Another Great Tucker Opening


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"

ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"

Democrats have a bunch of clowns running for president.
When the Squad made spectacles of themselves during that ridiculous press conference they showed everyone that the 25 and counting Democrats are a bunch of fakes. Those idiots can't hold a candle to the 4 Odd Squad members when it comes to hating America. And what's even worse.....there are people in the Democrat party that are even worse.....and they ain't playing. They're serious. They want to murder half of the US. They want to kill every white person they can....just like they're doing in South Africa.

Funny how Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both visited South Africa in the middle of their current anti-White genocide. This is what they have in store for us. They will say and do anything to get in power.....and once they do....they're going to eventually get to the point where whites won't be able to show their faces in public.
ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"

The worthless turd is Trump. He is a racist, sexist and every other bigot you can think of. Trump will be smashed like the cockroach that he and his supporters are. A political campaign is not a business. I have worked on enough campaigns to know that you are doing it to help the candidate win not to make money. The normal rules don't apply here.
ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"

Democrats have a bunch of clowns running for president.
When the Squad made spectacles of themselves during that ridiculous press conference they showed everyone that the 25 and counting Democrats are a bunch of fakes. Those idiots can't hold a candle to the 4 Odd Squad members when it comes to hating America. And what's even worse.....there are people in the Democrat party that are even worse.....and they ain't playing. They're serious. They want to murder half of the US. They want to kill every white person they can....just like they're doing in South Africa.

Funny how Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both visited South Africa in the middle of their current anti-White genocide. This is what they have in store for us. They will say and do anything to get in power.....and once they do....they're going to eventually get to the point where whites won't be able to show their faces in public.

You really are a loaded cuckoo clock. That must be some potent stuff that you are smoking. You officially qualify as a right wing looney tune.
ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"

The White Supremacist Goblin....:71:
ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"

The worthless turd is Trump. He is a racist, sexist and every other bigot you can think of. Trump will be smashed like the cockroach that he and his supporters are. A political campaign is not a business. I have worked on enough campaigns to know that you are doing it to help the candidate win not to make money. The normal rules don't apply here.

Of course not. Normal rules never apply to lefties.

Campaign workers don’t have bills.:21:

How come campaign workers are not worthy of a living wage? Is their time considered a donation that they can heir taxes?

You guys are fucking hysterical. Facts are your kryptonite!
ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"

The worthless turd is Trump. He is a racist, sexist and every other bigot you can think of. Trump will be smashed like the cockroach that he and his supporters are. A political campaign is not a business. I have worked on enough campaigns to know that you are doing it to help the candidate win not to make money. The normal rules don't apply here.

His actions don't show it-minorities and women are doing better than ever-as are most Americans. Try posting without name calling-it gives you more authority.
Tucker is a national security conservative, a fiscal conservative, a social conservative. he's the conservative's conservative.

he's my choice for president in 2024!
ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"

Democrats have a bunch of clowns running for president.
When the Squad made spectacles of themselves during that ridiculous press conference they showed everyone that the 25 and counting Democrats are a bunch of fakes. Those idiots can't hold a candle to the 4 Odd Squad members when it comes to hating America. And what's even worse.....there are people in the Democrat party that are even worse.....and they ain't playing. They're serious. They want to murder half of the US. They want to kill every white person they can....just like they're doing in South Africa.

Funny how Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both visited South Africa in the middle of their current anti-White genocide. This is what they have in store for us. They will say and do anything to get in power.....and once they do....they're going to eventually get to the point where whites won't be able to show their faces in public.

You really are a loaded cuckoo clock. That must be some potent stuff that you are smoking. You officially qualify as a right wing looney tune.


Just pointing out what should be obvious.
If you identify with these Domestic Terrorists you're a bonafide supporter of terrorism against America.
ME: Tucker is right again. The Democrats have nothing but worthless turds running in their primary. It will be so awesome to Trump smash their winner like the cockroaches they are.

"Tucker uncovers the hypocrisy of 2020 Democrats: Bernie Sanders pushes for $15 minimum wage, Kamala Harris touts equal pay but their staffers argue otherwise"


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