Another Mall shooter finds his destiny... A good guy with a gun...

So thanks for proving my larger point that you don't need to be armed...the cops got you have confirmed
Not at all… When seconds count the police are only minutes/hours away most of the time.

Where my brother, his wife, and their seven kids live response time for the PD is at least 15-20 minutes. Overnight it might be close to 45-60 minutes.
So, have a firearm.
Nothing wrong with that.........................if you're scared of anything that moves.
Just learn how to use it.

When you have a CCW, you must know how to use a firearm to pass the test. If you can't pass the test, you don't get the license.
So, what about the retards that don't need anything, like in so many republican states?
No, training, No license, No experience, No age limit, No problem.

I'm against that. I posted that when our state recently turned to constitutional carry. I believe that if you are going to carry a firearm out in public, you should have to prove you know how to use it, and even more importantly is knowing the laws of our state. My opinion is formed by experience when there were asshole kids at the shooting range mishandling the gun and laughing about it; one time shooting a round into the ceiling.

On the other hand, I'm unaware of any problems in states that had constitutional carry the last couple of years. Constitutional carry only allows citizens who are legally allowed to own a gun to carry. In other words it doesn't allow ex-cons to be armed in public.
Listening to FOX and Limbaughtomy is the reason why you regurgitate their lies, you think they are telling you the gullible.

Yet you on the left are not able to point out "said" lies. While CNN and like were telling their audience that the vax will stop you from getting covid, Fox was the news outlet saying that is false. You still get covid, it's just that the vaccine helps you fight it better.
Perhaps, but the police chief himself hailed the armed citizen as a hero. Think how many he might have killed if no armed citizen was there to stop him. In the article I read (not the OP) it stated he brought several magazines with him. He was planning on a blood bath, but not planning on an armed citizen being one of his targets.
This guy/hero kept an incident off the mass shooters list. We should all be praying for this guy as shooting someone, even in this justifiable situation, is going to be very traumatic.
So, what about the retards that don't need anything, like in so many republican states?
No, training, No license, No experience, No age limit, No problem.
First off I am not aware of any state that does not have an age limit on guns. However, can you point to a widespread problem where "no training or experience" has been some huge issue?
Let this sink in!
This guy/hero kept an incident off the mass shooters list. We should all be praying for this guy as shooting someone, even in this justifiable situation, is going to be very traumatic.

The anti-gun people will never understand that. Half of them think people join the police force so they can legally shoot and kill people. They think the time off they give an officer after a shooting, he takes the family to Disney World.

My father never talks about fighting in the Korean war. Only one time he told me something about fighting. He said when you kill a man, it's a feeling you never had; it's a feeling you wish you never known. It doesn't matter that the guy you killed was trying to kill you or not, what matters is it changes your life forever. It's not like watching television, bang--ow. It's altogether different when it's real life, and you're the person responsible for killing another human being.
Sorry bout that,

1. What if you were minding your own business walking to a store within the Mall (pick one), and some crazy fucker with a gun began shooting people with many guns in tow?
2. Would you be grateful if another man, a good man, shot this killer that he died?
3. Not to kill no more, saving countless lives?
4. The, *Good Samaritan* saved many lives, its what *Good Samaritans* do.
5. Some man of low iq, and on tv, disagrees.
6. He says that the Good Samaritan is not good, he killed a man!
7. Good G-D where do these libtards come from?
8. READ:
“The shooter was confronted by our Good Samaritan. … The Good Samaritan was armed with a pistol and engaged the shooter as he stood outside the restroom area firing into the food court. [Elisjsha] fired several rounds, striking the suspect. The suspect attempted to retreat back into the restroom [but] fell to the ground after being shot.”

10. The murderer has rights he claims, a right to die, bury the swine in an open ditch, cover him up.
11. When evil is killed by a man protecting innocent lives, its good.

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So do you..Well, actually, I believe you know the laws you support and promote won't stop the shootings; your goal is to get those laws against law-abiding Americans. You promote gun control laws all the time. Along with being a gun controller, you're a hypocrite.

What in the name of Jesus Christ and a pair of fuzzy dice are you babbling about?

Yeah like Gnats.In fact,the average garden variety gnat should feel
neglected.All the attention goes to Democrat Gnats who Live to
take bites out of any apple.Or just sit on apples as they wait for
some political will to sprout.

No need to go to all that trouble.Drunk Drivers kill more than gun
murders.So do Killings by Hammers.
Where was MADD when Paul Pelosi was found out to be a
verifiable Drunk Driver.The State of California made special allowances
to not release any Dash cam video of Paul Pelosi.Or his *Mug shot.
Or the fact it was reported there were no injuries in the car that
was struck.Or how badly the car was damaged.
We now live in a Country were there is a :
Bifurcated Legal System.
A two tier system of Due Process and justice.

* It took Jessie Watters of Fox a few weeks of pestering the
Local D.A. and California Highway Patrol to release the mug
shot of Paul Pelosi.A Mug shot is Automatic.usually within a day or two.
Like the one of actor Nick Nolte in a hawaiian shirt and disheveled hair.

Are you...having a stroke?

You win!!!!! The dumbest comparison of the week.

Hey, now, it's only Tuesday!

This guy/hero kept an incident off the mass shooters list. We should all be praying for this guy as shooting someone, even in this justifiable situation, is going to be very traumatic.

And might get him doxxed.

The anti-gun people will never understand that. Half of them think people join the police force so they can legally shoot and kill people. They think the time off they give an officer after a shooting, he takes the family to Disney World.

My father never talks about fighting in the Korean war. Only one time he told me something about fighting. He said when you kill a man, it's a feeling you never had; it's a feeling you wish you never known. It doesn't matter that the guy you killed was trying to kill you or not, what matters is it changes your life forever. It's not like watching television, bang--ow. It's altogether different when it's real life, and you're the person responsible for killing another human being.

Depends on the cop. I suspect that many of them absolutely do go in every day HOPING this is the day they get to kill someone.

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