Another High Tech Lynching

How does a confirmation hearing get compared to a man being dragged out of his home in the dead of night and hung by his neck in front of his children and wife till he stops squirming on the tree limb in his front yard relate?
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?

Clarence wouldn't have the problems he has if he would have stayed clear of that sexual harassment and sexual perversion stuff he seemed so fond of.

Out here being a lying sack of shit??

You do have proof of that accusation right??

Or is that just some more buttnurt blubbering??

Since when did RWnuts like you decide unproven allegations were verboten?
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?

Clarence wouldn't have the problems he has if he would have stayed clear of that sexual harassment and sexual perversion stuff he seemed so fond of.

Out here being a lying sack of shit??

You do have proof of that accusation right??

Or is that just some more buttnurt blubbering??
Key word is "seemed" sparky. Look it up. It's in all the dictionaries.
So besides one lying black whore, Anita Hill, what else you bringing to the table.

Must be like your pecker, comes up way short ...........................
How does a confirmation hearing get compared to a man being dragged out of his home in the dead of night and hung by his neck in front of his children and wife till he stops squirming on the tree limb in his front yard relate?

It takes a race card carrying victimologist to pull off such a comparison.
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?

Clarence wouldn't have the problems he has if he would have stayed clear of that sexual harassment and sexual perversion stuff he seemed so fond of.

Out here being a lying sack of shit??

You do have proof of that accusation right??

Or is that just some more buttnurt blubbering??

Since when did RWnuts like you decide unproven allegations were verboten?

Nothing but an ad hominem..........

Well when you deal with folks who have shit for brains, you have to expect shit for answers ..................
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?

Clarence wouldn't have the problems he has if he would have stayed clear of that sexual harassment and sexual perversion stuff he seemed so fond of.

Out here being a lying sack of shit??

You do have proof of that accusation right??

Or is that just some more buttnurt blubbering??
Key word is "seemed" sparky. Look it up. It's in all the dictionaries.

Seems like you out here spreading shit sparky ....................
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?


An interesting conjecture.

Let's compare your 'guess' about the motivation behind 'high tech lynching,' with the actual view of Liberals/Democrats about when a smear is appropriate:

What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter. Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:"“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”
Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

To understand my point, which is beyond the scope of PC's mental abilities,

I invite the rest of you to imagine if President Obama made a reference to his being 'lynched' in response to any of the multitude of attacks on him...

...see how easy that was?

Obama made exactly that sort of reference:

"Obama: Iranians Who Yell "Death to America" Have "Common Cause" With Republicans"
RealClearPolitics‎ -

Easy to ram that back down your throat, huh?

There's no reference to lynching there, dumbass.

Oooo......look how quickly I've made you become uncivil.

Happens every time I skewer you, doesn't it.
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?


An interesting conjecture.

Let's compare your 'guess' about the motivation behind 'high tech lynching,' with the actual view of Liberals/Democrats about when a smear is appropriate:

What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter. Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:"“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”
Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

To understand my point, which is beyond the scope of PC's mental abilities,

I invite the rest of you to imagine if President Obama made a reference to his being 'lynched' in response to any of the multitude of attacks on him...

...see how easy that was?

Obama made exactly that sort of reference:

"Obama: Iranians Who Yell "Death to America" Have "Common Cause" With Republicans"
RealClearPolitics‎ -

Easy to ram that back down your throat, huh?

There's no reference to lynching there, dumbass.

Oooo......look how quickly I've made you become uncivil.

Happens every time I skewer you, doesn't it.
Uncivil would be your supporter who is calling a woman a black whore and someone else a cocksucker.
Your team house is filthy and you always attract the worst kind of trash to your threads. Maybe you should think about cleaning up your own team before whining about other people.
How does a confirmation hearing get compared to a man being dragged out of his home in the dead of night and hung by his neck in front of his children and wife till he stops squirming on the tree limb in his front yard relate?

Are you claiming that the truth of Thomas's reference wasn't clearly under stood by everyone?

Don't hesitate.....everyone already knows you're a liar.

"This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It’s a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree."
Clarence Thomas

'High tech lynching' is the theme of today's thread..... is the perfect allusion.
Clarence Thomas's foray into playing the race card and victimology is remembered as 'brilliant' now by the RWnuttery?


An interesting conjecture.

Let's compare your 'guess' about the motivation behind 'high tech lynching,' with the actual view of Liberals/Democrats about when a smear is appropriate:

What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter. Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:"“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”
Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

To understand my point, which is beyond the scope of PC's mental abilities,

I invite the rest of you to imagine if President Obama made a reference to his being 'lynched' in response to any of the multitude of attacks on him...

...see how easy that was?

Obama made exactly that sort of reference:

"Obama: Iranians Who Yell "Death to America" Have "Common Cause" With Republicans"
RealClearPolitics‎ -

Easy to ram that back down your throat, huh?

There's no reference to lynching there, dumbass.

Oooo......look how quickly I've made you become uncivil.

Happens every time I skewer you, doesn't it.

Show me the reference to lynching in what you linked to, and I'll will retract my characterization of you as a dumbass for making that dumbass post.

Until then...
How does a confirmation hearing get compared to a man being dragged out of his home in the dead of night and hung by his neck in front of his children and wife till he stops squirming on the tree limb in his front yard relate?

Are you claiming that the truth of Thomas's reference wasn't clearly under stood by everyone?

Don't hesitate.....everyone already knows you're a liar.

"This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It’s a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree."
Clarence Thomas

'High tech lynching' is the theme of today's thread..... is the perfect allusion.

It's the race card, pure and simple. He was claiming persecution because he's black.

lol, if he had any sense of history he might have remembered that Robert Bork was white.
More absurd analogies by usmb favorite exaggerator PC. Anita Hill told the truth, but in a world view in which women are considered as second rate citizens by the conservative right in America she is made into the enemy. You see the same hatred of Hillary, or women who support equal rights. Women could not even win the right's debate in America. But that is consistent with the conservative religious everywhere. I often find it odd that women can hate their gender, is it insecurity? To add more absurdity to her post, PC compares the Dark age torture to words. They really are the same aren't they. lol

An Outline of the Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas Controversy

"Despite Ginni Thomas' prayers, Hill has never backed down from her allegations. Why would she, since she was so obviously telling the truth?"
Clarence Thomas vs Anita Hill She s still telling the truth - latimes

PS as for Brendan Eich, corporations are image conscious and thus the action. Personally I feel like they acted too quickly as maybe Eich could have grown. Not everything in life is so simple as PC seems to believe.
Now, let's get back on point, and why it is appropriate to indict Liberals as neo-fascists.

Back to this later 'high tech lynching.'

4. So....what's the beef that cost Brendan Eich his position at Mozilla?

"In November 2008 — five months after gay couples began marrying in the state — Californians went to the polls and voted 52% to 48% to ban same-sex marriage.

Proposition 8 amended California’s Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman and is the state’s costliest social initiative to date, with more than $83 million raised.

The initiative fight got underway after the California Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional a 2000 vote that limited marriage to heterosexual couples. In their May 2008 decision, the justices said gay couples had the same fundamental right to marry.

Supporters of Proposition 8 wanted to end gay marriage in California; opponents wanted to maintain the right of same-sex couples to wed."
Proposition 8 Campaign Contributions - Los Angeles Times

A six-year old donation of $1,000 to the "Yes on 8"campaign by Eich based on a different opinion from that of the Liberal orthodoxy.
Lynch the 21st century fashion.

BTW.....did you notice the "...Californians...voted 52% to 48% to ban same-sex marriage."

Need more proof that it is the Left that prevents voters from exercising their rights?
They do it by having judges throw out millions of votes
Now, let's get back on point, and why it is appropriate to indict Liberals as neo-fascists.

Back to this later 'high tech lynching.'

4. So....what's the beef that cost Brendan Eich his position at Mozilla?

"In November 2008 — five months after gay couples began marrying in the state — Californians went to the polls and voted 52% to 48% to ban same-sex marriage.

Proposition 8 amended California’s Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman and is the state’s costliest social initiative to date, with more than $83 million raised.

The initiative fight got underway after the California Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional a 2000 vote that limited marriage to heterosexual couples. In their May 2008 decision, the justices said gay couples had the same fundamental right to marry.

Supporters of Proposition 8 wanted to end gay marriage in California; opponents wanted to maintain the right of same-sex couples to wed."
Proposition 8 Campaign Contributions - Los Angeles Times

A six-year old donation of $1,000 to the "Yes on 8"campaign by Eich based on a different opinion from that of the Liberal orthodoxy.
Lynch the 21st century fashion.

BTW.....did you notice the "...Californians...voted 52% to 48% to ban same-sex marriage."

Need more proof that it is the Left that prevents voters from exercising their rights?
They do it by having judges throw out millions of votes

Eich left voluntarily.
Now, let's get back on point, and why it is appropriate to indict Liberals as neo-fascists.

Back to this later 'high tech lynching.'

4. So....what's the beef that cost Brendan Eich his position at Mozilla?

"In November 2008 — five months after gay couples began marrying in the state — Californians went to the polls and voted 52% to 48% to ban same-sex marriage.

Proposition 8 amended California’s Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman and is the state’s costliest social initiative to date, with more than $83 million raised.

The initiative fight got underway after the California Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional a 2000 vote that limited marriage to heterosexual couples. In their May 2008 decision, the justices said gay couples had the same fundamental right to marry.

Supporters of Proposition 8 wanted to end gay marriage in California; opponents wanted to maintain the right of same-sex couples to wed."
Proposition 8 Campaign Contributions - Los Angeles Times

A six-year old donation of $1,000 to the "Yes on 8"campaign by Eich based on a different opinion from that of the Liberal orthodoxy.
Lynch the 21st century fashion.

BTW.....did you notice the "...Californians...voted 52% to 48% to ban same-sex marriage."

Need more proof that it is the Left that prevents voters from exercising their rights?
They do it by having judges throw out millions of votes
It happens in a GOP state like here, with other voter initiatives...
Now, let's get back on point, and why it is appropriate to indict Liberals as neo-fascists.

Back to this later 'high tech lynching.'

4. So....what's the beef that cost Brendan Eich his position at Mozilla?

"In November 2008 — five months after gay couples began marrying in the state — Californians went to the polls and voted 52% to 48% to ban same-sex marriage.

Proposition 8 amended California’s Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman and is the state’s costliest social initiative to date, with more than $83 million raised.

The initiative fight got underway after the California Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional a 2000 vote that limited marriage to heterosexual couples. In their May 2008 decision, the justices said gay couples had the same fundamental right to marry.

Supporters of Proposition 8 wanted to end gay marriage in California; opponents wanted to maintain the right of same-sex couples to wed."
Proposition 8 Campaign Contributions - Los Angeles Times

A six-year old donation of $1,000 to the "Yes on 8"campaign by Eich based on a different opinion from that of the Liberal orthodoxy.
Lynch the 21st century fashion.

BTW.....did you notice the "...Californians...voted 52% to 48% to ban same-sex marriage."

Need more proof that it is the Left that prevents voters from exercising their rights?
They do it by having judges throw out millions of votes

The voters in California elected the governors who appointed the Justices.

There's a reason states have constitutions. The reason is, they want their laws to be constitutional. The reasons those states have judges with the power of judicial review is to rule on the constitutionality of laws.
More absurd analogies by usmb favorite exaggerator PC. Anita Hill told the truth, but in a world view in which women are considered as second rate citizens by the conservative right in America she is made into the enemy. You see the same hatred of Hillary, or women who support equal rights. Women could not even win the right's debate in America. But that is consistent with the conservative religious everywhere. I often find it odd that women can hate their gender, is it insecurity? To add more absurdity to her post, PC compares the Dark age torture to words. They really are the same aren't they. lol

An Outline of the Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas Controversy

"Despite Ginni Thomas' prayers, Hill has never backed down from her allegations. Why would she, since she was so obviously telling the truth?"
Clarence Thomas vs Anita Hill She s still telling the truth - latimes

PS as for Brendan Eich, corporations are image conscious and thus the action. Personally I feel like they acted too quickly as maybe Eich could have grown. Not everything in life is so simple as PC seems to believe.

"Anita Hill told the truth,..."

When Thomas changed jobs....guess who scurried after him....Anita Hill.

Thomas survived only because a dozen of his female employees came to his defense at the end of days of hearings.

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