Another inspiring video for those who understand. Fellow conservatives. We are at war. Don't forget it.

Anyone who claims Republicans shouldn't be at war with Democrats is a lying prog scumbag.

Progs are the ones destroying the country, moron. They are literally destroying it. They are burning it down.

No, partisans are destroying the country. People like you that put party before country are destroying the country,
If he were alive today he’d be 110, and as Alzheimer’s took his mind, I doubt he’d have a clue what you dipshits are babbling about.

And he would be drafted into speech writing for the Rumpsters
I suspect Ronald Reagan would think you right wing conservatives suck right now. Now you got to go back to the early 80 to try to invoke his ghost, when you guys would call him a RINO and primary any Republican like him now? I voted for him twice and am pretty sure he wouldn't have anything to do with trump republicans of today, as he was more of a William F Buckley, George Will type conservative. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Yes, he would be called a RINO...unless he crawled on his hands and knees and kissed trump's orange ass....
Yes, he would be called a RINO...unless he crawled on his hands and knees and kissed trump's orange ass....
Another dumb motherfucker chimes in, unable to choke down his dumb motherfuckery
You gonna kill anyone who is a member of BLM?

Sounds like a case for the FBI
The far right MAGA nuts will not be happy until they start a race war or get people killed with their hate talk. They are building all of their hate and threats of violence on the words of a man that cannot tell the truth if his wife's life depended on it.
Another dumb motherfucker chimes in, unable to choke down his dumb motherfuckery
You rubber necks are "trump worshippers." He lost! He needs to go away and live is make believe billionaire life. He needs to SHUT THE F UP!
You rubber necks are "trump worshippers." He lost! He needs to go away and live is make believe billionaire life. He needs to SHUT THE F UP!
Like I said, dumb motherfuckery. You silly bastards are the ones with the annoying orange living in yer heads with dreams of piss tapes as lullabies.
Yes, he would be called a RINO...unless he crawled on his hands and knees and kissed trump's orange ass....
Reagan did believe in freedom of religion as he mentioned in that video.

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