Another Insult to Britain....


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
China is coming to town and they're pulling the plug on expenses. The state dinner is on. There will probably be "A" entertainment, naturally the best china and crystal, bands, and a menu you'd die for.

Of course that didn't happen when Gordon Brown and his wife visited, you know...our closest ally? No sir. He didn't get a state dinner although Mrs. Brown brought a dress for one. They didn't even get a dinner with the Obama's family! Rich diplomacy, I must say.

And while Brown and Obama spoke for 45 minutes, THe FLOTUS met with Mrs brown for a short time, then left her alone to her own devices. The highlight of their meeting was when Obama gave back the bust of Winston Churchill given to the White House during the Bush years by Tony Blair. Instead he put Abraham Lincoln in it's place.

And the Browns gave a perfect gift to the Obama's. It was a pen set made from the carvings from a Royal Navy Ship that was used for taking slaves back to their home. In turn, the Obama's gave them a set of DVD's including "Toy Story" and the "Wizard of Oz." They didn't play in England.

Have a good dinner, Mr. President.

Other insults are included in this article...

Barack Obama?s top 10 insults against Britain – Telegraph Blogs
What do you expect from a quasi state? After all Britian is our 51st state and he is just basically a governor. Or is bloody ole England a colony? Kinda hard to know these days.
Britain's glory days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. They're collapsing in on themselves like a dying star. They have no leadership. They are now a small,weak,and insignificant island nation. They're still trying to live off their past glory. But that can only last so long though. Most of Western Europe is going this same route. We'll have to look to the Eastern European Nations for future leadership.
Britain's glory days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. They're collapsing in on themselves like a dying star. They have no leadership. They are now a small,weak,and insignificant island nation. They're still trying to live off their past glory. But that can only last so long though. Most of Western Europe is going this same route. We'll have to look to the Eastern European Nations for future leadership.
Obama has alienated Eastern Europe as well.
China is coming to town and they're pulling the plug on expenses. The state dinner is on. There will probably be "A" entertainment, naturally the best china and crystal, bands, and a menu you'd die for.

Of course that didn't happen when Gordon Brown and his wife visited, you know...our closest ally? No sir. He didn't get a state dinner although Mrs. Brown brought a dress for one. They didn't even get a dinner with the Obama's family! Rich diplomacy, I must say.

And while Brown and Obama spoke for 45 minutes, THe FLOTUS met with Mrs brown for a short time, then left her alone to her own devices. The highlight of their meeting was when Obama gave back the bust of Winston Churchill given to the White House during the Bush years by Tony Blair. Instead he put Abraham Lincoln in it's place.

And the Browns gave a perfect gift to the Obama's. It was a pen set made from the carvings from a Royal Navy Ship that was used for taking slaves back to their home. In turn, the Obama's gave them a set of DVD's including "Toy Story" and the "Wizard of Oz." They didn't play in England.

Have a good dinner, Mr. President.

Other insults are included in this article...

Barack Obama?s top 10 insults against Britain – Telegraph Blogs

Obama's taking the right approach. It's not easy to teach a poodle to not piddle on the carpet
The UK can't make up its mind as to whether it wants to go its on way, join Europe or become the de facto 51st state. 40 years of playing hard to get, of EU vs. US and other games is beginning to annoy everyone else in the world.
Britain's glory days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. They're collapsing in on themselves like a dying star. They have no leadership. They are now a small,weak,and insignificant island nation. They're still trying to live off their past glory. But that can only last so long though. Most of Western Europe is going this same route. We'll have to look to the Eastern European Nations for future leadership.

Here's a little mathematics for you:

The UK currently has four Vanguard class submarines armed with nuclear-tipped Trident missiles.

Each submarine carries 16 Trident II D-5 missiles, which can each carry up to twelve warheads

The maximum yield of the UK-designed warheads is thought to be 100 Kilotons

That works out to a total of approximately 76 megatons of explosive power for their submarines.

A 1 megaton hydrogen bomb, hypothetically detonated on the earth's surface, has about 80 times the blast power of that 1945 Hiroshima explosion.

So 80 times 76 equals approximately 6000 Hiroshima equivalent explosions.

If what you are asserting were valid, that Great Britain is "now a small,weak,and insignificant island nation" why are North Korea and Iran pushing so hard to create their own nuclear weapons capabilities, if they did not believe that such a capability would not significantly enhance their political importance? How would the global political calculus be effected if either North Korea or Iran had the nuclear weapons capability of just Great Britain's submarine fleet?
Britain's glory days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. They're collapsing in on themselves like a dying star. They have no leadership. They are now a small,weak,and insignificant island nation. They're still trying to live off their past glory. But that can only last so long though. Most of Western Europe is going this same route. We'll have to look to the Eastern European Nations for future leadership.

Here's a little mathematics for you:

The UK currently has four Vanguard class submarines armed with nuclear-tipped Trident missiles.

Each submarine carries 16 Trident II D-5 missiles, which can each carry up to twelve warheads

The maximum yield of the UK-designed warheads is thought to be 100 Kilotons

That works out to a total of approximately 76 megatons of explosive power for their submarines.

A 1 megaton hydrogen bomb, hypothetically detonated on the earth's surface, has about 80 times the blast power of that 1945 Hiroshima explosion.

So 80 times 76 equals approximately 6000 Hiroshima equivalent explosions.

If what you are asserting were valid, that Great Britain is "now a small,weak,and insignificant island nation" why are North Korea and Iran pushing so hard to create their own nuclear weapons capabilities, if they did not believe that such a capability would not significantly enhance their political importance? How would the global political calculus be effected if either North Korea or Iran had the nuclear weapons capability of just Great Britain's submarine fleet?

As America has discovered, power is not determined by how many nukes you have.

Nobody is thinking about attacking North Korea, because they have one. Yet America has enough nukes to blow the world up a 1000 times .. yet we get our asses kicked out of the tiny nation of Vietnam .. booted the fuck out of the small nation of Iraq .. and we're losing AGAIN in the stone-age land of Afghanistan .. and we had Britain with all its nuclear power along for the ride.

Yet, now we grovel to China .. which does not invade small nations for profit .. which has a small defebse budget in comparison to ours .. in fact, EVERY nation has a small tominiscule defense budget compared to ours.

China understands soft power and quid-pro-quo .. we understand bullets and things that go boom.
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England became a power because of the power of its navy and the military conquest of native populations throughout the world. England was depleted economically and spiritually during the war with Germany and has never recovered. The world passed them by and they have been thrown on the trash heep of history just like Greece and Italy before them. There is something about being a world superpower that just drains a country dry and this is happening now to the United States. Where it used to take centuries for a power to succumb to the inner rot and collapse, today it seems to be in terms of decades. The rise of China in this century shows just how fast a country can explode. Whether they will take the mantle of world leader has yet to be seen, but there are indications that their military spending is increasing and once they get a taste of foreign accomplishments ...

Yet it is England we are talking about here. They had their day in the sun and for them it is twilight now. The PM does not warrant a state dinner every time he visits.
Britain's glory days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. They're collapsing in on themselves like a dying star. They have no leadership. They are now a small,weak,and insignificant island nation. They're still trying to live off their past glory. But that can only last so long though. Most of Western Europe is going this same route. We'll have to look to the Eastern European Nations for future leadership.

Here's a little mathematics for you:

The UK currently has four Vanguard class submarines armed with nuclear-tipped Trident missiles.

Each submarine carries 16 Trident II D-5 missiles, which can each carry up to twelve warheads

The maximum yield of the UK-designed warheads is thought to be 100 Kilotons

That works out to a total of approximately 76 megatons of explosive power for their submarines.

A 1 megaton hydrogen bomb, hypothetically detonated on the earth's surface, has about 80 times the blast power of that 1945 Hiroshima explosion.

So 80 times 76 equals approximately 6000 Hiroshima equivalent explosions.

If what you are asserting were valid, that Great Britain is "now a small,weak,and insignificant island nation" why are North Korea and Iran pushing so hard to create their own nuclear weapons capabilities, if they did not believe that such a capability would not significantly enhance their political importance? How would the global political calculus be effected if either North Korea or Iran had the nuclear weapons capability of just Great Britain's submarine fleet?

Many Nations will have Nukes in the future. That will only weaken Great Britain further. All these nations having Nukes will just off-set the perceived power you think Great Britain has with their possessing Nukes. Great Britain has very little real power in the World. They're crumbling from within. They really are now just a small,weak,and insignificant island nation. A Paper Tiger for sure.

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