show how family orientated they are. They pander to their "base". They consider their base to be Christian Conservatives who have a core set of Family values. This base hates "homosexual sin" (remember: love the sinner, hate the sin, but punish the hell out of anyone who violates God's law, unless they are conservative).

Gay conservatives, which I liken to the Africans who sold their own people into slavery during the US slave years, are hypocrites of the highest order. This country is founded on freedom for everyone not just those the conservative republicans feel have earned it. Gays should be afforded every right under the constitution.

Disclaimer : *Not all conservatives are Republicans, or gay. They just act like it sometimes. This is why the "Born Again" christians are so popular with these politicians. They can be gay over and over without losing a vote. They just keep rededicating themselves to Jesus and all is good. No accountability for their actions.
A small town mayor being a douche and possibly a criminal makes the headlines?


no really, the desperation for anything to make yourselves feel better about supporting a murderer is getting out of hand.
think about how far you have to go down the feeding line to find Democrats cheating?

It never bothers you guys to post some city council crap.
think about how far you have to go down the feeding line to find Democrats cheating?

It never bothers you guys to post some city council crap.

Just how far down the line is the President of the United States of America?

Maybe next we will get some news posted on here about some homosexual student council.

Then the left can crow about that too..

But they care more for homosexuals folks, they really really do.
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Pretty much right from the top of the republican partys efforts
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Pretty much right from the top of the republican partys efforts

If it's true and they went through with it, they should end up in jail.

Now be so kind as to not make this thread about you. I know it's hard not making yourself the center of attention, but do try to be an adult and stick to the subject at hand.
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Pretty much right from the top of the republican partys efforts

Thanks TM

You reminded me what true low lifes democrats are with voting fraud.

All I need to do is point at yout last primary.
Sure, this is a story because he used tax dollars inappropriately, but the REAL story is always the hypocrisy. These closeted gay Republicans use bashing gays as their bread and butter. They run on "family values" platforms that completely exclude MY family.

It's always a delight when they get busted for the hypocrites they are. At least this guy has come out and doesn't continue with their bullshit like Ted Haggart and Larry Craig do.

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