Another Mall shooter finds his destiny... A good guy with a gun...

Elisjsha Dicken went face to face, even moving toward the shooter while, at the same time, waving for others toward the exit.

That takes guts to approach with your pistol a shooter with a rifle.

Most of the press I read on this, around lunch time today, were focusing on the fact that Elisjsha Dicken was in violation of the mall operators rules by having a gun in the mall and on how many more people could have been killed in the confusion of having more than one armed person other than the cops.

The guy shot 24 rounds so he didn't get a single reload and Elisjsha Dicken didn't wait for a reload to go on the attack. This is how an active shooter is stopped: someone already on the scene, gun ready to use, stops the shooter. No coordination with the ATF or FBI or DOJ was necessary. No waiting for tanks and armored vehicles before attacking. Shoot to kill.

One report said the shooter was trying to get back into the bathroom after Elisjsha Dicken started shooting at him but Elisjsha Dicken didn't let up; he stopped the shooter and ended it.


One report said the shooter was trying to get back into the bathroom after Elisjsha Dicken started shooting at him but Elisjsha Dicken didn't let up; he stopped the shooter and ended it.

And this is why armed citizens are so important.... at a minimum...if the shooter is preoccupied responding to a good guy shooting at him, he isn't shooting defenseless victims......this is why it is vital to get someone, police or civilians, attacking the killer as soon as possible.....

These shooters are expecting to murder unarmed people....when those people shoot back, it throws off their attack...saving lives...

Your observation means absolutely nothing as it applies to the incident. Quit being a dick.

But I am so good at it, why stop now?

I have to admit, it was fun to watch the heads explode over my truthful observation
And as another poster pointed out, but it needs to be highlighted....

Another reason this shooting is getting ignored by the democrat party, anti-gun fanatics?

Indiana just put in place "Constitutional," carry.....and barely a month in, lives are saved by an American with a a mall....

Can't have that spreading around...the plebes might get ideas about guns and self defense....

Prior to July 1st, Indiana already had a “shall-issue” permitting system (meaning that anyone over 21 who could pass a background check could get a carry license with no further questions asked), and the abolition of those permits within the system has had no effect on the eligibility requirements that were previously used. If you were eligible to carry a gun before June 1, you are eligible to carry a gun now; if you were prohibited from carrying a gun before, you are prohibited from carrying a gun now. All the new law has done — as in America’s 24 other permitless carry states — is remove the need for eligible carriers to apply for a license before they start carrying. The police in Indiana noted that the man who took down the shooter was “lawfully armed.” This, by definition, means that he was eligible under the law. (The mall in question is a “gun-free zone,” but, in Indiana, gun-free zone signs do not have force of law, which means that it is not a crime to ignore them per se, but only to refuse to leave when asked by the owners.)

According to gun grabbers, the good guy with the gun was "ineffective" because he let the bad guy kill 3 people.

That's how ridiculous this has become.
There's a solution for that. So many people should be armed, that when an asshole starts shooting, they have to "call it," like outfielders running for a fly ball.

Sorry, liberals, for the confusing and non-inclusive sports reference.

Um . . . like three school counselors if a nine year-old walks in and says, "I think I'm transgender."

I was watching the police conference on Fox News at the gym today and noticed on the other TV's that CNN and MSNBC were not covering the news conference. So, why not? Maybe because this did not include children being targeted and that the gunman was taken down quickly by a bystander who was legally armed. That just would not fit these liberal so-called media criteria having a hero who was legally carrying a gun in the mall.
In this article, it's also interesting that they try to bring up that out of 433 mass shootings during 2000 and 2021, there was only one incident where an armed bystander was shot by police while trying to help out of 22 such incidents with bystanders with guns stopping attacks. And, here is what they said about it, "And having more than one armed person at the scene who is not a member of law enforcement can create confusion and carry dire risks, the report found. For example, an armed bystander who shot and killed an attacker in 2021 in Arvada, Colorado, was himself shot and killed by the police who mistook him for the gunman, the Times reported." So, I guess because one hero died while carrying a legal gun trying to stop a mass shooter, then all guns should be confiscated from all Americans. Liberals are insane.

I was watching the police conference on Fox News at the gym today and noticed on the other TV's that CNN and MSNBC were not covering the news conference. So, why not? Maybe because this did not include children being targeted and that the gunman was taken down quickly by a bystander who was legally armed. That just would not fit these liberal so-called media criteria having a hero who was legally carrying a gun in the mall.
In this article, it's also interesting that they try to bring up that out of 433 mass shootings during 2000 and 2021, there was only one incident where an armed bystander was shot by police while trying to help out of 22 such incidents with bystanders with guns stopping attacks. And, here is what they said about it, "And having more than one armed person at the scene who is not a member of law enforcement can create confusion and carry dire risks, the report found. For example, an armed bystander who shot and killed an attacker in 2021 in Arvada, Colorado, was himself shot and killed by the police who mistook him for the gunman, the Times reported." So, I guess because one hero died while carrying a legal gun trying to stop a mass shooter, then all guns should be confiscated from all Americans. Liberals are insane.
Yep. There wasn't quite enough blood to trigger CNN. Damn those armed do-gooders. They ruin a perfectly good story 😠
Why don’t armed civilians stop EVERY shooting?

You would that no with 300 million guns on the street, they would have a better track record
I'm sure this has been covered since I'm behind but you know/knew it before any of us told you.

Most mass shootings happen in gun-free zones and most law-abiding gun owners follow the requests of property owners to not carry when asked so are unarmed in gun-free zones.

Since carrying in private property marked to not carry, in most cases in many states, is not a crime, some gun owners carry anyway. The worst that will happen is that they get ejected. The best is that they, and others, survive a crazy person like in this case.

When shootings happen where guns are permitted and carried, or in gun-free zones when ignored by law abiding gun owners, then the shootings get stopped. That's 3 in the last few months. It could easily have been all 6 shootings stopped had there been more guns. The problem isn't too many guns; it's too few guns.

But you know this. Your communist agenda requires a disarmed population and you don't care how many die to get there.
Not before four people were killed and others shot.

The massive prevalence of guns in this country mean we are safe from gun violence NOWHERE

Not in school
Not in church
not in theaters
Not at a club
Not at a concert
Not in a mall
Not in a comedy club

One of the 4 was the shooter, idiot. Since he wasn't fast enough to stop all of the shots we may as well have let him shoot a hundred.. Geez you're fucked up.

And all those places you mention are gun-free zones. Shooters never follow the gun-free zone signs so they're not actually gun-free zones; they bad-guys-only-get-guns zones. When they no longer are gun free zones for everybody, or when enough people ignore the gun-free status, then you'll be safe.

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