Another Grizzly Fatality


Authorities said Wallace likely was killed Wednesday or Thursday during a hiked along the Mary Mountain Trail. He was about five miles from the nearest trailhead and authorities said he was not carrying bear spray — mace-like canisters of pepper spray that can be used to defend against bear attacks.

Can't stress it enough..and you have..that if you are in a wild have to take care.
Now ya know why dey say don't feed the bears...
Yellowstone hunts killer grizzly bear
29 August 2011 - Yellowstone National Park is home to hundreds of grizzly bears
Wildlife agents are trying to capture a grizzly bear that killed a Michigan man in Yellowstone National Park, its second such fatality this summer. John Wallace, 59, was found on Friday along the Mary Mountain Trail, which is known for its bear population. The attack is not thought to be linked to the death in July of a California hiker who was mauled by a grizzly. Fatal grizzly attacks are rare inside Yellowstone - the July attack was the first such incident in 25 years.

"We think we provide visitors with pretty good knowledge and techniques to keep them safe in the backcountry," said Dan Wenk, a park superintendent. "Unfortunately, in this case it didn't happen that way." Mr Wenk said that there were no witnesses to the most recent attack. Park rangers are setting traps to capture and kill the animal that attacked the Michigan man. The bear that killed him is believed to be a different animal to the one that killed the hiker in July.

Park officials did not kill that animal because they determined it was the female protecting its cubs. But the park did euthanise a four-year-old male grizzly earlier this month after that 258lb (117kg) animal charged - but did not injure - a man sitting on a hiking trail near Yellowstone Lake. Yellowstone National Park covers parts of three states - Wyoming, Montana and Idaho - and is home to more than 600 bears, which can be as large as 600lb (272kg).

BBC News - Yellowstone hunts killer grizzly bear
This kind of hits close. 2 weeks ago, I was hiking on that trail. With three other people...making lots of noise.Weird.
But the right wingers got it so you can carry guns in national parks didn't they?
It was supposed to fix this problem.
But the right wingers got it so you can carry guns in national parks didn't they?
It was supposed to fix this problem.

Not in Jellystone. No guns allowed in the Park unles you are a Park Employee who is specially certified.
But the right wingers got it so you can carry guns in national parks didn't they?
It was supposed to fix this problem.

Guns can be kept in the trunk of your vehicle or likewise kept in a place not easily accesable. The law was changed so that people on long drives weren't in violation of the laws that completely prohibited them from being in the parks. It's sad when someone dies in a Park but it's life. Bears are dangerous. Either stay completely away from them or prepare yourself to defend yourself. I don't hike in Parks because I am not allowed to truly protect myself.

I live in a very wild area and have many bears cross my property all the time. We keep it clean and at no time is it possible for a bear to get into our trash etc. I've lived here for over 20 years and so far have never had to kill one. They are beautiful creatures and I treasure them but I'll kill one in a New York minute if it threatens me or my family. We are however, very adept at staying out of their way.
Home News NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot
NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot
Friday, 19 February 2010 11:28
The National Park Service has issued the gun rules for Yellowstone National Park in the face of new federal laws scheduled to go into effect Monday, and one thing is clear: you may be able to pack, but you're prohibited from firing based on other anti-poaching laws already on the books. So much for the weekend warriors who think they'll drop a charging bull moose with their little sidearm.
Carrying a weapon -- concealed or otherwise -- won't be as simple in Yellowstone National Park as gun advocates think, for a number of reasons. First, the background: under legislation championed by the NRA, sponsored by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) and signed into law by President Barrack Obama, guns are allowed in National Parks if the state housing the Park allows for gun permits and concealed-carry permits. In other words, if you have a valid permit in your state and the state you are visiting recognizes the validity of that permit, you're in the clear to carry.

NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot | articles | news
Percy wrote: This kind of hits close. 2 weeks ago, I was hiking on that trail. With three other people...making lots of noise.Weird.

Mebbe ya scared the bear away from ya.

Authorities said Wallace likely was killed Wednesday or Thursday during a hiked along the Mary Mountain Trail. He was about five miles from the nearest trailhead and authorities said he was not carrying bear spray — mace-like canisters of pepper spray that can be used to defend against bear attacks.

Can't stress it enough..and you have..that if you are in a wild have to take care.

Wish you were the same with entitlements.

Out in the wild Sallow says fend for yourself......sounding like his version of a Republican.
I'll be up there in a few days hiking the backcountry, flyfishing. I ran into a small grizz a few years ago while hiking one of the trails. He was about 200 yards away. I always carry bear spray.
bears are part of the fun! I see em all the time! I always carry pepper spray, and sometime s a shotgun loaded with slugs when I'm in the woods by myself!
Home News NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot
NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot
Friday, 19 February 2010 11:28
The National Park Service has issued the gun rules for Yellowstone National Park in the face of new federal laws scheduled to go into effect Monday, and one thing is clear: you may be able to pack, but you're prohibited from firing based on other anti-poaching laws already on the books. So much for the weekend warriors who think they'll drop a charging bull moose with their little sidearm.
Carrying a weapon -- concealed or otherwise -- won't be as simple in Yellowstone National Park as gun advocates think, for a number of reasons. First, the background: under legislation championed by the NRA, sponsored by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) and signed into law by President Barrack Obama, guns are allowed in National Parks if the state housing the Park allows for gun permits and concealed-carry permits. In other words, if you have a valid permit in your state and the state you are visiting recognizes the validity of that permit, you're in the clear to carry.

NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot | articles | news

The National Park Service has issued the gun rules for Yellowstone National Park in the face of new federal laws scheduled to go into effect Monday, and one thing is clear: you may be able to pack, but you're prohibited from firing ...

So it is kind of like holding your dick, but sex is out of the question.

The US Postal service probably came up with the idea.
Home News NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot
NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot
Friday, 19 February 2010 11:28
The National Park Service has issued the gun rules for Yellowstone National Park in the face of new federal laws scheduled to go into effect Monday, and one thing is clear: you may be able to pack, but you're prohibited from firing based on other anti-poaching laws already on the books. So much for the weekend warriors who think they'll drop a charging bull moose with their little sidearm.
Carrying a weapon -- concealed or otherwise -- won't be as simple in Yellowstone National Park as gun advocates think, for a number of reasons. First, the background: under legislation championed by the NRA, sponsored by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) and signed into law by President Barrack Obama, guns are allowed in National Parks if the state housing the Park allows for gun permits and concealed-carry permits. In other words, if you have a valid permit in your state and the state you are visiting recognizes the validity of that permit, you're in the clear to carry.

NPS Clarifies Yellowstone Gun Rules: You Can Pack, But You Can't Shoot | articles | news

The National Park Service has issued the gun rules for Yellowstone National Park in the face of new federal laws scheduled to go into effect Monday, and one thing is clear: you may be able to pack, but you're prohibited from firing ...

So it is kind of like holding your dick, but sex is out of the question.

The US Postal service probably came up with the idea.

well, you're not allowed to shoot bears in denali either but someone did when they were charged and cleared of the crime. you can carry in denali. I camped for years in yellowstone and other grizzly areas and found that smart camping and just general bear awareness beats a gun anyday. I sometimes carry a shotgun up here in AK, but usually they end up being just extra weight. pepper spray works BTW. ask any ranger.

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