Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

You've been wrong so many times idiot.
And if you want more So fucking be it.
Show me once where I've been wrong. I double-dog dare you.
I'm telling you are wrong and have been wrong and no I'm not going to post any post but I do have a good memory.
So shit stain move along.
You think the labor force participation rate tells us the number of employed and you're trying to say I'm wrong. Too funny.
Why wouldn't it? yeah I know yada yada yada from you it's all bull shit. Do you work for the department of labor? Are you job scare and need to feed the lie?
Is this true, you think the labor force participation rate tells us the number of people employed?

I don't think brain-dead is going to answer your question.
LMAO! :banana2:

The participation rate isn't significant. Its been falling for 15 years, and will continue to fall for the next 15 years as the baby boomers age.

It must be you dumb asses are going bat shit crazy over it.
Why did the participation rate stay at a steady 66% up until obama came along and now hows continued to drop and hasn't been back up since 2009
Yall are some of the dumbest people alive. I'm surprised you made it out of the birth canal
Because of Bush's 2 wars + his surge playing havoc with the demographic of the non institutional population.

So while the number of deployed troops was going up, the participation rate remained steady. While the number of deployed troops decreased before the surge, the participation rate remained steady.

So clearly the reason the participation rate remained stead is because of troop deployments.

You are an idiot.
More like, the LPR was falling until Bush started his wars and remained steady until the surge when it improved slightly and then steadily declined as the troops have gradually come home.

So you are suggesting that the majority, if not all, of the troops that come home, have remained unemployed?

Do you have any evidence to support that theory? Other than correlation equals causation....

Because... honestly, having worked with dozens of companies, companies LOVE to hire military personnel. If there is any fast-track to employment, it's having a military record on your resume.
I am suggesting no such thing, not even remotely!!!!!

Active military are not counted as part of the noninstitutional civilian population, which is the denominator in the calculation of the LPR, so the more military on active duty, the smaller the denominator and the higher the LPR. It is another example of how demographics effects the LPR independent of economic conditions, which is why the LPR is such a lousy economic indicator!!!!
Let me help you with a little math. 1946 is the beginning of the baby booming years. If you subtract 1946 from the year 2009, you get 63. Wallaaahhhh, retirement age. Ding dong.
doesn't matter a good portion didn't retire Did that help any?
And by a "good portion" you mean 18%
You are a stupid fuck for openly lying to me
Baby Boomer Retirement Confidence Slips Again Signs of Optimism Spotted newsroom IRI
  • A quarter of Boomers postponed their plans to retire during the past year.
  • 28 percent of Boomers plan to retire at age 70 or later.
Just because they "think" they won't retire at 65 does not mean they actually work past 65. Here is the % who actually DO work past 65.

Not letting go Companies hang on to their baby boomers - Fortune
In 1985, 10.8% of people over 65 worked full-time or part-time. By 2011, that figure rose to over 18%, according to the AARP Public Policy Institute.
They didn't retire dumb ass give it up you've lost.
82% did!
Show me once where I've been wrong. I double-dog dare you.
I'm telling you are wrong and have been wrong and no I'm not going to post any post but I do have a good memory.
So shit stain move along.
You think the labor force participation rate tells us the number of employed and you're trying to say I'm wrong. Too funny.
Why wouldn't it? yeah I know yada yada yada from you it's all bull shit. Do you work for the department of labor? Are you job scare and need to feed the lie?
Is this true, you think the labor force participation rate tells us the number of people employed?

I don't think brain-dead is going to answer your question.
He did infer that, didn't he? I was just seeking further clarification before the pulsating aneurysm in his head explodes. But you're right, he doesn't have enough conviction in his demented positions to defend them.
doesn't matter a good portion didn't retire Did that help any?
And by a "good portion" you mean 18%
You are a stupid fuck for openly lying to me
Baby Boomer Retirement Confidence Slips Again Signs of Optimism Spotted newsroom IRI
  • A quarter of Boomers postponed their plans to retire during the past year.
  • 28 percent of Boomers plan to retire at age 70 or later.
Just because they "think" they won't retire at 65 does not mean they actually work past 65. Here is the % who actually DO work past 65.

Not letting go Companies hang on to their baby boomers - Fortune
In 1985, 10.8% of people over 65 worked full-time or part-time. By 2011, that figure rose to over 18%, according to the AARP Public Policy Institute.
They didn't retire dumb ass give it up you've lost.
82% did!
No they didn't you lying sack of shit.
Show me once where I've been wrong. I double-dog dare you.
I'm telling you are wrong and have been wrong and no I'm not going to post any post but I do have a good memory.
So shit stain move along.
You think the labor force participation rate tells us the number of employed and you're trying to say I'm wrong. Too funny.
Why wouldn't it? yeah I know yada yada yada from you it's all bull shit. Do you work for the department of labor? Are you job scare and need to feed the lie?
Is this true, you think the labor force participation rate tells us the number of people employed?

I don't think brain-dead is going to answer your question.
Brain dead would be you fucking idiot.
It's not my god damn fault you support obama you worthless piece of shit.
Anybody feel like they had a good month? The DOW dropped about 300 points the other day and Black unemployment is in the double digits. Only the government is hiring and the idiot-in chief spends his time on the golf course or trying to pressure fast food joints to raise the salary of burger flippers.
Go fuck yourself dumb ass America grew even with a bad Cater economy and did great until Clinton came along.
You are one god damn stupid son of a bitch.

What's a Cater economy, you big dummy? You need help, seriously.
What's a carter economy?
Gas rationing long lines at the pump 7.5% unemployment rate Inflation of 15% Misery index of 24.5% The closest to Carter is obama at 14.9% But that is what an cater economy looks like.

How about that Bush economy? LOL! He took Clinton's good economy and flushed it down a commode. When he left office, we were losing approximately 800,000 jobs a month.
Sr sucked dick Jr did ok until democrats came along

Anybody feel like they had a good month? The DOW dropped about 300 points the other day and Black unemployment is in the double digits. Only the government is hiring and the idiot-in chief spends his time on the golf course or trying to pressure fast food joints to raise the salary of burger flippers.
Nawh his supporters don't see it that way just wait they'll tell you so.
Anyone else notice...? The better the jobs report, the loonier the rightwingnuts get.
Cooked numbers always look good to you freaks
You're posting "cooked" numbers???

Holyfuckingshit!!! :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:
No dumb ass obama supporters have been doing that since 2009
Are you saying I'm using cooked numbers but you're not?

He's desperately trying to divert attention away from good news. It's what the far right mouth-breathers do.
What diversion puppy in a lost fight?
He did dumb ass

YOU are just a troll Bubba, multiple CREDIBLE links have shown you are full of it. Typical conservative today who denies reality!
Go fuck yourself dumb ass America grew even with a bad Cater economy and did great until Clinton came along.
You are one god damn stupid son of a bitch.

What's a Cater economy, you big dummy? You need help, seriously.
What's a carter economy?
Gas rationing long lines at the pump 7.5% unemployment rate Inflation of 15% Misery index of 24.5% The closest to Carter is obama at 14.9% But that is what an cater economy looks like.

How about that Bush economy? LOL! He took Clinton's good economy and flushed it down a commode. When he left office, we were losing approximately 800,000 jobs a month.
And clinton took money from Social Security to cover the budget so idiots like you would be easily fooled.
Cooked numbers always look good to you freaks
You're posting "cooked" numbers???

Holyfuckingshit!!! :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:
No dumb ass obama supporters have been doing that since 2009
Are you saying I'm using cooked numbers but you're not?

He's desperately trying to divert attention away from good news. It's what the far right mouth-breathers do.
What diversion puppy in a lost fight?
You're as demented as they come.
You're posting "cooked" numbers???

Holyfuckingshit!!! :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:
No dumb ass obama supporters have been doing that since 2009
Are you saying I'm using cooked numbers but you're not?

He's desperately trying to divert attention away from good news. It's what the far right mouth-breathers do.
What diversion puppy in a lost fight?
You're as demented as they come.
No I'm as correct as they come you're dismissed.
No dumb ass obama supporters have been doing that since 2009
Are you saying I'm using cooked numbers but you're not?

He's desperately trying to divert attention away from good news. It's what the far right mouth-breathers do.
What diversion puppy in a lost fight?
You're as demented as they come.
No I'm as correct as they come you're dismissed.
Nope, I had it right, you're demented. If you were correct, you'd be able to explain how the labor force participation rate indicates how many people are working. You can't because it doesn't. So you feign outrage and pretend like you don't want to answer when the stark reality is -- you can't answer.

Oh, and by the way ... you're not man enough to dismiss me.
Project much?

ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on?

Only in every instance... more notable examples: Lowering Standards lowers performance; paying people to not work, undermines the incentive to work; removing the focus upon good promotes evil...

I thought the 'job creators' were using the lowest SUSTAINED effective tax burden in 80 years to 'create jobs'?

They did... then Bush the elder increased that burden, which reduced performance, Clinton increased it more, lowering performance more... Bush the W, reduced it, increased performance and obama increased it, while paying people to not work significantly more and performance plummeted.

Why are we rewarding the 'job creators'?
We prefer "Americans".

Why are Corps having record profits (in the US and worldwide), lowest EFFECTIVE tax rate in 40+ years AND for the first time EVER recorded, labor costs less than half their costs, being handled with hid gloves as they stretch out their current workforce for peanuts?

You're conflating profits with subsidized investment... lower taxes with tax deferments, social-corporate subsidies due to 'progressive' (fascist) {Crony-capitalist} policy.




OH! LOL!... And you're delusional. The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world and is presently failing due ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, UTTERLY, THOROUGHLY to socialism.

How the FUKKK could Ronnie Reagan have a successful economy his first 6 years when the top tax rate was 50%+

I wish I could live in fantasyland like the GOP. Sadly, I have to live with facts and reality.

Bush Lead During Weakest Economy in Decades

"The expansion was a continuation of the way the U.S. has grown for too long, which was a consumer-led expansion that was heavily concentrated in housing," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a onetime Bush White House staffer and one of Sen. John McCain's top economic advisers for his presidential campaign. "There was very little of the kind of saving and export-led growth that would be more sustainable."

"For a group that claims it wants to be judged by history, there is no evidence on the economic policy front that that was the view," Holtz-Eakin said. "It was all Band-Aids."

Bush Lead During Weakest Economy in Decades

December 2007 (PRE Dubya's great recession)

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush Vanity Fair


ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on?
He did dumb ass

YOU are just a troll Bubba, multiple CREDIBLE links have shown you are full of it. Typical conservative today who denies reality!
Go fuck yourself dumb ass America grew even with a bad Cater economy and did great until Clinton came along.
You are one god damn stupid son of a bitch.

Yeah the 20+ million jobs created under Clinton was horrible, as well as the 4 surpluses, 3 AFTER he vetoed the GOPs $700+ billion tax cut. Then Dubya came along and the GOP had the opportunity, to AGAIN, screw up the economy! Dumbfukkk conservatives like you made the guys who barely made it through high school, multimillionaires, like Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity
Last edited:
YOU are just a troll Bubba, multiple CREDIBLE links have shown you are full of it. Typical conservative today who denies reality!
Go fuck yourself dumb ass America grew even with a bad Cater economy and did great until Clinton came along.
You are one god damn stupid son of a bitch.

What's a Cater economy, you big dummy? You need help, seriously.
What's a carter economy?
Gas rationing long lines at the pump 7.5% unemployment rate Inflation of 15% Misery index of 24.5% The closest to Carter is obama at 14.9% But that is what an cater economy looks like.

How about that Bush economy? LOL! He took Clinton's good economy and flushed it down a commode. When he left office, we were losing approximately 800,000 jobs a month.
Sr sucked dick Jr did ok until democrats came along

ONE bill the Dems passed Jan 2007-Jan 2009 that changed Dubya's policies? lol
YOU are just a troll Bubba, multiple CREDIBLE links have shown you are full of it. Typical conservative today who denies reality!
Go fuck yourself dumb ass America grew even with a bad Cater economy and did great until Clinton came along.
You are one god damn stupid son of a bitch.

What's a Cater economy, you big dummy? You need help, seriously.
What's a carter economy?
Gas rationing long lines at the pump 7.5% unemployment rate Inflation of 15% Misery index of 24.5% The closest to Carter is obama at 14.9% But that is what an cater economy looks like.

How about that Bush economy? LOL! He took Clinton's good economy and flushed it down a commode. When he left office, we were losing approximately 800,000 jobs a month.
And clinton took money from Social Security to cover the budget so idiots like you would be easily fooled.

Weird, you mean Ronnie increasing SS taxes by 60% would cause Clinton's surpluses? Why did Ronnie triple the debt then?

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
It must be you dumb asses are going bat shit crazy over it.
Why did the participation rate stay at a steady 66% up until obama came along and now hows continued to drop and hasn't been back up since 2009
Yall are some of the dumbest people alive. I'm surprised you made it out of the birth canal
Because of Bush's 2 wars + his surge playing havoc with the demographic of the non institutional population.

So while the number of deployed troops was going up, the participation rate remained steady. While the number of deployed troops decreased before the surge, the participation rate remained steady.

So clearly the reason the participation rate remained stead is because of troop deployments.

You are an idiot.
More like, the LPR was falling until Bush started his wars and remained steady until the surge when it improved slightly and then steadily declined as the troops have gradually come home.

So you are suggesting that the majority, if not all, of the troops that come home, have remained unemployed?

Do you have any evidence to support that theory? Other than correlation equals causation....

Because... honestly, having worked with dozens of companies, companies LOVE to hire military personnel. If there is any fast-track to employment, it's having a military record on your resume.
I am suggesting no such thing, not even remotely!!!!!

Active military are not counted as part of the noninstitutional civilian population, which is the denominator in the calculation of the LPR, so the more military on active duty, the smaller the denominator and the higher the LPR. It is another example of how demographics effects the LPR independent of economic conditions, which is why the LPR is such a lousy economic indicator!!!!

But here's my problem.....

You are thus assuming that there was a significant increase in active duty military personnel. Significant enough to effect the civilian population numbers, and thus increase the LPR.

I don't see that as being true. Do you have evidence that's true?

Because everything that I see suggests the opposite. In raw numbers, active duty was lower in the 2003, than it had been in decades.

As a percentage of the population, military enrollment is lower than ever before.


Both would seem to indicate that the number of active duty troops, being at the lowest levels in American history, relative to the population, that we would expect the lowest labor participation rates in US history throughout the 00s. Instead, it's not nearly that bad.

So on what bases, what empirical evidence do you have of your claim?
Go fuck yourself dumb ass America grew even with a bad Cater economy and did great until Clinton came along.
You are one god damn stupid son of a bitch.

What's a Cater economy, you big dummy? You need help, seriously.
What's a carter economy?
Gas rationing long lines at the pump 7.5% unemployment rate Inflation of 15% Misery index of 24.5% The closest to Carter is obama at 14.9% But that is what an cater economy looks like.

How about that Bush economy? LOL! He took Clinton's good economy and flushed it down a commode. When he left office, we were losing approximately 800,000 jobs a month.
And clinton took money from Social Security to cover the budget so idiots like you would be easily fooled.

Weird, you mean Ronnie increasing SS taxes by 60% would cause Clinton's surpluses? Why did Ronnie triple the debt then?

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
Clinton surplus is like you having a brain all a myth
Only in every instance... more notable examples: Lowering Standards lowers performance; paying people to not work, undermines the incentive to work; removing the focus upon good promotes evil...

They did... then Bush the elder increased that burden, which reduced performance, Clinton increased it more, lowering performance more... Bush the W, reduced it, increased performance and obama increased it, while paying people to not work significantly more and performance plummeted.

We prefer "Americans".

You're conflating profits with subsidized investment... lower taxes with tax deferments, social-corporate subsidies due to 'progressive' (fascist) {Crony-capitalist} policy.




OH! LOL!... And you're delusional. The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world and is presently failing due ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, UTTERLY, THOROUGHLY to socialism.

How the FUKKK could Ronnie Reagan have a successful economy his first 6 years when the top tax rate was 50%+

I wish I could live in fantasyland like the GOP. Sadly, I have to live with facts and reality.

Bush Lead During Weakest Economy in Decades

"The expansion was a continuation of the way the U.S. has grown for too long, which was a consumer-led expansion that was heavily concentrated in housing," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a onetime Bush White House staffer and one of Sen. John McCain's top economic advisers for his presidential campaign. "There was very little of the kind of saving and export-led growth that would be more sustainable."

"For a group that claims it wants to be judged by history, there is no evidence on the economic policy front that that was the view," Holtz-Eakin said. "It was all Band-Aids."

Bush Lead During Weakest Economy in Decades

December 2007 (PRE Dubya's great recession)

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush Vanity Fair


ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on?
He did dumb ass

YOU are just a troll Bubba, multiple CREDIBLE links have shown you are full of it. Typical conservative today who denies reality!
Go fuck yourself dumb ass America grew even with a bad Cater economy and did great until Clinton came along.
You are one god damn stupid son of a bitch.

Yeah the 2)+ million jobs created under Clinton was horrible, as well as the 4 surpluses, 3 AFTER he vetoed the GOPs $700+ billion tax cut. Then Dubya came along and the GOP had the opportunity, to AGAIN, screw up the economy! Dumbfukkk conservatives like you made the guys who barely made it through high school, multimillionaires, like Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity
WOW such a pitiful little obama supporter idiot.

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