Another I Told You So Moment; Carbon Tax Coming


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Democrats couldn't even wait 24 hours before they proposed a new tax that effects everyone.

A new carbon tax.

Here's the good news. As long as you don't use fossil-fuels you can avoid the new tax. This means no gasoline, natural gas, coal, or ethanol.

So there's good news after all.
It is madness to propose an energy-cost increase at a time when unemployment and gasoline prices are high and family incomes are sagging. Unfortunately, economically destructive policy ideas are not a deterrent for the enemies of fossil fuels.

Rep. Jim McDermott, Washington Democrat, rose to national prominence during his controversial 2002 trip to Baghdad, where he claimed the Iraqi government was more trustworthy than his president. More recently, he stated he was “tired of reading the Constitution.” It appears he also is tired of reading complaints of rising fuel prices, as he has proposed a carbon tax that, according to some analysts, could add nearly $9,000 to a family’s energy costs in the next decade.

The Managed Carbon Price Act of 2012 would impose a carbon tax on fossil fuels essential for the pursuit of our individual and collective happiness and economic prosperity. The tax would rise exponentially in coming years, with no cap, in a specious attempt to “cover” the federal deficit.

Carbon-emission reduction is controlled by regulation and energy subsidies in the tax code. Costly mandates and voluntary private-sector action brought U.S. emissions to the lowest levels in 20 years, and they are still falling rapidlly.

TOLOCZKO: Proposed carbon taxes set to spike energy costs - Washington Times
The House is controlled by the Republicans, it simply won't happen. What will happen is Obama will attempt to use the EPA to shut down coal and natural gas. If someone does not sue his ass he will succeed in destroying the Coal industry and causing prices in 60 percent of this Country to sky rocket.
The House is controlled by the Republicans, it simply won't happen. What will happen is Obama will attempt to use the EPA to shut down coal and natural gas. If someone does not sue his ass he will succeed in destroying the Coal industry and causing prices in 60 percent of this Country to sky rocket.

Keep telling yourself that.

Remember when they said Obamacare would be ruled unconstitutional?
The House is controlled by the Republicans, it simply won't happen. What will happen is Obama will attempt to use the EPA to shut down coal and natural gas. If someone does not sue his ass he will succeed in destroying the Coal industry and causing prices in 60 percent of this Country to sky rocket.

Keep telling yourself that.

Remember when they said Obamacare would be ruled unconstitutional?

And it was not a tax. Oh wait, thats what made the BS constitutional
The voters have spoken. If we now get various new or increased taxes that's the way it goes. Elections, as they say, have consequences.

For some of us they'll have little to no financial impact in our day to day lives. For others, they'll feel it in varying degrees based on their financial circumstances. And if enough folks get pissed off about paying more in taxes they can take it out on the culprits at the ballot box.
The voters have spoken. If we now get various new or increased taxes that's the way it goes. Elections, as they say, have consequences.

For some of us they'll have little to no financial impact in our day to day lives. For others, they'll feel it in varying degrees based on their financial circumstances. And if enough folks get pissed off about paying more in taxes they can take it out on the culprits at the ballot box.

Everyone will be effected.

If you use fossil-fuels expect to see massive increases.

Food, gas, electricity, everything will go up.


Because in all of their wisdom the greedy American electorate voted to keep in power a party that believes in control of the population through bigger government. Bigger government costs more. That means more money gets printed, costs of goods and services go up due to federal, state, and local surcharges hidden in our bills. Our cell phone bills, our utility bills, our bank accounts, our mortgages.

You wanted it, you got it, America.
The House is controlled by the Republicans, it simply won't happen. What will happen is Obama will attempt to use the EPA to shut down coal and natural gas. If someone does not sue his ass he will succeed in destroying the Coal industry and causing prices in 60 percent of this Country to sky rocket.

you forget the messiah uses executive privilege whenever he wants what the Republicans won't allow. :D
It goes beyond Obama and Political Parties. If you do research on who controls both parties you'll see why no matter WHO we elect, we get the same policies implemented.
The voters have spoken. If we now get various new or increased taxes that's the way it goes. Elections, as they say, have consequences.

For some of us they'll have little to no financial impact in our day to day lives. For others, they'll feel it in varying degrees based on their financial circumstances. And if enough folks get pissed off about paying more in taxes they can take it out on the culprits at the ballot box.

Or those that work for theirs can just throw in the towel and join the slackers on the Government mammory.
The House is controlled by the Republicans, it simply won't happen. What will happen is Obama will attempt to use the EPA to shut down coal and natural gas. If someone does not sue his ass he will succeed in destroying the Coal industry and causing prices in 60 percent of this Country to sky rocket.

you forget the messiah uses executive privilege whenever he wants what the Republicans won't allow. :D

Spoken with real common sense. I like this. :clap2:
So basically the Obama machine is forcing us off the coal and oil standard and putting on the wind energy program?

Well hell why don't we just do away with light bulbs too and go back to candles while we're at it then.

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So basically the Obama machine is forcing us off the coal and oil standard and putting on the wind energy program?

Well hell why don't we just do away with light bulbs too and go back to candles while we're at it then.

Don't give him any ideas, damn it! :mad:
It's Obama's Fault.

All you sorry ass people that voted for Obama that hate on people that drive nice cars and you have to ride the gotdamn bus because you can't manage your money. I see you!...YOU MAD! that's what this is all about. I get it.

the Do nothings' are gettin' grumpy.
Oh get ready for it cuz we are ALL about to be money raped by our government.
Maybe the problem lies not with republicans but with the people that keep voting for politicians that will
do whatever it takes to keep this economy floundering....

Santa isn't coming to town Democrats......

Obama cancelled Christmas.

But he's still going to charge us for it because all of the money for gifts is already spent.
Santa isn't coming to town Democrats......

Obama cancelled Christmas.

But he's still going to charge us for it because all of the money for gifts is already spent.

There's already a carbon tax in effect in the northeastern USA, RGGI.

It's been in effect for over 3 years.

Rates haven't gone up. Beyond a few percent, same as the rest of the country.

So can we now move on to the next totally-contradicted-by-the-real-world whiny wingnut crank fantasy?

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