Another Innocent Freed

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Here's more proof that freedom in America is your luck, period. These stories have become common over the past 15 years or so. We are constantly placing the innocent behind bars based on false testimony, circumstantial evidence, planted evidence, faulty lab work, jailhouse snitches, and bad witnesses. Out judicial system is a joke, a bad joke. These cases should never happen in America, especially since we send our men and women of the armed forces to foreign soil to fight and die in the name of freedom.

Michael Kenneth McAlister Spent 29 Years in Jail for Looking Like Rapist Norman Derr

(Newser) – Michael Kenneth McAlister was freed yesterday after spending about half his life in prison for having the wrong face at the wrong time. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe granted a full pardon to the 58-year-old after a serial rapist who bears a very strong resemblance to McAlister—side-by-side mugshots can be seen here—confessed to the 1986 attempted rape McAlister was convicted of, the Washington Post reports. McAlister had already completed his sentence, but he faced indefinite commitment to a mental institution after being deemed at risk of re-offending because he refused to admit his guilt, reports the New York Daily News. He was convicted after he was identified from a photo lineup by the victim, who only saw part of her attacker's face when she pulled his mask up.
In the greatest Country in the world we do the best we can to insure justice. Do whining hate-America leftie anarchists have a better idea than a jury of our peers?
Obviously no one should ever go to prison because there's a chance that any one of them could be innocent.
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In the greatest Country in the world we do the best we can to insure justice. Do whining hate-America leftie anarchists have a better idea than a jury of our peers?
I have a better idea. Guilt is like a woman being pregnant. Either she is, or she isn't, plain and simple. There's no such thing as being almost pregnant, or slightly pregnant. If we stop circumstantial cases from entering our court rooms, stop allowing jailhouse snitches to testify, and if we require at least three independent separate labs to test evidence, then we can make progress towards placing only the guilty behind bars. A case should only be allowed in our courts if there is hard rock solid concrete undeniable undisputable evidence of guilt. Otherwise, we'll always chance placing an innocent person behind bars. If there's proof of guilt, yes, take the case to trial. If there's only circumstantial evidence, then never allow the case in a court room, period.

If we were to punish D.A.'s that are responsible for sending an innocent person to prison, we'd have good rock solid cases presented for trial. As long as those responsible, can walk free after sending an innocent person to prison, we'll always have innocent citizens in our prisons and jails. If no one is held responsible, then why should any of them care whether or not a person is guilty? All D.A.'s are interested in is getting a "WIN", and nothing else.
And golly gee whiz... lookee here! He's a white guy! Incredible.
This news was just now shown on the news in my area and it was said that the man is done being angry. I wouldn't be if 29 years that I can't get back were taken from me over something I had absolutely nothing to do with! It wasn't said what is being done to make up for what the man has lost.

God bless you and him always!!!


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