Another High Tech Lynching

You see, if someone doesnt like the new guy up for their company. The right thing to do would be to keep your mouth shut...
So, Brendan Eich...who had spent a lifetime building Mozilla, was forced out by Liberals for that most egregious of crimes.....a thought crime.

Not anything he did that harmed another person...but having a dissenting opinion!

5. Let's document where Eich stands, this is from his blog, April 5, 2012.

"If we start to try to make “Mozilla” mean “those people who share not only the Mozilla mission but also my general political / social / religious / environmental view” we will fail. If we focus Mozilla on our shared consensus regarding the Mozilla mission and manifesto then the opportunities before us are enormous.

Mozilla’s diversity is a success condition. Our mission and our goal is truly global. Our mission taps into a shared desire for respect and control and user sovereignty that runs across cultures and across many other worldviews. We may even offend each other in some of our other views. Despite this, we share a commitment to the Mozilla mission. This is a remarkable achievement and important to our continued success.

I agree with every word of this, and I believe it applies to other communities of which I’m a member. If not, these communities will tend to splinter, and that is likely to be a net loss for everyone."
Brendan Eich Blog Archive Community and Diversity

So....what did he do that harmed anyone?


He merely had a different opinion: verdict for committing a thoughtcrime- "lynch him!!!"

Seems clear how Liberals would respond if the First Amendment was put to a vote.
'Common cause' with every other totalitarian dictatorship.
Wasn't it the owners of the company that fired him at the suggestion of their employees and customers? Who were these liberals you speak of? Perhaps you are suggesting limitations on free speech? At the beginning of the week you had a thread about liberals being against free speech until your silly concept was mocked so much you had to give up and run away. Now you are promoting the restriction of free speech, or at least whining about it.
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?


An interesting conjecture.

Let's compare your 'guess' about the motivation behind 'high tech lynching,' with the actual view of Liberals/Democrats about when a smear is appropriate:

What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter. Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:"“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”
Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

Didn't Joe McCarthy use that to great effect?

Are you referring to the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?
So, Brendan Eich...who had spent a lifetime building Mozilla, was forced out by Liberals for that most egregious of crimes.....a thought crime.

Not anything he did that harmed another person...but having a dissenting opinion!

5. Let's document where Eich stands, this is from his blog, April 5, 2012.

"If we start to try to make “Mozilla” mean “those people who share not only the Mozilla mission but also my general political / social / religious / environmental view” we will fail. If we focus Mozilla on our shared consensus regarding the Mozilla mission and manifesto then the opportunities before us are enormous.

Mozilla’s diversity is a success condition. Our mission and our goal is truly global. Our mission taps into a shared desire for respect and control and user sovereignty that runs across cultures and across many other worldviews. We may even offend each other in some of our other views. Despite this, we share a commitment to the Mozilla mission. This is a remarkable achievement and important to our continued success.

I agree with every word of this, and I believe it applies to other communities of which I’m a member. If not, these communities will tend to splinter, and that is likely to be a net loss for everyone."
Brendan Eich Blog Archive Community and Diversity

So....what did he do that harmed anyone?


He merely had a different opinion: verdict for committing a thoughtcrime- "lynch him!!!"

Seems clear how Liberals would respond if the First Amendment was put to a vote.
'Common cause' with every other totalitarian dictatorship.
Wasn't it the owners of the company that fired him at the suggestion of their employees and customers? Who were these liberals you speak of? Perhaps you are suggesting limitations on free speech? At the beginning of the week you had a thread about liberals being against free speech until your silly concept was mocked so much you had to give up and run away. Now you are promoting the restriction of free speech, or at least whining about it.

"Wasn't it the owners of the company that fired him at the suggestion of their employees and customers?"


It was the pressure from neo-fascists who cannot abide with free speech, and free thoughts.
So a referendum to outlaw handguns in a state could only be overturned by a court of fascists?

Be a neat hat trick, didn't SCOTUS just tell NY they did not have that power??


PoliticalChic says it's fascist for the court to have that power.

You never seem able to actually provide my quotes saying what you pretend I say.
Is that why you are the NYLiar.

This is the province of the court...

"The brief writer’s version [Liberal judicial activism] seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own, quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s

It should be easy for any one individual or group of individuals to impose
by law their value judgments upon fellow citizens who
may disagree with those judgments. Indeed, it should not be
easier just because the individual in question is a judge."

Feel free to quote that passage.
PoliticalChic says it's fascist for the court to have that power.

I don't remember reading any thing of that sort from PC, got a link to that quote??

You seem to like putting words in others mouth.

There seems to be a confused SCOTUS here of late, making law instead of interpreting without bias as was originally intended by the framers.

Seems like liberalism has ebbed it's way into our political process, instead of being fair and balanced it is now heavily skewed to the Left's dim witted views and values.

Best just to let others speak for themselves, that way you don't seem so full of hate and shit??
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?


He defeated you filthy fucks and set you to shitting your white robes.

Absolutely brilliant. You tried to Bork him, but he outsmarted you. I know, you don't think a "colored" can be intelligent, thus must only ape the party line.

Thomas proved you wrong, he showed himself smarter than the white Massahs of the DNC.
Clarence wouldn't have the problems he has if he would have stayed clear of that sexual harassment and sexual perversion stuff he seemed so fond of.

Oh? And what problems does he have, Comrade?

The "problem" of humiliating your Klansman and setting you to your heal when you tried to lynch him?

The problem of out smarting and out maneuvering the white massahs of the DNC plantation who vowed to destroy that uppity Thomas, thinking for himself and not obeying orders from his betters?

I'd say Thomas turned out to be huge problem for you racist fucks in the DNC...
PoliticalChic says it's fascist for the court to have that power.

I don't remember reading any thing of that sort from PC, got a link to that quote??

Here, you illiterate fuckwit.

"Judges who throw out the results of honest elections are, like you, fascists and do not belong on the bench in this nation."

So you think it is alright for a judge to overturn a fair vote / election??

Which specific instance are you referring to, lot of vagueness with "That power"??

Which election are e referring to??
6. "Screaming for Eich's head on a pike for his failure to conform....on same-sex marriage....Liberals are supposed to believe in protecting minority views, even when they disapprove of those views.

Instead an online mob of presumably "liberal" people tweeted about Eich's donation, many calling him a bigot and a homophobe for supporting Prop 8.

Remember, this passed the same year Senator Barack Obama sat in Rick Warren's church to explain his religious based opposition to same-sex marriage."
Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech,"

Wow....Eich must be a terrrrrrrible human being to have riled up those 70,000 good-hearted, tolerant, respectful-of-other-views, Liberal folks riled up that they'd be out to deprive him of his livelihood, and boot him out of the company that he created.

7. Let's see what a villain Eich is.....this from his statement of March 26, 2014:

"... I know there are concerns about my commitment to fostering equality and welcome for LGBT individuals at Mozilla. I hope to lay those concerns to rest, ...

I am committed to ensuring that Mozilla is, and will remain, a place that includes and supports everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status, or religion.

You will see

"....exemplary behavior from me toward everyone in our community, no matter who they are..."

An Ode To Brendan Eich

America... lend me your ears;

I come to bury Brendan Eich, not to praise him.

The evil that men do lives after them;

The good is oft interred with their bones;

So let it be with Brendan. The noble Liberals

Hath told you that Brendan was a bigot:

If it were so, it was a grievous fault,

And grievously hath Brendan answer’d it.

Here, under leave of Liberal and the rest–

For Liberals are tolerant, honourable men;

So are they all, all honourable men–

He hath brought many careers home to Mozilla

Whose paychecks did your wallets fill:

Yet the Liberals say he was a bigot;

And a Liberal is an honourable man.

Well....sorta'..............unless folks dissent,

and commit thought crimes!

Then.....hang 'em high!
8. "Nearly 65K Demand Mozilla CEO Come Out for Marriage Equality
Although Mozilla's newly appointed CEO promised the company's inclusive policies and benefits are here to stay, some LGBT activists are demanding that Brendan Eich formally renounce his past support for Proposition 8 and explicitly state his support for marriage equality.

....nearly 70,000 people have signed onto a petition demanding that Eich clarify his position on marriage equality — and if he refuses or still opposes the freedom to marry, that Eich be removed from the tech company's top spot.

"It’s not enough for Eich to pledge that he will enforce Mozilla's strong internal policies that ensure all employees are treated equal when he continues to refuse to renounce his advocacy for legislating hateful discrimination against gays and lesbians with constitutional amendments such as Proposition 8," reads the petition at CredoAction. "The people at Mozilla and their massive community of users deserve better than a leader that advocates for inequality and hate. CEO Brendan Eich should make an unequivocal statement of support for marriage equality. If he cannot, he should resign. And if he will not, the board should fire him immediately." Nearly 65K Demand Mozilla CEO Come Out for Marriage Equality

One can only wonder why the statement from CredoAction didn't conclude in the usual way, with 'Sieg Heil!"

a. Not every Liberal is a fascist geared up to destroy any who disagree with them....
To be fair....there was this from Andrew Sullivan, gay, and an advocate of same-sex marriage:

" When people’s lives and careers are subject to litmus tests, and fired if they do not publicly renounce what may well be their sincere conviction, we have crossed a line. This is McCarthyism applied by civil actors. This is the definition of intolerance.

If a socially conservative private entity fired someone because they discovered he had donatedagainstProp 8, how would you feel?" Dissents Of The Day The Dish

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