Another "happy" socialist utopia is learning a hard lesson...

yes..Written WELL before they decided to import the refugees.
BTW, if you find life in Sweden so perfect, why are you still here?
Why too fucking cold and depressing (and blonde). I'm too old for that shit. Besides, I like southern Europe much better.
Southern Europe won't like you though. No one likes you. You're just a whiney little bitch in every thread. You really need reevaluate your life.
They like me just fine. I think as they do, let's get a drink and tell the Americans to go fuck themselves...
From YOUR link.....
Looks like it is YOU who are the ignorant one. No surprise there....
"The Swedish economy continues to be characterized by a high level of public spending on social programs. The country’s relatively stringent employment-protection legislation, which has tended to discourage job mobility and dynamic employment growth, needs to be fundamentally revised."
Dumbfuck, did I say it was perfect, a Utopia? No. Fucking grow up, Troll Mod.
No..You just implied the Swedish system is perfect,.
As a matter of fact, you lefties never miss an opportunity to throw in a plug for western Euro socialism whenever taxation is touted.
Look, if you want to pay 10 bucks a gallon for gas and see 60% of your income confiscated by government to support those who leech off the producers, Sweden calls you
Sweden, like every nation that has tried it, is finding out it's never worked...and never will. Econ 101
Absolute horseshit, and you never met Econ101, you just parrot what you're told, Capitalism = good, everything else = bad.

LOL Where has it worked? You can't win this one motormouth...besides I think you're a flamer and full of go paint something and cease bothering people with your inane ramblings
Socialism works all over the damn world, my stupid little **** for Jesus. You have a form of it even here, a Mixed-Economy, just a bad version of it.

As with your faith, you have no fucking clue. Just a parrot on a stick...
I`ve been to quasi-socialistic Costa Rica several times and there`s a good reason why that`s the only Central American country aside from Panama that people aren`t trying to escape from. No Costa Rican would want to change their lifestyle for one in those shit hole capitalistic utopias of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc. Most of you dumb fucks couldn`t find any of these places on a map if your pathetic lives depended on it.

So have I. Care to guess why it is still afloat? Yep. Retiree Americans moving there and propping up the economy. A good friend of mine was revered in Costa Rica because he built schools and hospitals for them. Yep. A rich American built those. Not the Costa Rican government.

But don't let anything resembling facts get in the way of your screed.
Oh look....the race retro!!!
You're the one who played it, Whitey...

"Also....demographics. Mostly white health conscious population. We have demographics with horrible eating and lifestyle habits." - Bucs90

Another liberals pretending not to know what the Race Card is, you guys really do coordinate your lies, don't ya.

Sweden, like every nation that has tried it, is finding out it's never worked...and never will. Econ 101
Absolute horseshit, and you never met Econ101, you just parrot what you're told, Capitalism = good, everything else = bad.

LOL Where has it worked? You can't win this one motormouth...besides I think you're a flamer and full of go paint something and cease bothering people with your inane ramblings
Socialism works all over the damn world, my stupid little **** for Jesus. You have a form of it here even.

As with your faith, you have no fucking clue. Just a parrot on a stick...

Name where it has hasn't.....and never will, asshole
Fucking stupid statement. Our National Parks are the epitome of Socialism. Saving the best and most unique for the use of all citizens. And it has worked wonderfully. National Forests and BLM, protecting the land from improper use so that we continue to have forests and the land does not get degraded to the point of desertification. Public utility districts. Fire Departments. Police departments. CDC. And so many other socialistic institutions that we have created because private enterprise could not or would not do the job. NASA and NOAA. You kind of idiot deserves someplace like Somalia.
Sweden, like every nation that has tried it, is finding out it's never worked...and never will. Econ 101
Absolute horseshit, and you never met Econ101, you just parrot what you're told, Capitalism = good, everything else = bad.

LOL Where has it worked? You can't win this one motormouth...besides I think you're a flamer and full of go paint something and cease bothering people with your inane ramblings
Socialism works all over the damn world, my stupid little **** for Jesus. You have a form of it here even.

As with your faith, you have no fucking clue. Just a parrot on a stick...

Name where it has hasn't.....and never will, asshole
Fucking stupid statement. Our National Parks are the epitome of Socialism. Saving the best and most unique for the use of all citizens. And it has worked wonderfully. National Forests and BLM, protecting the land from improper use so that we continue to have forests and the land does not get degraded to the point of desertification. Public utility districts. Fire Departments. Police departments. CDC. And so many other socialistic institutions that we have created because private enterprise could not or would not do the job. NASA and NOAA. You kind of idiot deserves someplace like Somalia.

Having national parks does not make a nation a Socialist nation, sit down old fool
I`ve been to quasi-socialistic Costa Rica several times and there`s a good reason why that`s the only Central American country aside from Panama that people aren`t trying to escape from. No Costa Rican would want to change their lifestyle for one in those shit hole capitalistic utopias of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc. Most of you dumb fucks couldn`t find any of these places on a map if your pathetic lives depended on it.

So have I. Care to guess why it is still afloat? Yep. Retiree Americans moving there and propping up the economy. A good friend of mine was revered in Costa Rica because he built schools and hospitals for them. Yep. A rich American built those. Not the Costa Rican government.

But don't let anything resembling facts get in the way of your screed.

Costa Rica schools and colleges
Costa Rica schools and colleges

Costa Rica real estate to the people who already live in Costa Rica, we sell most to foreigners who move to Costa Rica to relocate, to work for a transnational company or just to retire.

Many of you have children and want to make sure your kids receive the best education possible. Costa Rica has an incredible amount of schools and depending on the education you are looking for or what area you’d like to live in.

Because Costa Rica has no army since 1948, the money is used for education, the reason for Costa Rica being such an attractive country for foreign investment and the presence of so many transnational companies.

Every town in Costa Rica, no matter how small, has at least one public school. Public education in Costa Rica is free and obligatory. Below, you will find a list of private institutions and only a few public universities.

To learn more about public schools in Costa Rica, visit MEP, the Ministry of Education of Costa Rica.

The American European Real Estate Group is the #1 Costa Rica MLS, with over 20 real estate agents throughout Costa Rica can give you all these options for schools because our agents not only sell Costa Rica real estate, we relocate.

We certainly hope that this list will not only be helpful in your due diligence, but that you will also use our services to take care of your Costa Rica real estate needs!

Mr. Westwall, seems that you never let facts get in your way. Seems the goverment of Costa Rica builds plenty of schools. And they also have a very good Health Care System.
Utopia? No. A good solid Mixed-Economy. TY.

How is going on the dole and not producing anything for the society a "good mixed economy"?

A simple post on a complex issue is not sagacious, nor does it consider the whys or suggest solutions - it simply blames others who the author does not know and in whose shoes he has not walked.
Absolute horseshit, and you never met Econ101, you just parrot what you're told, Capitalism = good, everything else = bad.

LOL Where has it worked? You can't win this one motormouth...besides I think you're a flamer and full of go paint something and cease bothering people with your inane ramblings
Socialism works all over the damn world, my stupid little **** for Jesus. You have a form of it here even.

As with your faith, you have no fucking clue. Just a parrot on a stick...

Name where it has hasn't.....and never will, asshole
Fucking stupid statement. Our National Parks are the epitome of Socialism. Saving the best and most unique for the use of all citizens. And it has worked wonderfully. National Forests and BLM, protecting the land from improper use so that we continue to have forests and the land does not get degraded to the point of desertification. Public utility districts. Fire Departments. Police departments. CDC. And so many other socialistic institutions that we have created because private enterprise could not or would not do the job. NASA and NOAA. You kind of idiot deserves someplace like Somalia.

Having national parks does not make a nation a Socialist nation, sit down old fool

No, no more than having market economy companies makes us a capitalistic nation. We, and every other successful nation, are mixed economy nations. Using the tools of capitalism and socialism to better our lives.
I`ve been to quasi-socialistic Costa Rica several times and there`s a good reason why that`s the only Central American country aside from Panama that people aren`t trying to escape from. No Costa Rican would want to change their lifestyle for one in those shit hole capitalistic utopias of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc. Most of you dumb fucks couldn`t find any of these places on a map if your pathetic lives depended on it.

So have I. Care to guess why it is still afloat? Yep. Retiree Americans moving there and propping up the economy. A good friend of mine was revered in Costa Rica because he built schools and hospitals for them. Yep. A rich American built those. Not the Costa Rican government.

But don't let anything resembling facts get in the way of your screed.
Why are rich Americans moving to Costa Rica and not El Salvador or one of those other places where free-wheeling capitalism still rules the day? Social justice and education makes Costa Rica work the way a country should, not wealthy American and Canadian retirees. They don`t seem to be moving to Honduras or Guatemala where taxes are low and the right wing death squads keep the populace from going "communist". Why is that?
LOL Where has it worked? You can't win this one motormouth...besides I think you're a flamer and full of go paint something and cease bothering people with your inane ramblings
Socialism works all over the damn world, my stupid little **** for Jesus. You have a form of it here even.

As with your faith, you have no fucking clue. Just a parrot on a stick...

Name where it has hasn't.....and never will, asshole
Fucking stupid statement. Our National Parks are the epitome of Socialism. Saving the best and most unique for the use of all citizens. And it has worked wonderfully. National Forests and BLM, protecting the land from improper use so that we continue to have forests and the land does not get degraded to the point of desertification. Public utility districts. Fire Departments. Police departments. CDC. And so many other socialistic institutions that we have created because private enterprise could not or would not do the job. NASA and NOAA. You kind of idiot deserves someplace like Somalia.

Having national parks does not make a nation a Socialist nation, sit down old fool

No, no more than having market economy companies makes us a capitalistic nation. We, and every other successful nation, are mixed economy nations. Using the tools of capitalism and socialism to better our lives.

Socialism has never loons can't get past that. Because an economy has aspects of socialism isn't Socialism as a whole, stop nitpicking at the aspects and admit Socialism as a whole is a failed concept and ideology, it's built to fail and has every time it has been applied, that's just fact
Socialism works all over the damn world, my stupid little **** for Jesus. You have a form of it here even.

As with your faith, you have no fucking clue. Just a parrot on a stick...

Name where it has hasn't.....and never will, asshole
Fucking stupid statement. Our National Parks are the epitome of Socialism. Saving the best and most unique for the use of all citizens. And it has worked wonderfully. National Forests and BLM, protecting the land from improper use so that we continue to have forests and the land does not get degraded to the point of desertification. Public utility districts. Fire Departments. Police departments. CDC. And so many other socialistic institutions that we have created because private enterprise could not or would not do the job. NASA and NOAA. You kind of idiot deserves someplace like Somalia.

Having national parks does not make a nation a Socialist nation, sit down old fool

No, no more than having market economy companies makes us a capitalistic nation. We, and every other successful nation, are mixed economy nations. Using the tools of capitalism and socialism to better our lives.

Socialism has never loons can't get past that. Because an economy has aspects of socialism isn't Socialism as a whole, stop nitpicking at the aspects and admit Socialism as a whole is a failed concept and ideology, it's built to fail and has every time it has been applied, that's just fact
No facts in that screed at all. Just a really stupid ideology that no sane nation follows. We, and every other nation, have a mixed economy of socialism and capitalism.
Name where it has hasn't.....and never will, asshole
Fucking stupid statement. Our National Parks are the epitome of Socialism. Saving the best and most unique for the use of all citizens. And it has worked wonderfully. National Forests and BLM, protecting the land from improper use so that we continue to have forests and the land does not get degraded to the point of desertification. Public utility districts. Fire Departments. Police departments. CDC. And so many other socialistic institutions that we have created because private enterprise could not or would not do the job. NASA and NOAA. You kind of idiot deserves someplace like Somalia.

Having national parks does not make a nation a Socialist nation, sit down old fool

No, no more than having market economy companies makes us a capitalistic nation. We, and every other successful nation, are mixed economy nations. Using the tools of capitalism and socialism to better our lives.

Socialism has never loons can't get past that. Because an economy has aspects of socialism isn't Socialism as a whole, stop nitpicking at the aspects and admit Socialism as a whole is a failed concept and ideology, it's built to fail and has every time it has been applied, that's just fact
No facts in that screed at all. Just a really stupid ideology that no sane nation follows. We, and every other nation, have a mixed economy of socialism and capitalism. can't show me where Socialism has ever worked as an economy...I knew this before I ever commented on this thread. And guess what? It never will, it's a failed concept history proves this
Show me where I was advocating a pure socialistic economy. And Sweden does not have a pure socialistic economy, no more than we have a pure capitalistic economy. Socialism, as an economic tool has been very successful in the US and the other first world nations.
Fucking stupid statement. Our National Parks are the epitome of Socialism. Saving the best and most unique for the use of all citizens. And it has worked wonderfully. National Forests and BLM, protecting the land from improper use so that we continue to have forests and the land does not get degraded to the point of desertification. Public utility districts. Fire Departments. Police departments. CDC. And so many other socialistic institutions that we have created because private enterprise could not or would not do the job. NASA and NOAA. You kind of idiot deserves someplace like Somalia.

Having national parks does not make a nation a Socialist nation, sit down old fool

No, no more than having market economy companies makes us a capitalistic nation. We, and every other successful nation, are mixed economy nations. Using the tools of capitalism and socialism to better our lives.

Socialism has never loons can't get past that. Because an economy has aspects of socialism isn't Socialism as a whole, stop nitpicking at the aspects and admit Socialism as a whole is a failed concept and ideology, it's built to fail and has every time it has been applied, that's just fact
No facts in that screed at all. Just a really stupid ideology that no sane nation follows. We, and every other nation, have a mixed economy of socialism and capitalism. can't show me where Socialism has ever worked as an economy...I knew this before I ever commented on this thread. And guess what? It never will, it's a failed concept history proves this

You claim history proves your point, yet you fail to provide any probative evidence to sustain it. That alone is sufficient to put you into the echo chamber set, a set which does not or can not think for themselves and simple parrots others.
Show me where I was advocating a pure socialistic economy. And Sweden does not have a pure socialistic economy, no more than we have a pure capitalistic economy. Socialism, as an economic tool has been very successful in the US and the other first world nations.

Keyword being "tool" the US is a capitalistic economy, if it were pure socialism we would have went under decades every other nation that has attempted it. There is that history thingy biting you again. The problem is fools like you want to expand the "tools" of Socialism and that's not going to work either. The problem today is there are too many takers and not enough worker bees, stop taking and start working, nobody is owed anything
I`ve been to quasi-socialistic Costa Rica several times and there`s a good reason why that`s the only Central American country aside from Panama that people aren`t trying to escape from. No Costa Rican would want to change their lifestyle for one in those shit hole capitalistic utopias of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc. Most of you dumb fucks couldn`t find any of these places on a map if your pathetic lives depended on it.

So have I. Care to guess why it is still afloat? Yep. Retiree Americans moving there and propping up the economy. A good friend of mine was revered in Costa Rica because he built schools and hospitals for them. Yep. A rich American built those. Not the Costa Rican government.

But don't let anything resembling facts get in the way of your screed.

Costa Rica schools and colleges
Costa Rica schools and colleges

Costa Rica real estate to the people who already live in Costa Rica, we sell most to foreigners who move to Costa Rica to relocate, to work for a transnational company or just to retire.

Many of you have children and want to make sure your kids receive the best education possible. Costa Rica has an incredible amount of schools and depending on the education you are looking for or what area you’d like to live in.

Because Costa Rica has no army since 1948, the money is used for education, the reason for Costa Rica being such an attractive country for foreign investment and the presence of so many transnational companies.

Every town in Costa Rica, no matter how small, has at least one public school. Public education in Costa Rica is free and obligatory. Below, you will find a list of private institutions and only a few public universities.

To learn more about public schools in Costa Rica, visit MEP, the Ministry of Education of Costa Rica.

The American European Real Estate Group is the #1 Costa Rica MLS, with over 20 real estate agents throughout Costa Rica can give you all these options for schools because our agents not only sell Costa Rica real estate, we relocate.

We certainly hope that this list will not only be helpful in your due diligence, but that you will also use our services to take care of your Costa Rica real estate needs!

Mr. Westwall, seems that you never let facts get in your way. Seems the goverment of Costa Rica builds plenty of schools. And they also have a very good Health Care System.

Yes, they have a lot of Norte Americano money to spend now. Funny huh. My friends located to Costa Rica 40 years ago. Remember sonny, I'm older than you.

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