Another Mall shooter finds his destiny... A good guy with a gun...

According to this site, there have been 352 this year. 371 deaths.
In 152 - 42.8% - of these, no one died.
In 118 - 33.5% - of these, one person died.
In 349 - 99.1% - of these, the shooter used a handgun
331 - 89.2% - of the deaths were from handguns

They are wrong....they are mixing criminal gun violence with mass public shootings....the only way they can get that number....which is why they do it.......

Mark Fullman, who serves as national affairs editor at Mother Jones, which is hardly a publication that can be said to be on the “pro-gun” side of current political arguments, argues in The New York Times that the statistic that is being used right now is quite simply wrong and ought to be abandoned:

At Mother Jones, where I work as an editor, we have compiled an in-depth, open-source database covering more than three decades of public mass shootings. By our measure, there have been four “mass shootings” this year, including the one in San Bernardino, and at least 73 such attacks since 1982.

Almost all of the gun crimes behind the much larger statistic are less lethal and bear little relevance to the type of public mass murder we have just witnessed again.

Including them in the same breath suggests that a 1 a.m. gang fight in a Sacramento restaurant, in which two were killed and two injured, is the same kind of event as a deranged man walking into a community college classroom and massacring nine and injuring nine others. Or that a late-night shootingon a street in Savannah, Ga., yesterday that injured three and killed one is in the same category as the madness that just played out in Southern California.

While all the victims are important, conflating those many other crimes with indiscriminate slaughter in public venues obscures our understanding of this complicated and growing problem.

Everyone is desperate to know why these attacks happen and how we might stop them — and we can’t know, unless we collect and focus on useful data that filter out the noise.

I don't. I hate the fact that three people a fucking mall

And what... 13 in a supermarket

19 in a school

a dozen at a July 4th parade

and on and on

All the above in the past month

Thanks to you guys turning it into gun control Christmas....making it the Oscars of crime, that gets 24/7 news coverage.......turning the shooters into infamous criminals......making it more likely that copy cats happen...

They used to have a bunch of teen suicides after one teen committed suicide and it was reported in the keep the copy cat/ social contagion from happening, they stopped naming the dead teen.......

And his mom and dad “had no idea he could do this” which is EXACTLY the problem and not guns.
It's being covered everywhere.

Nope.....not the coverage that other mass public shootings I posted before, the local Chicago, Channel 2 news didn't get to it until the 3rd or 4th story, and barely gave it 30 came after reporting on people doing donuts in their cars at a downtown street corner......
Nope.....not the coverage that other mass public shootings I posted before, the local Chicago, Channel 2 news didn't get to it until the 3rd or 4th story, and barely gave it 30 came after reporting on people doing donuts in their cars at a downtown street corner......

No, someone shooting three people at a mall is not going to get the coverage as someone shooting up a school. Do you really expect it would?
No, someone shooting three people at a mall is not going to get the coverage as someone shooting up a school. Do you really expect it would?

In local Chicago news? If there hadn't been an armed citizen who stopped the attack with his own concealed pistol, it would have made national news.....but since it was stopped, by an armed citizen, on the day after 400 police officers didn't stop the school shooting, the democrat party press was not going to let this story get covered...
Dan Proft, a local radio host here in Chicago read an article by Katherine Dee...where she looks at the actual problem of these mass public isn't what everyone says it is........

Amazingly, the only people who seem genuinely interested in figuring out what the hell is happening to America are consigned to niche spaces like the true-crime community and those who actually know something about violence and psychology and American gun culture. But it is these people who are all too often drowned out by hucksters and audience-building blue checks.

Do you know why this is happening, America? It’s not the prevalence of guns. There have always been guns. Nor is it the dearth of guns. Paradoxically, either restricting access to firearms or making sure more teachers have them might do some good, but neither addresses the real reason for taking those steps in the first place.

The real reason for our mass shootings—hear me out—is that we have a nihilism problem.

By “we,” I mean the huge swaths of American society consumed by hopelessness, rage, and fear reflected in our politics, tribalism, social media, and even language.

The origins of these beliefs vary. Sometimes, shooters are influenced by established intellectual traditions and thinkers. Eric Harris, one of the Columbine shooters, was inspired, as it were, by Friedrich Nietzsche and the cult of Charles Manson. Lanza, by the antinatalist Gary Inmendham. For other shooters, the turn is more intuitive or personal or traumatic, coming from within: an all-enveloping, crushing existential angst that leaves them unable to see the purpose in life. James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter, was a one-time graduate student in neuroscience who seemed fed up with ideas. He felt trapped in a great emptiness.

In February 2021, a clue about Lanza’s psyche emerged. It was an abandoned YouTube channel under the name CulturalPhilistine. The videos painted a picture not of a deranged killer or a sadist but a lucid young man with a rich, complicated intellectual life. In these videos, all of which featured a black screen and a scratchy voiceover, Lanza laid out his philosophy. The most unsettling thing is the cogency with which Lanza presented his views.

In September of that year, the pseudonymous blogger BlitheringGenius penned a probing and thoughtful analysis of these videos, titled “The Ghost of Adam Lanza.” I recently interviewed BlitheringGenius for a podcast series of the same name, which included tons of tunneling through Lanza’s online musings.

In his essay, BlitheringGenius describes Lanza’s philosophy as the rejection of culture. Lanza, he writes, thought of culture as a “delusion” and a “disease.” He hypothesizes that Lanza targeted schools because that is where, in his thinking, our culture—our values—is transmitted. More to the point, he killed children because they represent the propagation of life. “He couldn’t have viewed murder as harmful, at least not philosophically,” BlitheringGenius writes. “In his worldview, death was salvation and enlightenment.” To call this “bone-chilling” would be an understatement.

Who knew about this aspect of these shooters, in particular the Sandy Hook shooter...or the Colorado theater shooter?
In local Chicago news? If there hadn't been an armed citizen who stopped the attack with his own concealed pistol, it would have made national news.....but since it was stopped, by an armed citizen, on the day after 400 police officers didn't stop the school shooting, the democrat party press was not going to let this story get covered...

I can't comment on what you claim you didn't see on your local news. Some claimed that this wasn't linked from Drudge also but it was.
2A Guy you are far better sticking to the facts of the shooting as they come out than trying to argue with idiots.

If you don't treat with them they will peddle their papers someplace else. Let tem eat static.

The main take-away is Constitutional Carry and a willing man exercising that right saved the day.
2A Guy you are far better sticking to the facts of the shooting as they come out than trying to argue with idiots.

If you don't treat with them they will peddle their papers someplace else. Let tem eat static.

The main take-away is Constitutional Carry and a willing man exercising that right saved the day.

Arguing with anti-gun fanatics is a useful exercise in many ways......the primary reason I take them on is for the reader who just scans these threads...but whose entire life is filled with anti-gun fanatic talking points....from t.v. shows, to the democrat party late night show hosts, to teachers, to the news.......... by taking on these idiots, the truth, facts and reality are put out into the public square....

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