Another Homeless Hippie Whackjob of Occupy Wall Street Demanding End of Capitalism


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Obviously some young idiot who has no direction or purpose and just wants a bunch of free handouts. Look for the part where he says he wants free stuff, the end of capitalism, a socialist government etc... All very clear now...

[ame=]Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

I think this should be spread everywhere, to show what a bunch of socialist whackjobs these OWS people really are!
Why would a lazy greedy person support Capitalism? Capitalism requires a good work-ethic and ingenuity. Most Left/Democrats lack both. It's always about the Freebies for them. Unfortunately nothing is for free. Someone has to pay for their Freebies. Ultimately it requires the Government to steal from one Citizen and give it to another. To me,that's 'Social Injustice.' This guy just wants to steal from others so he can sit on his dumb ass. This is the mentality of most Left/Democrats. I do think Capitalism always wins out in the end though. It always wins out because it's right. Democracy & Capitalism is 'Social Justice.'
Why would a lazy greedy person support Capitalism? Capitalism requires a good work-ethic and ingenuity. Most Left/Democrats lack both. It's always about the Freebies for them. Unfortunately nothing is for free. Someone has to pay for their Freebies. Ultimately it requires the Government to steal from one Citizen and give it to another. To me,that's 'Social Injustice.' This guy just wants to steal from others so he can sit on his dumb ass. This is the mentality of most Left/Democrats. I do think Capitalism always wins out in the end though. It always wins out because it's right. Democracy & Capitalism is 'Social Justice.'

Yeah. Like those idiots who comment on a thread they were too lazy to watch first, thus insuring they look like a complete fool....
Why would a lazy greedy person support Capitalism? Capitalism requires a good work-ethic and ingenuity. Most Left/Democrats lack both. It's always about the Freebies for them. Unfortunately nothing is for free. Someone has to pay for their Freebies. Ultimately it requires the Government to steal from one Citizen and give it to another. To me,that's 'Social Injustice.' This guy just wants to steal from others so he can sit on his dumb ass. This is the mentality of most Left/Democrats. I do think Capitalism always wins out in the end though. It always wins out because it's right. Democracy & Capitalism is 'Social Justice.'

Yeah. Like those idiots who comment on a thread they were too lazy to watch first, thus insuring they look like a complete fool....

And he's a little baby too. He should quit blaming everyone else for his own failures. That's another common trait amongst Left/Democrats. He comes off as your typical whiny spoiled mama's boy. Well guess what? Life is hard. But that doesn't mean he gets to steal from other Citizens. His failings are all on him. Maybe he should put down the Bong and lay off the video games? He might just succeed in life. But he definitely needs to stop whining like a little boy. He needs to get over himself and then get real.
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And when he says 'We' own the small businesses,im damn sure he isn't part of that 'We.' This dufus doesn't own chit. I seriously doubt this dufus has ever run his own business. He whines way too much to be taken seriously. Just because he's wearing a suit,doesn't mean he's credible. And his suit is pretty cheezy anyway. Just another whiner looking for a Freebie. Him and everyone else in that video can't fool me. I know them better than they know themselves.
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And when he says 'We' own the small businesses,im damn sure he isn't part of that 'We.' This dufus doesn't own chit. I seriously doubt this dufus has ever run his own business. He whines way too much to be taken seriously. Just because he's wearing a suit,doesn't mean he's credible. And his suit is pretty cheezy anyway. Just another whiner looking for a Freebie. Him and everyone else in that video can't fool me. I know them better than they know themselves.

Typical APaulcolypse Now post. Nothing on the issues, just stupid babble. Let's give you some specific issues and you can dodge, avoid, change the subject and do what APaulcolytes do.
Here are five issues addressed in the video. Do you agree with the speaker or disagree with him?
BTW, we know you will not be able to simply answer "Yes" or "No". That would require strength. The weak always wiggle around direct questions.

1. The video states clearly that the US Government should stop giving away billions of dollars a year to foreign countries (psst. so does your Messiah!). Do you agree with this point???
2. The video states that the bailouts should never have been given and shouldn't be given again. Do you agree with this point???
3. The video states that U.S. Companies shouldn't be rewarded with tax breaks and subsidies when they ship jobs overseas. Do you agree with this point?
4. The video state the average citizen should be able to get as much face time with their representatives Lobbyists & CEO's, if they have specific issues affecting them, they wish to discuss. Do you agree with this point?
5. The video states that Obama broke his promise to get the Lobbyists off Capitol Hill and that he should have kept that promise, so that say the guyl who went to telecom directly from his administration or the gal who helped pass legislation, just before doing the same, couldn't pull that kind of stuff. Do you agree with this point???

Again, the easy prediction is that you simply CAN'T answer Yes or No. So let's just watch as you do the usual dodges, change subject or maybe sling a few more petty insults - it's all you have. My bet is you'll Cut & Run at this point. You're spanked.
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And when he says 'We' own the small businesses,im damn sure he isn't part of that 'We.' This dufus doesn't own chit. I seriously doubt this dufus has ever run his own business. He whines way too much to be taken seriously. Just because he's wearing a suit,doesn't mean he's credible. And his suit is pretty cheezy anyway. Just another whiner looking for a Freebie. Him and everyone else in that video can't fool me. I know them better than they know themselves.

Typical APaulcolypse Now post. Nothing on the issues, just stupid babble. Let's give you some specific issues and you can dodge, avoid, change the subject and do what APaulcolytes do.
Here are five issues addressed in the video. Do you agree with the speaker or disagree with him?
BTW, we know you will not be able to simply answer "Yes" or "No". That would require strength. The weak always wiggle around direct questions.

1. The video states clearly that the US Government should stop giving away billions of dollars a year to foreign countries (psst. so does your Messiah!). Do you agree with this point???
2. The video states that the bailouts should never have been given and shouldn't be given again. Do you agree with this point???
3. The video states that U.S. Companies shouldn't be rewarded with tax breaks and subsidies when they ship jobs overseas. Do you agree with this point?
4. The video state the average citizen should be able to get as much face time with their representatives Lobbyists & CEO's, if they have specific issues affecting them, they wish to discuss. Do you agree with this point?
5. The video states that Obama broke his promise to get the Lobbyists off Capitol Hill and that he should have kept that promise, so that say the guyl who went to telecom directly from his administration or the gal who helped pass legislation, just before doing the same, couldn't pull that kind of stuff. Do you agree with this point???

Again, the easy prediction is that you simply CAN'T answer Yes or No. So let's just watch as you do the usual dodges, change subject or maybe sling a few more petty insults - it's all you have. My bet is you'll Cut & Run at this point. You're spanked.

He's a whiny little baby. And that's not what the "Occupiers" are all about. So what the hell is he talking about? He said he fully supports the movement,so either he's really really dumb or he's just a liar. Does he even know which movement he now belongs to? Doesn't sound like it to me. I suspect he's just another fraud. That man has never run a business in his life. Small business owners are tough people who don't whine like this dufus does. They're far too busy showing up for work every day. They don't have the time to bitch like this. He should get to know his new movement better. Because right now he sounds very stupid.
And when he says 'We' own the small businesses,im damn sure he isn't part of that 'We.' This dufus doesn't own chit. I seriously doubt this dufus has ever run his own business. He whines way too much to be taken seriously. Just because he's wearing a suit,doesn't mean he's credible. And his suit is pretty cheezy anyway. Just another whiner looking for a Freebie. Him and everyone else in that video can't fool me. I know them better than they know themselves.

Typical APaulcolypse Now post. Nothing on the issues, just stupid babble. Let's give you some specific issues and you can dodge, avoid, change the subject and do what APaulcolytes do.
Here are five issues addressed in the video. Do you agree with the speaker or disagree with him?
BTW, we know you will not be able to simply answer "Yes" or "No". That would require strength. The weak always wiggle around direct questions.

1. The video states clearly that the US Government should stop giving away billions of dollars a year to foreign countries (psst. so does your Messiah!). Do you agree with this point???
2. The video states that the bailouts should never have been given and shouldn't be given again. Do you agree with this point???
3. The video states that U.S. Companies shouldn't be rewarded with tax breaks and subsidies when they ship jobs overseas. Do you agree with this point?
4. The video state the average citizen should be able to get as much face time with their representatives Lobbyists & CEO's, if they have specific issues affecting them, they wish to discuss. Do you agree with this point?
5. The video states that Obama broke his promise to get the Lobbyists off Capitol Hill and that he should have kept that promise, so that say the guyl who went to telecom directly from his administration or the gal who helped pass legislation, just before doing the same, couldn't pull that kind of stuff. Do you agree with this point???

Again, the easy prediction is that you simply CAN'T answer Yes or No. So let's just watch as you do the usual dodges, change subject or maybe sling a few more petty insults - it's all you have. My bet is you'll Cut & Run at this point. You're spanked.

He's a whiny little baby. And that's not what the "Occupiers" are all about. So what the hell is he talking about? He said he fully supports the movement,so either he's really really dumb or he's just a liar. Does he even know which movement he now belongs to? Doesn't sound like it to me. I suspect he's just another fraud. That man has never run a business in his life. Small business owners are tough people who don't whine like this dufus does. They're far too busy showing up for work every day. They don't have the time to bitch like this. He should get to know his new movement better. Because right now he sounds very stupid.

You APaulcolytes are SO predictible! So basically you AGREE with him on virtually every issue brought up!
:lol: I KNEW IT! I predicted you would sling petty insults, spew BS and then dodge the questions! What a weak suck! And when it is PROVEN this is a business owner, what will you say next? More dodges, whining, labels etc... :lol:
No wonder that whackjob Messiah of yours doesn't have a chance!
Poor baby. You just keep getting spanked! :lol:
Typical APaulcolypse Now post. Nothing on the issues, just stupid babble. Let's give you some specific issues and you can dodge, avoid, change the subject and do what APaulcolytes do.
Here are five issues addressed in the video. Do you agree with the speaker or disagree with him?
BTW, we know you will not be able to simply answer "Yes" or "No". That would require strength. The weak always wiggle around direct questions.

1. The video states clearly that the US Government should stop giving away billions of dollars a year to foreign countries (psst. so does your Messiah!). Do you agree with this point???
2. The video states that the bailouts should never have been given and shouldn't be given again. Do you agree with this point???
3. The video states that U.S. Companies shouldn't be rewarded with tax breaks and subsidies when they ship jobs overseas. Do you agree with this point?
4. The video state the average citizen should be able to get as much face time with their representatives Lobbyists & CEO's, if they have specific issues affecting them, they wish to discuss. Do you agree with this point?
5. The video states that Obama broke his promise to get the Lobbyists off Capitol Hill and that he should have kept that promise, so that say the guyl who went to telecom directly from his administration or the gal who helped pass legislation, just before doing the same, couldn't pull that kind of stuff. Do you agree with this point???

Again, the easy prediction is that you simply CAN'T answer Yes or No. So let's just watch as you do the usual dodges, change subject or maybe sling a few more petty insults - it's all you have. My bet is you'll Cut & Run at this point. You're spanked.

He's a whiny little baby. And that's not what the "Occupiers" are all about. So what the hell is he talking about? He said he fully supports the movement,so either he's really really dumb or he's just a liar. Does he even know which movement he now belongs to? Doesn't sound like it to me. I suspect he's just another fraud. That man has never run a business in his life. Small business owners are tough people who don't whine like this dufus does. They're far too busy showing up for work every day. They don't have the time to bitch like this. He should get to know his new movement better. Because right now he sounds very stupid.

You APaulcolytes are SO predictible! So basically you AGREE with him on virtually every issue brought up!
:lol: I KNEW IT! I predicted you would sling petty insults, spew BS and then dodge the questions! What a weak suck! And when it is PROVEN this is a business owner, what will you say next? More dodges, whining, labels etc... :lol:
No wonder that whackjob Messiah of yours doesn't have a chance!
Poor baby. You just keep getting spanked! :lol:

Nah your guy is a fraud. No small business owner would ever be caught whining like this guy. Small business owners are a tough breed. Your guy is just wearing a cheezy suit and calling himself a business owner. If he was a real business owner,he wouldn't be fully supporting an Anti-Business Socialist/Communist movement. See how that works? Your guy is bogus. See Ya.
He's a whiny little baby. And that's not what the "Occupiers" are all about. So what the hell is he talking about? He said he fully supports the movement,so either he's really really dumb or he's just a liar. Does he even know which movement he now belongs to? Doesn't sound like it to me. I suspect he's just another fraud. That man has never run a business in his life. Small business owners are tough people who don't whine like this dufus does. They're far too busy showing up for work every day. They don't have the time to bitch like this. He should get to know his new movement better. Because right now he sounds very stupid.

You APaulcolytes are SO predictible! So basically you AGREE with him on virtually every issue brought up!
:lol: I KNEW IT! I predicted you would sling petty insults, spew BS and then dodge the questions! What a weak suck! And when it is PROVEN this is a business owner, what will you say next? More dodges, whining, labels etc... :lol:
No wonder that whackjob Messiah of yours doesn't have a chance!
Poor baby. You just keep getting spanked! :lol:

Nah your guy is a fraud. No small business owner would ever be caught whining like this guy. Small business owners are a tough breed. Your guy is just wearing a cheezy suit and calling himself a business owner. If he was a real business owner,he wouldn't be fully supporting an Anti-Business Socialist/Communist movement. See how that works? Your guy is bogus. See Ya.

LOL! As predicted, another dodge (FOUR Dodges and not ONCE did you address any issues directly! You ARE a Ron Paul follower!), followed by the weak Cut & Run. Oh and btw, I can prove he's a business owner and in the $250K+ group. Will you apologize and admit your judgment is terrible, and clouded by your worship of the whackjob who will never get elected after I do? Of course not.
To simply say "you're right. I was wrong" takes strength and character. I have it. You don't. Not Cut & Run little one, Cut & Run.
Yea a "Business Owner" who supports an Anti-Business Socialist/Communist Movement. Yup,makes perfect sense. He's either incredibly stupid or he's a fraud. I suspect he's both.
Obviously some young idiot who has no direction or purpose and just wants a bunch of free handouts. Look for the part where he says he wants free stuff, the end of capitalism, a socialist government etc... All very clear now...

Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

I think this should be spread everywhere, to show what a bunch of socialist whackjobs these OWS people really are!

The tea party has got to have some major penis envy over this shit
This knucklehead owns a business like i'm the Pope. I call Bullshot big time.

Nah. You're not the pope. You're just a stupid azzhole who doesn't understand sh1t and dodges direct questions about issues because you're too stupid and too weak to answer them.
You were asked a few simple questions. Too much of a coward to even say "Yes I agree with this" or "No, I disagree with this."

As far as his being a business owner. He's a busines owner of almost 20 years here, in Vegas. He makes more than you do - hell he pays $10,000 referral fees per transaction (because he makes between $40K - $200K per transaction). Former Executive Director of an Intellectual Property Law Firm (you know, scientists who file patents?), CMO of another firm. He also donates money out of every transaction to charity and donates his time - because instead of depending on the government to make a difference, he feels the private citizen should be the start of such efforts. Veteran with a degree in theology, winner of the Toastmasters International Western Division Speech Contest, volunteer tennis coach for students looking to get scholarships.... Makes you look like a weak little punk in comparison, eh?


You'll notice the photo in the "About Us" on his corporate website is him. Oops. You're spanked like the weak little b1tch you are! :lol:
So he is against bailouts, government giving money away to foreign countries etc... but you're so weak, you can't even admit you agree with him on those issues, can you? What a pion.
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I still call Bullshot. There is no way this dufus hasn't received Government handouts to keep his business afloat. That's if he really does have his own business. Because he's clearly a moron. No sane & logical businessman would support this "Occupier" movement. It's an Anti-Business movement for God's sake. Those Wingnuts hate Capitalism. So this guy is at the very least dazed & confused about the movement he now belongs to. If he really does have his own business,it shouldn't be lasting much longer. He's just way too stupid.
I still call Bullshot. There is no way this dufus hasn't received Government handouts to keep his business afloat. That's if he really does have his own business. Because he's clearly a moron. No sane & logical businessman would support this "Occupier" movement. It's an Anti-Business movement for God's sake. Those Wingnuts hate Capitalism. So this guy is at the very least dazed & confused about the movement he now belongs to. If he really does have his own business,it shouldn't be lasting much longer. He's just way too stupid.

Wow. You bring a whole new definition to weakness of character. Even when the facts are there, you're in denial. When hit with direct questions, you run away like a little b1tch. When it comes to issues, you can't address them. When it comes to reality, well, you're voting for Ron Paul, right? :lol::lol::lol:

Are YOU a part of OWS? Obviously not. But you want to speak for them? Okay fine. And Ron Paul wants all black people & minorities put back into slavery and oppression. He wants to hand our country over to our enemies. That is what he wants. See what it is like having someone who is NOT part of something, speak for that thing? See how STUPID that is? Yeah. That's you.
OWS has a WIDE RANGE of members who want a broad spectrum of things. But you're just a brain-washed drone who can't acknowledge the obvious because it scares you to death, to think there might be people in the movement who are more than what you have been told by your thought-masters...
I still call Bullshot. There is no way this dufus hasn't received Government handouts to keep his business afloat. That's if he really does have his own business. Because he's clearly a moron. No sane & logical businessman would support this "Occupier" movement. It's an Anti-Business movement for God's sake. Those Wingnuts hate Capitalism. So this guy is at the very least dazed & confused about the movement he now belongs to. If he really does have his own business,it shouldn't be lasting much longer. He's just way too stupid.

Wow. You bring a whole new definition to weakness of character. Even when the facts are there, you're in denial. When hit with direct questions, you run away like a little b1tch. When it comes to issues, you can't address them. When it comes to reality, well, you're voting for Ron Paul, right? :lol::lol::lol:

Are YOU a part of OWS? Obviously not. But you want to speak for them? Okay fine. And Ron Paul wants all black people & minorities put back into slavery and oppression. He wants to hand our country over to our enemies. That is what he wants. See what it is like having someone who is NOT part of something, speak for that thing? See how STUPID that is? Yeah. That's you.
OWS has a WIDE RANGE of members who want a broad spectrum of things. But you're just a brain-washed drone who can't acknowledge the obvious because it scares you to death, to think there might be people in the movement who are more than what you have been told by your thought-masters...

A "Businessman" joining a Socialist/Communist Anti-Capitalism/Business Movement? Wow what a hoot. :cuckoo:
Ron Paul is whacko! So is his son! No wonder Ron named his son after Ayn Rand.
I still call Bullshot. There is no way this dufus hasn't received Government handouts to keep his business afloat. That's if he really does have his own business. Because he's clearly a moron. No sane & logical businessman would support this "Occupier" movement. It's an Anti-Business movement for God's sake. Those Wingnuts hate Capitalism. So this guy is at the very least dazed & confused about the movement he now belongs to. If he really does have his own business,it shouldn't be lasting much longer. He's just way too stupid.

You have got to be the biggest bullshitter in the world. It looks like all you do is sit back and declare that other people cannot possibly be right and that you know everything about everyone.

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