Another Mall shooter finds his destiny... A good guy with a gun...

Smerconish discussed this in his opening. Someone compiled a list of mass shootings. Something like 450 of them. Half the time the shooter kills himself or stops shooting (is taken alive). Of the times that didn't happen--where the shooter is killed, only 10 times did it involve a "good guy with a gun". Most often it's cops or security.

The "good guy with a gun" is a myth.
Well your myth got blown up last night and if we did away with gun free zones. Then a good guy with a gun would stop more.
I don't. I hate the fact that three people a fucking mall
And what... 13 in a supermarket
19 in a school
a dozen at a July 4th parade
and on and on
All the above in the past month
Nah. You don't.
You welcome these deaths as a means to push your mindless agenda.
You hate the fact there weren't -more- deaths in that mall yesterday.
The OP holds gun laws to a standard of stopping EVERY shooting
Armed civilians should be held to the same standard
That's a lie.
Smerconish discussed this in his opening. Someone compiled a list of mass shootings. Something like 450 of them. Half the time the shooter kills himself or stops shooting (is taken alive). Of the times that didn't happen--where the shooter is killed, only 10 times did it involve a "good guy with a gun". Most often it's cops or security.

The "good guy with a gun" is a myth.
That's a lie.
Your comment seems like you're blaming the good guy with the gun; as if he should've been killing the assailant sooner...
No...Lesh wants a HIGER body count. These people WANT AND NEED massacres. They MUST have dead bodies. They CELEBRATE school shootings, because they MUST HAVE dead children to push their agenda..
The only real downfall is that the guy that did the shooting was a good guy with a weapon right up till he started killing people in the food court.
I know you don't believe that, Gator.

But what is your point?

That armed citizens should not be allowed to defend themselves and others?

If your point is that background checks are useless, then I agree with you.
I know you don't believe that, Gator.

But what is your point?

That armed citizens should not be allowed to defend themselves and others?

If your point is that background checks are useless, then I agree with you.
His Nancy point is that the hero violated mall policy and that’s a huge Pearl clutch and recline to the fainting couch
WHEN was it suppressed you moron?
When you stopped watching/listening?

You're making it look like one, retard.
Name those in the MSM { MSNBC,CNN,CBS,ABC,NBC }
Washington Post or N.Y.Times who will cover on the nightly
news,because they haven't this morning.
Bonzi and I just 3 weeks ago, on a Sunday had our grandaughter in this exact location.
The world is going crazy.
But I can say... this is what I would expect here in Indiana as far as the crowd included at least one man carrying.
You go to a large public place in Indiana and I would be shocked if no one there has a sidearm.
How many people are armed daily?

It's nowhere near 300 million and you know it. You're just making a stupid point.
This is so simple.Why simpletons like the left have a problem
comprehending is what we now expect.
Gun Laws DO NOT PROTECT Good Guys.In fact,the opposite
is true.Gun laws Ironically only protect Bad guys.Because Bad guys DO NOT
ABIDE Gun Laws.They steal guns and commit crime.
The Democrats don't give a shit about that fact.
Like they don't care how many Homicides exist in the big urban
cites they have run for decades.The Proof.During the summer of love
in 2020 the DNC Convention in august never mentioned all the Violence.
Whereas the RNC Convention focused heavily on Violence and how it
impacts civil society.

Compared to the 24/7 coverage of other shootings? and in Chicago......right next door?

They don't want to cover this because a good guy with a gun........a gun he carried against Mall policy....saved likely dozens of lives........and that story can't get out.

It's being covered everywhere.

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