Another Mall shooter finds his destiny... A good guy with a gun...

Smerconish discussed this in his opening. Someone compiled a list of mass shootings. Something like 450 of them. Half the time the shooter kills himself or stops shooting (is taken alive). Of the times that didn't happen--where the shooter is killed, only 10 times did it involve a "good guy with a gun". Most often it's cops or security.

The "good guy with a gun" is a myth.
Cops are good guys with guns. Once again a lib tries and fails.
Smerconish discussed this in his opening. Someone compiled a list of mass shootings. Something like 450 of them. Half the time the shooter kills himself or stops shooting (is taken alive). Of the times that didn't happen--where the shooter is killed, only 10 times did it involve a "good guy with a gun". Most often it's cops or security.

The "good guy with a gun" is a myth.
Your stating that the good guy with a gun is a myth, but admit it happens ? Anytime a law abiding citizen defends themself with a firearm against someone with criminal intent they are the good guy and that happens way more than 10 times.

Your stating that the good guy with a gun is a myth, but admit it happens ? Anytime a law abiding citizen defends themself with a firearm against someone with criminal intent they are the good guy and that happens way more than 10 times.

No...I'm stating that the slogan "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" is wrong." The average citizen with a gun stopping a marauder happens rarely.
Yep.....if anyone deserves a real Presidential Medal of Freedom it is this guy.....

Anyone want to put the odds on President doofus to give him one?

Perhaps, but the police chief himself hailed the armed citizen as a hero. Think how many he might have killed if no armed citizen was there to stop him. In the article I read (not the OP) it stated he brought several magazines with him. He was planning on a blood bath, but not planning on an armed citizen being one of his targets.
Not at all, just pointing out that the minute before the shooting started shooting they both qualified as good guy with a gun

The gun doesn't make anybody good or bad, their actions do. He was a bad guy with a gun based on how he planned on using it. The armed citizen is the good guy with a gun because he took out the bad guy.
Arguing with anti-gun fanatics is a useful exercise in many ways......the primary reason I take them on is for the reader who just scans these threads...but whose entire life is filled with anti-gun fanatic talking points....from t.v. shows, to the democrat party late night show hosts, to teachers, to the news.......... by taking on these idiots, the truth, facts and reality are put out into the public square....

Correct, but I always heed the words of the late Rush Limbaugh: Folks, you can't convince anybody that they are wrong. They have to come to that conclusion themselves. All you can do is give them the information to make that conclusion.

God rest his soul and what he did for this country.
No, someone shooting three people at a mall is not going to get the coverage as someone shooting up a school. Do you really expect it would?

They posted the story in my local news. The difference is that his story will be a one day event. President Dementia will never comment on it because he can't use this story to promote his party's anti-gun agenda. Unless asked by a Fox reporter, he won't even bring it up.
Correct, but I always heed the words of the late Rush Limbaugh: Folks, you can't convince anybody that they are wrong. They have to come to that conclusion themselves. All you can do is give them the information to make that conclusion.
By lying to them?
God rest his soul and what he did for this country.
Fuck Limbaughtomy and what he did TO this country, turned gullible people into morons.
Hope he's rotting in hell.
Why don’t armed civilians stop EVERY shooting?

You would that no with 300 million guns on the street, they would have a better track record
Armed civilians aren't present at EVERY shooting, and @99+% of those "300 million guns" aren't "on the street", but at homes, often in cabinets or gun safes.

As it is, and from one of the linked articles;
There were at least 434 active shooter attacks in the US from 2000 to 2021, according to the ALERRT data. Active shooter attacks were defined as those in which one or more shooters killed or attempted to kill multiple unrelated people in a populated place.
Of those 434 active shooter cases, an armed bystander shot the attacker in 22 of the incidents. In 10 of those, the "good guy" was a security guard or an off-duty police officer, the ALERRT data said.
Once again we see the value of letting the good guys have weapons.

In 2021 four of 61 active shooter incidents were stopped by an armed citizen.

BELLEVUE, WA – -( A newly-released FBI report on “active shooter incidents” in 2021 [embeded below] revealed four of those killers were stopped by armed private citizens, and the Second Amendment Foundation says this is strong evidence the right to keep and bear arms is as important today as it was when the Constitution was ratified more than 200 years ago.

There were 61 active shooter incidents last year, the FBI report said. All but one of the killers were males, and ranged in age from 12 to 67 years. SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb lauded the FBI report for acknowledging the role played by legally-armed citizens in stopping some of these events.
In 2021 four of 61 active shooter incidents were stopped by an armed citizen.

BELLEVUE, WA – -( A newly-released FBI report on “active shooter incidents” in 2021 [embeded below] revealed four of those killers were stopped by armed private citizens, and the Second Amendment Foundation says this is strong evidence the right to keep and bear arms is as important today as it was when the Constitution was ratified more than 200 years ago.

There were 61 active shooter incidents last year, the FBI report said. All but one of the killers were males, and ranged in age from 12 to 67 years. SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb lauded the FBI report for acknowledging the role played by legally-armed citizens in stopping some of these events.
You and the author are FOS.

Read more: New FBI Report Shows Armed Citizens STOP Mass Shootings
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According to the FBI, in addition to the four perpetrators killed by armed citizens, 30 of these violent thugs were apprehended by law enforcement, and 14 were killed by police officers. One was killed in a vehicle accident during a law enforcement pursuit, 11 others committed suicide, and one remains at large, the report notes. In 2020, the FBI report noted, citizen first responders killed two criminals in the act.

They killed a total of TWO.
Though this is from 2019, similar happens every month, so consider this a typical example.

New Cases of Armed Citizens Stopping Criminals in February​

Westend61/Getty Images

Key Takeaways​

Studies routinely indicate that every year, Americans use their firearms in defense of themselves or others between 500,000 and 2 million times.

Without a robustly protected right to keep and bear arms, the Americans in these cases would have been left to the mercy of criminals.

We don’t make law-abiding citizens safer by disarming them or making them less capable of fighting back against criminals. We only make them easier targets.


Last month, we documented some extraordinary examples from January of armed citizens relying on their Second Amendment rights to protect themselves and others.
We pointed out that these were average, everyday Americans who were just going about their lives. They did not go looking for evil but were nonetheless prepared to deal with the evil that found them.
February has produced even more evidence that the fundamental right to keep and bear arms is not an anachronism that no longer deserves constitutional protection, but a vital tool safeguarding individual liberty.
Studies routinely indicate that every year, Americans use their firearms in defense of themselves or others between 500,000 and 2 million times. Very few of these defensive gun uses receive national publicity—if they receive publicity at all.
Below, we’ve highlighted just a handful of the many times during the month of February that law-abiding Americans demonstrated the importance of the Second Amendment.
Another factor to consider is that not everytime a citizen defends themselve by using a firearm is it reported. If no shots are fired and the threat has fled, it may not result in a 911 call.
You and the author are FOS.

Read more: New FBI Report Shows Armed Citizens STOP Mass Shootings
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook

According to the FBI, in addition to the four perpetrators killed by armed citizens, 30 of these violent thugs were apprehended by law enforcement, and 14 were killed by police officers. One was killed in a vehicle accident during a law enforcement pursuit, 11 others committed suicide, and one remains at large, the report notes. In 2020, the FBI report noted, citizen first responders killed two criminals in the act.

They killed a total of TWO.
In the actual FBI report figure 2 shows that in 2020, 2 shooters were killed by civilians and in 2021, 4 shooters were killed by citizens.

As I read the reports on the incidents I only find 2 killed by civilians in 2021.

Still two incidents means armed civilians can stop mass shootings.

Then I found a different article that said 6 shooters were stopped by civilians in 2021

That report said 6 active shooting incidents were stopped by armed civilians and four shooters were killed.

I also found an article that said 69 mass shootings have been stopped by citizens since 1990.

I also found interesting articles like this. …

This article lists 9 instances of civilians interfering with mass shooters in 2021. Not all were killed.


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