Another homophobic incident hoax

Yet many gossip mags er rags like the Enquirer do it all the time(lie to make headlines) and you people are silent?
Yet many gossip mags er rags like the Enquirer do it all the time(lie to make headlines) and you people are silent?

Yeah we should be equally outraged that they report space aliens mated with Presley's granddaughter and bore the antichrist.
Yet many gossip mags er rags like the Enquirer do it all the time(lie to make headlines) and you people are silent?

The Enquirer doesn't try to force social change on people using the made up stories.
Since there's so much violence against Gay people I wonder why Gay's don't use that for their cause and feel the need to make stuff up. :dunno:

It's not the gays manufacturing this stuff; it is two amoral people self promoting, trying to get attention and hoping to enhance their careers based on the principle that any publicity, positive or negative, is good.
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I read about that, and I don't agree with what they did - you think anyone would?

Not only should people not agree with what they did, they should also be aware that there is a human-resource machine in the cult of LGBT churning out false hatred of gays to ramp up sympathy and keep advancing on with their blind agenda. It's blind in that even they aren't sure what the ultimate end is they're hoping for. Though we have seen signs in California. One is requiring school kids to celebrate the gay icon who sodomized teen boys on drugs to get his jollies.. [see my signature]. That would be one example of "the end game" where they are headed.

Another favorite goal of the cult of LGBT, besides ramping up false hate for gays, is to fan the flames of mental illness in children who want to play act being the opposite gender. The ultimate goal there is amputating their healthy urinary organs and/or mutilating them with the assitance of "medical doctors" in an operation that is never a success at actually making that person be the opposite gender.

Everybody on board yet?
Damn, they already erected the statues to the victims. Three arrests of suspected perpetrators of such a heinous pretend crime.

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