Another Legal Community/Law Enforcement Official Gunned Down in his own Home

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Another Legal Community/Law Enforcement Official Gunned Down in his own Home

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What are the odds all of the Legal Community/Law Enforcement officials and their families recently gunned down in or nearby their own homes, were armed for protection of self and home?

Double murder of North Texas prosecutor and wife was ?targeted attack?: official - NY Daily News

Texas DA, wife found dead at home; mayor says ‘it appears this was not a random act'

Woman tied to gun used to kill Colorado prisons chief Tom Clements
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The false argument people use about personal and home security.

I am not anti gun, I am anti stupid arguments and anti stupid people. Most people being targeted by others will never get to use their 'equalizer' in a real attack. People who argue against all gun controls use too many specious and patently false arguments.
so you really have no argument and no point to this thread

another dante "win"
why would i be hurt that you created another pointless thread? are you projecting your own hurt wittle feelings because your thread is pointless and you didn't get the praise you so desperately need?
The false argument people use about personal and home security.

I am not anti gun, I am anti stupid arguments and anti stupid people. Most people being targeted by others will never get to use their 'equalizer' in a real attack. People who argue against all gun controls use too many specious and patently false arguments.

What makes you think this guy owned a gun in the first place? Because he is from Texas?
The false argument people use about personal and home security.

I am not anti gun, I am anti stupid arguments and anti stupid people. Most people being targeted by others will never get to use their 'equalizer' in a real attack. People who argue against all gun controls use too many specious and patently false arguments.

What makes you think this guy owned a gun in the first place? Because he is from Texas?

Almost every single person I know who works in the Legal Community/Law Enforcement at the level of these people, have concealed weapons permits and guns in their home.

but the point is that others arguing having guns makes one safer. How much safer is open to debate. What we see is people pushing the idea that having guns WILL make things like this less likely to you or I. I have always said a gun will hardly help in most real world scenarios. That said, I like guns

It's like real martial arts people will tell people to run if they can rather than get in a street fight. That is not an argument against learning martial arts to be safer. It is a recognition of how the real world works
The false argument people use about personal and home security.

I am not anti gun, I am anti stupid arguments and anti stupid people. Most people being targeted by others will never get to use their 'equalizer' in a real attack. People who argue against all gun controls use too many specious and patently false arguments.

What makes you think this guy owned a gun in the first place? Because he is from Texas?

Almost every single person I know who works in the Legal Community/Law Enforcement at the level of these people, have concealed weapons permits and guns in their home.

but the point is that others arguing having guns makes one safer. How much safer is open to debate. What we see is people pushing the idea that having guns WILL make things like this less likely to you or I. I have always said a gun will hardly help in most real world scenarios. That said, I like guns

It's like real martial arts people will tell people to run if they can rather than get in a street fight. That is not an argument against learning martial arts to be safer. It is a recognition of how the real world works

Tell me something, exactly how many people do you know that are assistant count prosecutors? Be exact now, just so we can get some perspective from your vast experience.
What makes you think this guy owned a gun in the first place? Because he is from Texas?

Almost every single person I know who works in the Legal Community/Law Enforcement at the level of these people, have concealed weapons permits and guns in their home.

but the point is that others arguing having guns makes one safer. How much safer is open to debate. What we see is people pushing the idea that having guns WILL make things like this less likely to you or I. I have always said a gun will hardly help in most real world scenarios. That said, I like guns

It's like real martial arts people will tell people to run if they can rather than get in a street fight. That is not an argument against learning martial arts to be safer. It is a recognition of how the real world works

Tell me something, exactly how many people do you know that are assistant count prosecutors? Be exact now, just so we can get some perspective from your vast experience.

"Almost every single person I know who works in the Legal Community/Law Enforcement at the level of these people..." You have made the thread personal, but it's okay. It's what you do.

Another idiotic Liberal thread about how guns are bad and should be taken away from law abiding citizens. You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
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Law abinding and stupid citizens are one of the primary factors in the number of gun deaths in the US. Guns are very bad when handled carelessly or left where children have access.

American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

The Dec. 14 slaying of 20 children and six adults at the school in Newtown, Connecticut, reignited a debate over gun violence. While mass murders are rare, shootings aren’t. About 85 Americans are shot dead daily -- 53 of them suicides. Every day, one of those killed by firearms is 14 or younger.

‘Game Changer’

Of the total, the CDC data show, 16 are between the ages of 15 and 24, mostly homicide victims. Wintemute said more than 200 people go to U.S. emergency rooms every day with gunshot wounds.

Gun deaths by homicide, suicide or accident peaked at 37,666 in 1993 before declining to a low of 28,393 in 2000, the data show. Since then the total has risen to 31,328 in 2010, an increase of 2,935, or eight more victims a day.

At the same time, violent crime and murder rates have fallen in the U.S., said Daniel Webster, director of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Gun Policy and Research in Baltimore. Homicides may be up this year, though the murder rate from 2006 to 2011 fell 19 percent, to 4.7 for every 100,000 people, Webster said in an e-mail.
Almost every single person I know who works in the Legal Community/Law Enforcement at the level of these people, have concealed weapons permits and guns in their home.

but the point is that others arguing having guns makes one safer. How much safer is open to debate. What we see is people pushing the idea that having guns WILL make things like this less likely to you or I. I have always said a gun will hardly help in most real world scenarios. That said, I like guns

It's like real martial arts people will tell people to run if they can rather than get in a street fight. That is not an argument against learning martial arts to be safer. It is a recognition of how the real world works

Tell me something, exactly how many people do you know that are assistant count prosecutors? Be exact now, just so we can get some perspective from your vast experience.

"Almost every single person I know who works in the Legal Community/Law Enforcement at the level of these people..." You have made the thread personal, but it's okay. It's what you do.


I want something to base my assessment of your claim on, that is not personal, it is a legitimate question.
Tell me something, exactly how many people do you know that are assistant count prosecutors? Be exact now, just so we can get some perspective from your vast experience.

"Almost every single person I know who works in the Legal Community/Law Enforcement at the level of these people..." You have made the thread personal, but it's okay. It's what you do.


I want something to base my assessment of your claim on, that is not personal, it is a legitimate question.

I ate cocoa puffs for breakfast
I bet people who believe having armed guards in schools will keep children safe, would love to argue if these law enforcement/legal community members had been armed...

were they, were they armed on their person and in their homes?

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