Another Obama Executive Order!


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
"....To promote continued job growth, Government efficiency, and the social good that can be gained from opening Government data to the public, the default state of new and modernized Government information resources shall be open and machine readable..."

Executive Order -- Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information | The White House

In other words, government data is presumed from the start to be available to the public. Instead of citizens having to demonstrate a need for government data, government must show cause to NOT make it publicly available.

This is real transparency and openness which we haven't seen before.

Good job, Mr. President!
It's bullshit double talk by the double talker in chief.
"....To promote continued job growth, Government efficiency, and the social good that can be gained from opening Government data to the public, the default state of new and modernized Government information resources shall be open and machine readable..."

Executive Order -- Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information | The White House

In other words, government data is presumed from the start to be available to the public. Instead of citizens having to demonstrate a need for government data, government must show cause to NOT make it publicly available.

This is real transparency and openness which we haven't seen before.

Good job, Mr. President!

If it is public then I agree with the president!:cool:
Like brainwashed dupes could understand....most transparent administration ever....which opens them up to your stupid conspiracy scandals...
Like brainwashed dupes could understand....most transparent administration ever....which opens them up to your stupid conspiracy scandals...

How is going after the AP and lying about Lybia transparent? I find it sad how you can say it is a conspiracy! WTF?

I'll admit that this executive order is good.
Do you know what the classified info (re AP) was about? Real Conservatives agree with the president, dupes...
WHAT LIE about Benghazi, fool? Those are typical communications about what the talking points should be....But the Bushies just put out the whitewash, never a single "investigation". Every single one of the e-mails from the CIA thought it was a spontaneous thing in reaction to the Cairo pundit fear mongering the video, and only dupes know it wasn't....
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Executive Order #6,759

"Openness in government strengthens our democracy, promotes the delivery of efficient and effective services to the public, and contributes to economic growth."

As my Aides have reminded me, my library plans are being drawn up. I need to show that my promise of transparency in my administration was kept. Five and a half years late isn't bad.

May 9th, 2013.
I won't shut up about islam. They can burn the middle east to the fucking ground if my opinion has that effect.

They can go fuck themselves!
I won't shut up about islam. They can burn the middle east to the fucking ground if my opinion has that effect.

They can go fuck themselves!

Wasn't sure what you were talking about or to whom. So I took Franco off ignore to see if you were responding to him. Wow. Dude, he's crazy. Just slowly put him on ignore and pretend he doesn't exist. He lives in an alternate world. No one can help him. It's too late.

Back in the closet for Franco.
Oh, good. I think I'll start a website that downloads the Presidents travel Itinerary, including routes and security plans, and publish it on a daily basis.

That is part of the government data too.......right?

Oh, good. I think I'll start a website that downloads the Presidents travel Itinerary, including routes and security plans, and publish it on a daily basis.

That is part of the government data too.......right?


Why would you want to do something like that?
When dealing with Obama two things are almost always true: What he says hides the opposite of what he means; intentions are substitutes for action.
yeah, let's see how quickly they are forthcoming with all the data they have denied to the oversight committee for years now.

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