Another mythical gun use: A woman scares off attacker armed with a shovel....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The best outcome according to left wing, anti gun extremists? This woman and her daughter are beaten to death by this lunatic with the shovel...since they would say this woman should not have the gun she used to stoop the asshat who kicked in her door and charged her with a shovel.....

Perhaps he was simply selling shovels door to door? Or maybe he was going to offer her gardening tips?

Sadly for the gun grabbers, she had a gun....and she made the attacker run away without firing a shot...

This is something the anti gun extremist here on U.S. messageboard tell us never, ever, ever happens.....cause bad guys don't exist...and that violent crime is just a figment of our imagination....

Note to irrationa, ant gun, extremists....she stopped the attacker without shooting him.....she was not disarmed, she is not a Navy SEAL or a Delta Operator.......

Texas Woman Uses Gun To Keep Shovel-Wielding Intruder At Bay

Unless youā€™re the kind of Texan woman who understands that firearms are the great equalizers.

Laura Williams says she grabbed her pistol and held an intruder at bay while her teenage daughter called 911 after the man kicked in the front door of her home on U.S. Highway 84 just outside of Mexia and charged her with a shovel.

ā€œI aimed it at him and said if you take one more step Iā€™ll kill you,ā€ she said Friday.

The man ran, but Limestone County deputies later arrested him.

Allen Tompkins, 47, was charged with burglary of a habitation, but additional charges are possible.

Heā€™s held in the Limestone County Jail in lieu of $20,000 bond.

The incident happened Tuesday and Williamsā€™ daughter, Hannah, 17, hasnā€™t been quite the same since.

ā€œI felt really scared and my adrenaline was pumping so I donā€™t really remember a lot of it, but Iā€™m not sleeping well at all.ā€

Laura Williams was awakened Tuesday morning by a ringing doorbell.

ā€œI went to the door and just kind of opened it and there was an older man standing at my front door with a shovel and he asked for a ladyā€™s name and I said ā€˜thereā€™s no one here by that name Iā€™m sorry, youā€™re at the wrong house, she doesnā€™t live here,ā€™ā€ Williams said.

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