Another Mall shooter finds his destiny... A good guy with a gun...

Yep.....they had another Christmas day happening....a guy with a rifle shooting people in a mall........and the body count would be so high, they would stand on the bodies and touch the sky as they screamed for more gun control....

Then the most unfortunate thing happened to their mass public shooting Christmas........

A good guy, a civilian...with a hand gun......shot and killed the guy with a rifle...and the good guy did not have back up, body armor, a rifle or a ballistic shield.....

And he ruined their holiday......they really, really hate that guy....

Not the killer....he helps their agenda.......the good guy, they hate him.

Elisjsha Dicken has more courage in him than 300+ cops in Uvalde had between them.

Say his name! Elisjsha Dicken
Tweet's been deleted; did you capture it?
No.....I'll check and see if someone else di on another board.

Here toy go!

According to this site, there have been 352 this year. 371 deaths.
In 152 - 42.8% - of these, no one died.
In 118 - 33.5% - of these, one person died.
In 349 - 99.1% - of these, the shooter used a handgun
331 - 89.2% - of the deaths were from handguns

You really are a proud gun controller, aren't you? You willingly push their propaganda. Gang shootouts are not mass public shootings.
300 million guns in private hands kill 45,000 a year
No other country faces the same carnage

But they don’t have a Second Amendment keeping them safe

The countries of Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.

That number is about 11 million more people than 246 years of gun murder in the U.S……
And yet, you believe laws will stop them.
How precious.
So do you..Well, actually, I believe you know the laws you support and promote won't stop the shootings; your goal is to get those laws against law-abiding Americans. You promote gun control laws all the time. Along with being a gun controller, you're a hypocrite.
This is so simple.Why simpletons like the left have a problem
comprehending is what we now expect.
Gun Laws DO NOT PROTECT Good Guys.In fact,the opposite
is true.Gun laws Ironically only protect Bad guys.Because Bad guys DO NOT
ABIDE Gun Laws.They steal guns and commit crime.
And yet so many, even many who are participating in this thread, of self-proclaimed conservatives push for more gun control laws - you know, because they work so well.
Dan Proft, a local radio host here in Chicago read an article by Katherine Dee...where she looks at the actual problem of these mass public isn't what everyone says it is........

Amazingly, the only people who seem genuinely interested in figuring out what the hell is happening to America are consigned to niche spaces like the true-crime community and those who actually know something about violence and psychology and American gun culture. But it is these people who are all too often drowned out by hucksters and audience-building blue checks.

Do you know why this is happening, America? It’s not the prevalence of guns. There have always been guns. Nor is it the dearth of guns. Paradoxically, either restricting access to firearms or making sure more teachers have them might do some good, but neither addresses the real reason for taking those steps in the first place.

The real reason for our mass shootings—hear me out—is that we have a nihilism problem.

By “we,” I mean the huge swaths of American society consumed by hopelessness, rage, and fear reflected in our politics, tribalism, social media, and even language.

The origins of these beliefs vary. Sometimes, shooters are influenced by established intellectual traditions and thinkers. Eric Harris, one of the Columbine shooters, was inspired, as it were, by Friedrich Nietzsche and the cult of Charles Manson. Lanza, by the antinatalist Gary Inmendham. For other shooters, the turn is more intuitive or personal or traumatic, coming from within: an all-enveloping, crushing existential angst that leaves them unable to see the purpose in life. James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter, was a one-time graduate student in neuroscience who seemed fed up with ideas. He felt trapped in a great emptiness.

In February 2021, a clue about Lanza’s psyche emerged. It was an abandoned YouTube channel under the name CulturalPhilistine. The videos painted a picture not of a deranged killer or a sadist but a lucid young man with a rich, complicated intellectual life. In these videos, all of which featured a black screen and a scratchy voiceover, Lanza laid out his philosophy. The most unsettling thing is the cogency with which Lanza presented his views.

In September of that year, the pseudonymous blogger BlitheringGenius penned a probing and thoughtful analysis of these videos, titled “The Ghost of Adam Lanza.” I recently interviewed BlitheringGenius for a podcast series of the same name, which included tons of tunneling through Lanza’s online musings.

In his essay, BlitheringGenius describes Lanza’s philosophy as the rejection of culture. Lanza, he writes, thought of culture as a “delusion” and a “disease.” He hypothesizes that Lanza targeted schools because that is where, in his thinking, our culture—our values—is transmitted. More to the point, he killed children because they represent the propagation of life. “He couldn’t have viewed murder as harmful, at least not philosophically,” BlitheringGenius writes. “In his worldview, death was salvation and enlightenment.” To call this “bone-chilling” would be an understatement.

Who knew about this aspect of these shooters, in particular the Sandy Hook shooter...or the Colorado theater shooter?

I've been shouting that from the USMessageBoard rooftops and mountaintops for months and months.
No.....I'll check and see if someone else di on another board.

Here toy go!

Unless or until government troops march on the population (which hopefully never happens) then there's absolutely no better endorsement of the 2nd Amendment. Constitutional carry approved less than 3 weeks before (ok, actually approved on December 15, 1791) and that saved dozens of lives. Perhaps carrying should be required, not optional.
The countries of Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.

That number is about 11 million more people than 246 years of gun murder in the U.S……
Are you suggesting 5 million gun murders in 246 years?

It's about 14.8 million more than all of the murders in 246 years.
Now, I live in the Chicago land area…..I was up when the local channel two news came on….and they did promo this story…….I was waiting for the attack to be the #1 story of the night, considering it happened next door in Indiana and the guy used a rifle…..

Soooo…the news starts and the first story was about the idiots doing donuts in their cars in the middle of a downtown intersection for 30 minutes……I thought to myself… why in the world aren’t the anti-gun fanatics covering this wall to wall with on the scene reporting…..l?

Waited through a couple of stories…….and then they do a quick mention of the shooting with the screen label…….but no on the scene reporter…….

And then…….I knew why the story wasn’t wasn’t going to be covered with the same 24/7 coverage…….

An armed civilian stopped the shooter….

The lengths the anti-gun fanatics will go to bury the truth are just amazing……..
At the police update today, only Fox News covered it. CNN was covering the Texas shooting still.
Are you suggesting 5 million gun murders in 246 years?

It's about 14.8 million more than all of the murders in 246 years.

This is how I worked out the numbers........When I decided to run the numbers against one of the Euro weenies who post here....

what if we averaged the number of gun murders over the entire history of the United States.... 246 years.

This won't include all gun deaths, since even here, the majority are done by the government against our citizens....see the democrat party Civil War.......

So....I took 10,000 as an average number of gun murders.....some years more, some years less....later we can even bump that number up...but (spoiler), it won't change the underlying truth...

Soooo...10,000 gun murders a year X 246..... punch that in to the calculator ( who has time for doing it by hand....)

We get?

2,460,000 gun murders......

I know, I know.....gun crime in the early colonies didn't reach 10,000 murders a only get that if you look at the future democrat party members and what they would do to their slaves....


246 years....and we average out to 2,460,000 gun murders........

What about old Europe.....

in the 6 years between 1939-1945 when the socialists in German and their conquered countries began to murder their citizens.....what was the grand total of their murder?

15 million....innocent men, women and children.......

I don't know about you, but I went to public school, but I can still see how those numbers are falling out....and..........the United States gun murder isn't the biggest problem when it comes to murder.....

Now.....I know...this is going to cause major butt hurt among the left wing, anti-gun fanatics out there...they will cry out about the most recent gun murder numbers after 5 years of the democrat party attacking the police...forcing them to not do their jobs....and the democrat party refusing to prosecute gun criminals....and then releasing gun criminals from jail and prison like they were on we have a higher rate of gun murder because of the democrats and their policies...

So heck....let's indulge them like the spoiled little infants that they are....

Lets bump up the average number of gun murders to 20,000.....which is far more than the actual average, but I am a generous kinda guy....

20,000 X 246 years = 4,920,000

over 246 years....

Again...matching that to Europe....

1939-1945..... 6 years.....

15 million murdered...........

The gun murders in the U.S...the vast majority of the victims are criminals...murdered by other criminals as they engage in crime........and their unfortunate friends and family caught in that crossfire....

In Europe?

The vast majority of the murdered were innocent men, women and children.....not collateral from the socialist war....simply murdered by their governments.....

Nope...........not freaking giving up our guns cause anti-gun fanatics tell us to trust the government....

Expect to see these calculations in future discussions.....

As to the 15,000,000 million number...the source...


German socialists

By genocide, the murder of hostages, reprisal raids, forced labor, "euthanasia," starvation, exposure, medical experiments, and terror bombing, and in the concentration and death camps, the Nazis murdered from 15,003,000 to 31,595,000 people, most likely 20,946,000 men, women, handicapped, aged, sick, prisoners of war, forced laborers, camp inmates, critics, homosexuals, Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Germans, Czechs, Italians, Poles, French, Ukrainians, and many others. Among them 1,000,000 were children under eighteen years of age.1

And none of these monstrous figures even include civilian and military combat or war-deaths

It's being covered everywhere.
Yeah like Gnats.In fact,the average garden variety gnat should feel
neglected.All the attention goes to Democrat Gnats who Live to
take bites out of any apple.Or just sit on apples as they wait for
some political will to sprout.
This is how I worked out the numbers........When I decided to run the numbers against one of the Euro weenies who post here....

what if we averaged the number of gun murders over the entire history of the United States.... 246 years.

This won't include all gun deaths, since even here, the majority are done by the government against our citizens....see the democrat party Civil War.......

So....I took 10,000 as an average number of gun murders.....some years more, some years less....later we can even bump that number up...but (spoiler), it won't change the underlying truth...

Soooo...10,000 gun murders a year X 246..... punch that in to the calculator ( who has time for doing it by hand....)

We get?

2,460,000 gun murders......

I know, I know.....gun crime in the early colonies didn't reach 10,000 murders a only get that if you look at the future democrat party members and what they would do to their slaves....


246 years....and we average out to 2,460,000 gun murders........

What about old Europe.....

in the 6 years between 1939-1945 when the socialists in German and their conquered countries began to murder their citizens.....what was the grand total of their murder?

15 million....innocent men, women and children.......

I don't know about you, but I went to public school, but I can still see how those numbers are falling out....and..........the United States gun murder isn't the biggest problem when it comes to murder.....

Now.....I know...this is going to cause major butt hurt among the left wing, anti-gun fanatics out there...they will cry out about the most recent gun murder numbers after 5 years of the democrat party attacking the police...forcing them to not do their jobs....and the democrat party refusing to prosecute gun criminals....and then releasing gun criminals from jail and prison like they were on we have a higher rate of gun murder because of the democrats and their policies...

So heck....let's indulge them like the spoiled little infants that they are....

Lets bump up the average number of gun murders to 20,000.....which is far more than the actual average, but I am a generous kinda guy....

20,000 X 246 years = 4,920,000

over 246 years....

Again...matching that to Europe....

1939-1945..... 6 years.....

15 million murdered...........

The gun murders in the U.S...the vast majority of the victims are criminals...murdered by other criminals as they engage in crime........and their unfortunate friends and family caught in that crossfire....

In Europe?

The vast majority of the murdered were innocent men, women and children.....not collateral from the socialist war....simply murdered by their governments.....

Nope...........not freaking giving up our guns cause anti-gun fanatics tell us to trust the government....

Expect to see these calculations in future discussions.....

As to the 15,000,000 million number...the source...


German socialists

By genocide, the murder of hostages, reprisal raids, forced labor, "euthanasia," starvation, exposure, medical experiments, and terror bombing, and in the concentration and death camps, the Nazis murdered from 15,003,000 to 31,595,000 people, most likely 20,946,000 men, women, handicapped, aged, sick, prisoners of war, forced laborers, camp inmates, critics, homosexuals, Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Germans, Czechs, Italians, Poles, French, Ukrainians, and many others. Among them 1,000,000 were children under eighteen years of age.1

And none of these monstrous figures even include civilian and military combat or war-deaths

No need to go to all that trouble.Drunk Drivers kill more than gun
murders.So do Killings by Hammers.
Where was MADD when Paul Pelosi was found out to be a
verifiable Drunk Driver.The State of California made special allowances
to not release any Dash cam video of Paul Pelosi.Or his *Mug shot.
Or the fact it was reported there were no injuries in the car that
was struck.Or how badly the car was damaged.
We now live in a Country were there is a :
Bifurcated Legal System.
A two tier system of Due Process and justice.

* It took Jessie Watters of Fox a few weeks of pestering the
Local D.A. and California Highway Patrol to release the mug
shot of Paul Pelosi.A Mug shot is Automatic.usually within a day or two.
Like the one of actor Nick Nolte in a hawaiian shirt and disheveled hair.
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