Another Mall shooter finds his destiny... A good guy with a gun...

In the actual FBI report figure 2 shows that in 2020, 2 shooters were killed by civilians and in 2021, 4 shooters were killed by citizens.

As I read the reports on the incidents I only find 2 killed by civilians in 2021.

Still two incidents means armed civilians can stop mass shootings.

Then I found a different article that said 6 shooters were stopped by civilians in 2021

That report said 6 active shooting incidents were stopped by armed civilians and four shooters were killed.

I also found an article that said 69 mass shootings have been stopped by citizens since 1990.

I also found interesting articles like this. …

This article lists 9 instances of civilians interfering with mass shooters in 2021. Not all were killed.

NOT a very good track record, at all.
No...I'm stating that the slogan "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" is wrong." The average citizen with a gun stopping a marauder happens rarely.
I posted the CDC study that proves you are wrong. As I said anytime a law abiding citizen uses a gun in self-defense they are literally the good guy. Unless you think that self-defense with a firearm makes you one of the bad guys ?
I posted the CDC study that proves you are wrong. As I said anytime a law abiding citizen uses a gun in self-defense they are literally the good guy. Unless you think that self-defense with a firearm makes you one of the bad guys ?
On that I think we can agree.

Where we disagree is the who mantra that someone needs an arsenal because the cops are useless or cannot be trusted or are out of position as is the silly-assed argument often made by your fellow gun nuts:

Funny how leftards call those with guns when they are in trouble. When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.
A leftard's wife or daughter is being sexually violated....solution to a leftard? Toss them a pillow so they will be more comfortable. The reputation they have for being spineless wimps and pussies is one that they earned.

Yep, police are only minutes away when seconds count, in my case most likely about 65-70 minutes, hell it took 45 just to get an ambulance.

Mall was liberal gun free zone...
He preyed upon women in Macy's cosmetic department...
When seconds counted, help was minutes away....

Until Society gets rid of all crime, or places LEOs on every street corner with a mandate. To STOP crime, civilians are going to need to protect themselves. When seconds count the Police are only minutes away.

Obviously a shooter owns their bullets from chamber to final destination, and the background should be taken into consideration when making a shoot-no shoot decision, but sometimes there's no other option.

Yes....your home is being invaded.......but don't worry...the police will only be 87 minutes away....if the home invasion turns into a rape, the rapist will have time to rape you, take a shower, ransake your home and leave.......

When Seconds Counted, Dallas Police Were Only 87 Minutes Away - The Truth About Guns

Imagine waiting 87 minutes for a police response after calling 9-1-1 to report a home invasion in progress. It happened in Dallas in recent days. Thankfully, the homeowner escaped the invasion with his life (if not his property). The robbers had plenty of time to grab some loot and scamper far, far away before 5-0 arrived. For those who think police will rescue them from criminal attack in the sprawling Dallas metroplex, this alarming incident has proven itself a big wake-up call.

Let’s face it, the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their heart is a good guy with a gun. A person can take proactive control of their own safety by being armed. Or, alternatively, the imprudent hopeful among us may eschew gun ownership and rely on the local constabulary. For those ill-prepared, they may actually welcome the words, “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.”

I protect myself. When seconds count, LEO are minutes away


Yes, the police will need to know to come and write up the paperwork after everyone has been murdered and the assailant has escaped.

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

So thanks for proving my larger point that you don't need to be armed...the cops got you have confirmed.
So it was the good guy not the gun? I guess it's only the gun when a bad guy uses one to mass murder.

Tell you what slick, for every post from me you can find that I blame the gun I will send you 100 bucks.....if you do not find any you send me 1000.

On that I think we can agree.

Where we disagree is the who mantra that someone needs an arsenal because the cops are useless or cannot be trusted or are out of position as is the silly-assed argument often made by your fellow gun nuts:

So thanks for proving my larger point that you don't need to be armed...the cops got you have confirmed.
What the fuck are you babbling about ? My post is about self-defense. The average police response time is terrible in the bigger cities and people have a right to be able to defend themselves.
What the fuck are you babbling about ? My post is about self-defense. The average police response time is terrible in the bigger cities and people have a right to be able to defend themselves.
You were just singing the praises of the when you realize that you're blowing apart the myth that you need a gun to all of the sudden the police suck?

Wow...I hope you have whiplash insurance.
A tale of two mass public shootings….

Buffalo, New York……rifle 10 killed……gun free zone, no armed citizens

Indianaoplis, Indiana…..rifle 3 killed…….gun free zone……but armed citizen had his gun with him….
You were just singing the praises of the when you realize that you're blowing apart the myth that you need a gun to all of the sudden the police suck?

Wow...I hope you have whiplash insurance.

Idiot……..rape, robbery and murder happen all over the country, and of the 1.1 million times a year Americans use their legal guns for self defense….according to the Centers for Disease Control…….no shots are fired and the criminals run away…… you have a stupid point.
You were just singing the praises of the when you realize that you're blowing apart the myth that you need a gun to all of the sudden the police suck?

Wow...I hope you have whiplash insurance.
I didn't mention anything about the police you fucking loon until you did. I support the Police when they do their job but they can not be every where at once so it is up to the individual to protect themselves.
Idiot……..rape, robbery and murder happen all over the country, and of the 1.1 million times a year Americans use their legal guns for self defense….according to the Centers for Disease Control…….no shots are fired and the criminals run away…… you have a stupid point.
Wow...still trotting out that long-debunked statistic I see.
A tale of two mass public shootings….

Buffalo, New York……rifle 10 killed……gun free zone, no armed citizens

Indianaoplis, Indiana…..rifle 3 killed…….gun free zone……but armed citizen had his gun with him….
So, eliminate gun free zones.......................and there won't be any more mass shootings?
Bet if citizen's were required by law to carry guns..................there wouldn't be ANY shootings at all.

If everyone obeyed the traffic laws....................there wouldn't be any deaths in vehicles.
They must have traffic law free zones then.

So, eliminate gun free zones.......................and there won't be any more mass shootings?
Bet if citizen's were required by law to carry guns..................there wouldn't be ANY shootings at all.

If everyone obeyed the traffic laws....................there wouldn't be any deaths in vehicles.
They must have traffic law free zones then.


You win!!!!! The dumbest comparison of the week.
Buffalo, New York……rifle 10 killed……gun free zone, no armed citizens

There was an armed citizen in Buffalo, he even shot the bad guy, but the bad guy was wearing body the good guy died instead.
This is how I worked out the numbers........When I decided to run the numbers against one of the Euro weenies who post here....

what if we averaged the number of gun murders over the entire history of the United States.... 246 years.

This won't include all gun deaths, since even here, the majority are done by the government against our citizens....see the democrat party Civil War.......

So....I took 10,000 as an average number of gun murders.....some years more, some years less....later we can even bump that number up...but (spoiler), it won't change the underlying truth...

Soooo...10,000 gun murders a year X 246..... punch that in to the calculator ( who has time for doing it by hand....)

We get?

2,460,000 gun murders......

I know, I know.....gun crime in the early colonies didn't reach 10,000 murders a only get that if you look at the future democrat party members and what they would do to their slaves....


246 years....and we average out to 2,460,000 gun murders........

What about old Europe.....

in the 6 years between 1939-1945 when the socialists in German and their conquered countries began to murder their citizens.....what was the grand total of their murder?

15 million....innocent men, women and children.......

I don't know about you, but I went to public school, but I can still see how those numbers are falling out....and..........the United States gun murder isn't the biggest problem when it comes to murder.....

Now.....I know...this is going to cause major butt hurt among the left wing, anti-gun fanatics out there...they will cry out about the most recent gun murder numbers after 5 years of the democrat party attacking the police...forcing them to not do their jobs....and the democrat party refusing to prosecute gun criminals....and then releasing gun criminals from jail and prison like they were on we have a higher rate of gun murder because of the democrats and their policies...

So heck....let's indulge them like the spoiled little infants that they are....

Lets bump up the average number of gun murders to 20,000.....which is far more than the actual average, but I am a generous kinda guy....

20,000 X 246 years = 4,920,000

over 246 years....

Again...matching that to Europe....

1939-1945..... 6 years.....

15 million murdered...........

The gun murders in the U.S...the vast majority of the victims are criminals...murdered by other criminals as they engage in crime........and their unfortunate friends and family caught in that crossfire....

In Europe?

The vast majority of the murdered were innocent men, women and children.....not collateral from the socialist war....simply murdered by their governments.....

Nope...........not freaking giving up our guns cause anti-gun fanatics tell us to trust the government....

Expect to see these calculations in future discussions.....

As to the 15,000,000 million number...the source...


German socialists

By genocide, the murder of hostages, reprisal raids, forced labor, "euthanasia," starvation, exposure, medical experiments, and terror bombing, and in the concentration and death camps, the Nazis murdered from 15,003,000 to 31,595,000 people, most likely 20,946,000 men, women, handicapped, aged, sick, prisoners of war, forced laborers, camp inmates, critics, homosexuals, Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Germans, Czechs, Italians, Poles, French, Ukrainians, and many others. Among them 1,000,000 were children under eighteen years of age.1

And none of these monstrous figures even include civilian and military combat or war-deaths

Dang... the US was dangerous 246 years ago. :)
You were just singing the praises of the when you realize that you're blowing apart the myth that you need a gun to all of the sudden the police suck?

Wow...I hope you have whiplash insurance.

Lord you people are slow. The point is when seconds count, police are minutes away. Police are great after a crime is committed, but seldom there during the crime because they can't be. NYC alone has 8.38 million people. How do you expect a handful of police to be there for every crime? Out in the sticks it can take state troopers or the Sheriffs department 20 minutes or more to arrive.

Until law enforcement does get to a crime scene, all you have is yourself for self-defense, and there is no way to defend yourself without a firearm.
Lord you people are slow. The point is when seconds count, police are minutes away. Police are great after a crime is committed, but seldom there during the crime because they can't be. NYC alone has 8.38 million people. How do you expect a handful of police to be there for every crime? Out in the sticks it can take state troopers or the Sheriffs department 20 minutes or more to arrive.

Until law enforcement does get to a crime scene, all you have is yourself for self-defense, and there is no way to defend yourself without a firearm.
So, have a firearm.
Nothing wrong with that.........................if you're scared of anything that moves.
Just learn how to use it.

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