Another High Tech Lynching

Did Lani Guinier get lynched by conservatives?

Did Van Jones get lynched by conservatives?

The former wanted each black Americans to have more votes than any white American...

...and the latter was an avowed communist.

So, no....neither was a subject worthy of the phrase 'high tech lynching,' and you are a congenital, inveterate liar.

So you don't think Democrats who opposed Clarence Thomas dsagreed with him on the issues?

Are you daft?

Since they were all Liberal Democrats, led by the killer and traitor Ted Kennedy, clearly the "Democrats who opposed Clarence Thomas dsagreed (sic) with him on the issues."

And, you remain a liar.
Why is it racist if liberals oppose Clarence Thomas, but not racist if liberals oppose Robert Bork?

Do conservatives believe that skin color earns black conservatives some sort of special status?

High tech lynching applies, as I have posted, to Clarence Thomas, Brendan Eich, and the Duke Lacrosse Team.

Yet you imply that all of them are black...

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!

Clarence Thomas HIMSELF characterized his 'lynching' as the lynching of a BLACK man.

You can try to de-racecard it all you want but Thomas's own words cannot be changed.
Political Chick should be defending the rights of app developers to do business with whomever they choose. When she fails to protect this sacred doctrine of market freedom, she is no better than the Liberals hates.

Let's see how 'sacred' said doctrine in to you.

Interesting that you should appear to be endorsing the right of a business owner to allow smoking, or choose not to serve a particular race, or gender.

Is that your position?

BTW....I am far better than the liberals/fascists that I despise.
Time for you to recognize that.

What was racist about Robert Bork getting 'borked'?

You are the one who claimed that.... answer.
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?

Clarence wouldn't have the problems he has if he would have stayed clear of that sexual harassment and sexual perversion stuff he seemed so fond of.

Why it's dumb and dumber

Do you wish to dispute that Clarence Thomas played the racecard when he made that statement?

By all means, do so.
Why is it racist if liberals oppose Clarence Thomas, but not racist if liberals oppose Robert Bork?

Do conservatives believe that skin color earns black conservatives some sort of special status?

High tech lynching applies, as I have posted, to Clarence Thomas, Brendan Eich, and the Duke Lacrosse Team.

Yet you imply that all of them are black...

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!

Clarence Thomas HIMSELF characterized his 'lynching' as the lynching of a BLACK man.

You can try to de-racecard it all you want but Thomas's own words cannot be changed.

High tech lynching applies, as I have posted, to Clarence Thomas, Brendan Eich, and the Duke Lacrosse Team.

You can run, but you can't hide.
Political Chick should be defending the rights of app developers to do business with whomever they choose. When she fails to protect this sacred doctrine of market freedom, she is no better than the Liberals hates.

Let's see how 'sacred' said doctrine in to you.

Interesting that you should appear to be endorsing the right of a business owner to allow smoking, or choose not to serve a particular race, or gender.

Is that your position?

BTW....I am far better than the liberals/fascists that I despise.
Time for you to recognize that.

What was racist about Robert Bork getting 'borked'?

You are the one who claimed that.... answer.

So you concede that race has NOTHING to do with Democrats opposing conservative judicial appointments.

Okay, then explain why Clarence Thomas played the race card when he whined about a lynching of a black man.
Why is it racist if liberals oppose Clarence Thomas, but not racist if liberals oppose Robert Bork?

Do conservatives believe that skin color earns black conservatives some sort of special status?

High tech lynching applies, as I have posted, to Clarence Thomas, Brendan Eich, and the Duke Lacrosse Team.

Yet you imply that all of them are black...

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!

Clarence Thomas HIMSELF characterized his 'lynching' as the lynching of a BLACK man.

You can try to de-racecard it all you want but Thomas's own words cannot be changed.

High tech lynching applies, as I have posted, to Clarence Thomas, Brendan Eich, and the Duke Lacrosse Team.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Not according to Clarence Thomas.
Political Chick should be defending the rights of app developers to do business with whomever they choose. When she fails to protect this sacred doctrine of market freedom, she is no better than the Liberals hates.

Let's see how 'sacred' said doctrine in to you.

Interesting that you should appear to be endorsing the right of a business owner to allow smoking, or choose not to serve a particular race, or gender.

Is that your position?

BTW....I am far better than the liberals/fascists that I despise.
Time for you to recognize that.

What was racist about Robert Bork getting 'borked'?

You are the one who claimed that.... answer.

So you concede that race has NOTHING to do with Democrats opposing conservative judicial appointments.

Okay, then explain why Clarence Thomas played the race card when he whined about a lynching of a black man.

So you concede that you are a lying gutter-snipe!

Why is it racist if liberals oppose Clarence Thomas, but not racist if liberals oppose Robert Bork?

Do conservatives believe that skin color earns black conservatives some sort of special status?

High tech lynching applies, as I have posted, to Clarence Thomas, Brendan Eich, and the Duke Lacrosse Team.

Yet you imply that all of them are black...

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!

Clarence Thomas HIMSELF characterized his 'lynching' as the lynching of a BLACK man.

You can try to de-racecard it all you want but Thomas's own words cannot be changed.

High tech lynching applies, as I have posted, to Clarence Thomas, Brendan Eich, and the Duke Lacrosse Team.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Well by that standard Planned Parenthood is now getting lynched.
Political Chick should be defending the rights of app developers to do business with whomever they choose. When she fails to protect this sacred doctrine of market freedom, she is no better than the Liberals hates.

Let's see how 'sacred' said doctrine in to you.

Interesting that you should appear to be endorsing the right of a business owner to allow smoking, or choose not to serve a particular race, or gender.

Is that your position?

BTW....I am far better than the liberals/fascists that I despise.
Time for you to recognize that.

What was racist about Robert Bork getting 'borked'?

You are the one who claimed that.... answer.

So you concede that race has NOTHING to do with Democrats opposing conservative judicial appointments.

Okay, then explain why Clarence Thomas played the race card when he whined about a lynching of a black man.

So you concede that you are a lying gutter-snipe!


Today's best meltdown. lol, you really lose arguments badly. Try an ounce of dignity sometime.
Let's see how 'sacred' said doctrine in to you.

Interesting that you should appear to be endorsing the right of a business owner to allow smoking, or choose not to serve a particular race, or gender.

Is that your position?

BTW....I am far better than the liberals/fascists that I despise.
Time for you to recognize that.

What was racist about Robert Bork getting 'borked'?

You are the one who claimed that.... answer.

So you concede that race has NOTHING to do with Democrats opposing conservative judicial appointments.

Okay, then explain why Clarence Thomas played the race card when he whined about a lynching of a black man.

So you concede that you are a lying gutter-snipe!


Today's best meltdown. lol, you really lose arguments badly. Try an ounce of dignity sometime.

I love thrashing you, and forcing you to prove this observation from Coulter:

"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?"
Didn't Joe McCarthy use that to great effect?

Are you referring to the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

Republican does something, Hero.
Democrat does the same thing, Traitor.

I get how this partisan bull works.

You've posted a word salad not related in any way to the post to which you are, ostensibly, replying.

Bet that represented quite a difficulty for you in school.

"I get how this partisan bull works."
Actually, you appear not to "get" anything at all.

Now, focus like a laser: why have you brought up the great American hero, Joseph McCarthy...the man who brought attention to the attempts by international communism to turn America into the prison camp that Stalin did in Russia.

Can you answer that?

Yes I can. But I can see from the way you post you're not interested, so I won't bother.

Let's go over what I just proved:
You, a 'Reliable Democrat Voter,' simply accept the propaganda from the Left, never bothering to do any research, or to even question the blather.

So...let's leaved it at this:
McCarthy is a true American hero,

...and you, the sort of dolt that keeps the Left happy and in power.

Let's not.
6. "Screaming for Eich's head on a pike for his failure to conform....on same-sex marriage....Liberals are supposed to believe in protecting minority views, even when they disapprove of those views.

Instead an online mob of presumably "liberal" people tweeted about Eich's donation, many calling him a bigot and a homophobe for supporting Prop 8.

Remember, this passed the same year Senator Barack Obama sat in Rick Warren's church to explain his religious based opposition to same-sex marriage."
Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech,"

Wow....Eich must be a terrrrrrrible human being to have riled up those 70,000 good-hearted, tolerant, respectful-of-other-views, Liberal folks riled up that they'd be out to deprive him of his livelihood, and boot him out of the company that he created.

7. Let's see what a villain Eich is.....this from his statement of March 26, 2014:

"... I know there are concerns about my commitment to fostering equality and welcome for LGBT individuals at Mozilla. I hope to lay those concerns to rest, ...

I am committed to ensuring that Mozilla is, and will remain, a place that includes and supports everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status, or religion.

You will see

"....exemplary behavior from me toward everyone in our community, no matter who they are..."


Thing is PC, the Khmer Rouge democrats are not liberal, or anything close. These are Stalinist leftists. They want anyone questioning party dogma to be put into forced labor camps.
Let's not.

That you approve of Soviet infiltration of the federal government and agreed with the objectives of Harry Dexter White, et al. doesn't alter the fact that McCarthy was right. Pretty much everything he claimed has been proven via the Venona project.

No, I just think you're wasting my time on here. You don't have something proper to say and in a manner that's proper. You're just playing the boring boring boring partisan slag off match. I'm not interested. Is it that hard to understand?
Let's not.

That you approve of Soviet infiltration of the federal government and agreed with the objectives of Harry Dexter White, et al. doesn't alter the fact that McCarthy was right. Pretty much everything he claimed has been proven via the Venona project.

No, I just think you're wasting my time on here. You don't have something proper to say and in a manner that's proper. You're just playing the boring boring boring partisan slag off match. I'm not interested. Is it that hard to understand?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

You're the one who brought up Senator you've been forced to slither away from the comment.
What was racist about Robert Bork getting 'borked'?

You are the one who claimed that.... answer.

So you concede that race has NOTHING to do with Democrats opposing conservative judicial appointments.

Okay, then explain why Clarence Thomas played the race card when he whined about a lynching of a black man.

So you concede that you are a lying gutter-snipe!


Today's best meltdown. lol, you really lose arguments badly. Try an ounce of dignity sometime.

I love thrashing you, and forcing you to prove this observation from Coulter:

"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?"

You mean like when someone responds with hysterical namecalling in lieu of a substantive rebuttal?

As in the highlighted above?
What's would be wrong with labeling Clarence Thomas a sexual abuser based only on unproven allegations,

when Bill Clinton has been routinely called a rapist based on the same sort of unproven allegations?

Fair is fair, isn't it?
You are the one who claimed that.... answer.

So you concede that race has NOTHING to do with Democrats opposing conservative judicial appointments.

Okay, then explain why Clarence Thomas played the race card when he whined about a lynching of a black man.

So you concede that you are a lying gutter-snipe!


Today's best meltdown. lol, you really lose arguments badly. Try an ounce of dignity sometime.

I love thrashing you, and forcing you to prove this observation from Coulter:

"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?"

You mean like when someone responds with hysterical namecalling in lieu of a substantive rebuttal?

As in the highlighted above?

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Harry S Truman

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