Another High Tech Lynching

You proved one of the first lines I quoted...that nutty RWers today embrace a kook like McCarthy.

More slander, but still not a single fact from you.

Who did McCarthy deny free speech to? How did he do so?

Go back to your hate site and see if there are any hate memes that answer this.

The Senate, in 1954, thought so...

“We are alive to the danger Communism holds for our way of life. But we want to make the fight against it...according to the our Constitution.”
–Senator Herbert Lehman
We’ve been glued to our TV sets for three months, mesmerized by the sight of Senator Joseph McCarthy trying to bully the nation’s military leaders. After accusing the State Department and other federal agencies of being “infested with Communists,” McCarthy has turned on the Army.

He’s grown so powerful, people have been afraid to speak. McCarthy’s charges have destroyed public careers. But for all his accusations, he hasn’t produced proof that any federal employee is a Communist.

Even those concerned about Communism here see this “witch hunt” as a threat to free speech, freedom of association, and the rule of law—the very freedoms at stake in this Cold War.

After five years, the Senate’s had enough. Today it condemned McCarthy, censuring him for conduct unbecoming of a senator.​

National Constitution Center - Centuries of Citizenship - The Senate condemns McCarthy and defends free speech
You proved one of the first lines I quoted...that nutty RWers today embrace a kook like McCarthy.

More slander, but still not a single fact from you.

Who did McCarthy deny free speech to? How did he do so?

Go back to your hate site and see if there are any hate memes that answer this.

The Senate, in 1954, thought so...

“We are alive to the danger Communism holds for our way of life. But we want to make the fight against it...according to the our Constitution.”
–Senator Herbert Lehman
We’ve been glued to our TV sets for three months, mesmerized by the sight of Senator Joseph McCarthy trying to bully the nation’s military leaders. After accusing the State Department and other federal agencies of being “infested with Communists,” McCarthy has turned on the Army.

He’s grown so powerful, people have been afraid to speak. McCarthy’s charges have destroyed public careers. But for all his accusations, he hasn’t produced proof that any federal employee is a Communist.

Even those concerned about Communism here see this “witch hunt” as a threat to free speech, freedom of association, and the rule of law—the very freedoms at stake in this Cold War.

After five years, the Senate’s had enough. Today it condemned McCarthy, censuring him for conduct unbecoming of a senator.​

National Constitution Center - Centuries of Citizenship - The Senate condemns McCarthy and defends free speech

AND STILL you fail to show a single person denied free speech or how they were thus denied, by McCarthy.

I have ZERO problem showing Obama crushing free speech;

Having virtually obliterated procedural protections for those accused of serious offenses and crimes, the Obama administration has now added a new insult — a restriction on free speech itself. For two decades, universities have struggled with the question of “speech codes,” tempted by the Left to enshrine political correctness at the expense of the First Amendment. Most campuses have resisted, but through the Obama administration, the censors have triumphed all at once and everywhere. In a letter from the Department of Education and the Department of Justice addressed to the University of Montana but explicitly intended as a “blueprint for colleges and universities throughout the country,” the government has altered the legal meaning of the term “sexual harassment.” The new rule directly contravenes Supreme Court decisions and previous rulings from OCR that harassment “must include something beyond the mere expression of views, words, symbols, or thoughts that some person finds offensive.” The Supreme Court has ruled that to meet the test of sexual harassment, behavior must be “severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive.” Note the word “objectively,” meaning that a reasonable person similarly situated would be offended. The reasonable-person standard is now gone. The new definition of sexual harassment decreed by the Obama administration is “any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature” including “verbal conduct.” The purported victim now has the power to decide whether a young man or woman (but it’s nearly always a man) is branded a sexual harasser. It’s entirely subjective.

Read more at:}

See, when free speech is denied, as Obama has denied it - it's easy to document and demonstrate. Yet with McCarthy, you utterly fail to demonstrate such an event.

Oh, and the State Department WAS IN FACT infested with Soviet Spies - McCarthy was right - and you're handlers know it - yet the slander and libel continue.

Because you agree with the goals of Stalin's spies, does not alter the fact that McCarthy was right on the nose about what was going on.
So in your mind, since the voters voted for BJ Bubba (no one would confuse American voters with intelligence) he should be above the law and any criminal acts he has caused should be ignored. Is that your position?

Do you really think an R pol with BJ's resume, would also get a pass?

Clinton lied about a blowjob and got impeached.
Bush lied about the reason for a war, 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis DIED, and Bush got a pass.

Seems to me the value system is kind of skewed. The latter would seem to be worse.
So in your mind, since the voters voted for BJ Bubba (no one would confuse American voters with intelligence) he should be above the law and any criminal acts he has caused should be ignored. Is that your position?

Do you really think an R pol with BJ's resume, would also get a pass?

Clinton lied about a blowjob and got impeached.
Bush lied about the reason for a war, 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis DIED, and Bush got a pass.

Seems to me the value system is kind of skewed. The latter would seem to be worse.
BJ Bubba lied under oath...big difference. How could you not know this?

And I am fine with impeaching dipshit W, but not for Iraq. He should've been impeached for failing to control our borders, just like the current dipshit in the WH.
BJ Bubba lied under oath...big difference. How could you not know this?

And I am fine with impeaching dipshit W, but not for Iraq. He should've been impeached for failing to control our borders, just like the current dipshit in the WH.

I think you are focusing on a technicality and NOT on the magitude of the lie.

No one died because Clinton lied about a blow job. No one came back with PTSD, or missing legs, or arms, or eyes. Clinton's blow job didn't dedicate us to a decade of warfare or empower Iran or ISIS. It was a private matter between him and his family and really wasn't anyone else's business.

Bush's lie about Iraq was a hundred times worse than Clinton's blow job or your fear of Mexicans.
BJ Bubba lied under oath...big difference. How could you not know this?

And I am fine with impeaching dipshit W, but not for Iraq. He should've been impeached for failing to control our borders, just like the current dipshit in the WH.

I think you are focusing on a technicality and NOT on the magitude of the lie.

No one died because Clinton lied about a blow job. No one came back with PTSD, or missing legs, or arms, or eyes. Clinton's blow job didn't dedicate us to a decade of warfare or empower Iran or ISIS. It was a private matter between him and his family and really wasn't anyone else's business.

Bush's lie about Iraq was a hundred times worse than Clinton's blow job or your fear of Mexicans.
I wonder Joe...would you be so forgiving of an R POTUS who lied under oath?
I wonder Joe...would you be so forgiving of an R POTUS who lied under oath?

I've stated time after time that I had no problem with anything Reagan did in Iran Contra and I've defended Scooter Libby against the Plame-Gate bullshit.

So, yeah, I think I'm being fairly consistent in my attitude we shouldn't use bullshit perjury charges to accomplish in a courtroom what you can't achieve at the ballot box.
I wonder Joe...would you be so forgiving of an R POTUS who lied under oath?

I've stated time after time that I had no problem with anything Reagan did in Iran Contra and I've defended Scooter Libby against the Plame-Gate bullshit.

So, yeah, I think I'm being fairly consistent in my attitude we shouldn't use bullshit perjury charges to accomplish in a courtroom what you can't achieve at the ballot box.
The ballot box has nothing to do with it and is an effort to distort the debate.

Your post proves you think pols are above the law in certain circumstances. I don't.
The ballot box has nothing to do with it and is an effort to distort the debate.

Your post proves you think pols are above the law in certain circumstances. I don't.

When you spend 70 million dollars to try to prove the guy committed an infraction in a court case that never should have been brought or allowed to go forward, that's an abuse of the system.

Here was the thing.

Judge Susan Weber Wright ruled that not only was any testimony about Lewinsky irrelevant to whether or not Clinton harassed Jones, but that Jones' case itself was without merit.

If you gave me 70 million dollars to tear your life upside down trying to prove you broke a law, I am positive I would find some law you broke. No one should have to put up with that sort of abuse. Not even the President.

You don't like a president, there's a place to deal with that. It's called the ballot box.
The ballot box has nothing to do with it and is an effort to distort the debate.

Your post proves you think pols are above the law in certain circumstances. I don't.

When you spend 70 million dollars to try to prove the guy committed an infraction in a court case that never should have been brought or allowed to go forward, that's an abuse of the system.

Here was the thing.

Judge Susan Weber Wright ruled that not only was any testimony about Lewinsky irrelevant to whether or not Clinton harassed Jones, but that Jones' case itself was without merit.

If you gave me 70 million dollars to tear your life upside down trying to prove you broke a law, I am positive I would find some law you broke. No one should have to put up with that sort of abuse. Not even the President.

You don't like a president, there's a place to deal with that. It's called the ballot box.

When a POTUS lies repeatedly to the American people, uses the power of his office to cover up and promote the lie, and then lies under oath...he deserves impeachment and removal from office.

At least Nixon had the honor to resign. No doubt you believe he got what he deserved for an infraction far less damaging than bubba's, but then he was an R..though a progressive like you.

It is sad that some Americans think a lying POTUS is okay.
When a POTUS lies repeatedly to the American people, uses the power of his office to cover up and promote the lie, and then lies under oath...he deserves impeachment and removal from office.

The American people didn't care. That's what you don't get, guy. They concluded that this was a personal matter and it wasn't anyone's business but him and his wife. And when the GOP Pandered to the Hate Radio crowd and proceeded with an impeachment no one wanted, they paid for it at the ballot box. Then the GOP said, "Meh, fuck the ballot box, we'll just steal the next election."

That was a bigger scandal than lying about a blow job. So was lying about the reasons to go into a war that killed a million people.

It was only a fucking blow job. It was no big deal.

At least Nixon had the honor to resign. No doubt you believe he got what he deserved for an infraction far less damaging than bubba's, but then he was an R..though a progressive like you.

Nixon resigned because his own party turned on him. I don't look at the Nixon resignation as a good thing. I think it diminished the office of the presidency and we've had 40 years of bullshit non-scandals ever since.

But I do think that breaking into a place, wiretapping your enemies, etc. was a lot worse than lying about a blow job.

It is sad that some Americans think a lying POTUS is okay.

Anyone who complains " A politician lied to me' is like a person who goes to a whorehouse and complains he didn't feel loved. Or goes to Denny's and says, "The food there really wasn't any good."

Helllo. The last time a politician told the truth was when Walter Mondale said we'd have to raise taxes in 1984 to erase the deficit. He lost 49 states. Ronnie Reagan then raised taxes after promising he wouldn't. Bush screamed "Read my Lips" and ended up raising them again.
^^^it was only a BJ, so lying repeatedly about it and using the power of your office to cover it up, is okay.


Pols lie because many American people find it acceptable. If we don't hold our pols to high standards of conduct, we get what we have today.
^^^it was only a BJ, so lying repeatedly about it and using the power of your office to cover it up, is okay.


Pols lie because many American people find it acceptable. If we don't hold our pols to high standards of conduct, we get what we have today.

Guy, I would LOVE to have my life back the way it was when Clinton was President.

I would love to have 4% unemployment and a roaring economy and peace and prosperity.

We didn't lose those things because he lied about a blow job. We lost those things because you guys stole an election and the boob you put into power brought us wars and recessions and let the horse show guys run FEMA...
^^^it was only a BJ, so lying repeatedly about it and using the power of your office to cover it up, is okay.


Pols lie because many American people find it acceptable. If we don't hold our pols to high standards of conduct, we get what we have today.

Guy, I would LOVE to have my life back the way it was when Clinton was President.

I would love to have 4% unemployment and a roaring economy and peace and prosperity.

We didn't lose those things because he lied about a blow job. We lost those things because you guys stole an election and the boob you put into power brought us wars and recessions and let the horse show guys run FEMA...
Damn Joe...can you ever stay on point? We are not discussing the Clinton economy for Christ sake.

Damn Joe...can you ever stay on point? We are not discussing the Clinton economy for Christ sake.


Why aren't we? Your argument was that "if we don't hold our pols to high standards of conduct, we get what we have today."

Well, we didn't hold Clinton to a high standard about his personal life. He was a horn-dog, everyone knew he was a horn dog, and I don't think there was ANYONE who ever believed on either side of the fence that he didn't get a blow job from the fat intern.

So we gave him a pass, and we had low unemployment, balanced budgets, peace, prosperity, a roaring economy.

But that wasn't good enough for the Religious Nuts, and when they couldn't make their case at the ballot box, they just straight up stole the election.

We got.

The worst terrorist attack ever.
The worst recession in 80 years.
A major flood that wiped out a major city because we didn't invest in infrastucture
A war over weapons that didn't exist
Trillion Dollar debts.

But damn it, we know Bush didn't lie about no blow job. Probably because he was so busy fucking up everything else that no one had time to ask him.

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