Another Obama Executive Order!

yeah, let's see how quickly they are forthcoming with all the data they have denied to the oversight committee for years now.

Different data sets.

And..the "oversight" committee started asking for stuff that was either unrelated to what they were "overseeing" or classified.

Remember the "classified" thing, right?

Bush was fucking classifying his lunch orders..

Oh, good. I think I'll start a website that downloads the Presidents travel Itinerary, including routes and security plans, and publish it on a daily basis.

That is part of the government data too.......right?


Why would you want to do something like that?

Why do you think?

If they can't impeach him and remove him from office..these folks want him dead.

Is this a joke thread?
The thread isn't a joke but the executive order is.'s like the President could kill Osama Bin Laden..and you folks would still complain.

Oh wait..

That happened.


It's incredible, isn't it? The right will give him credit for literally nothing at all, no matter how good it is. It's like they're afraid if they accidentally agree that he did something right, it will trigger some sort of magic spell which will turn them all into flaming, liberal, homosexual Democrats or something.

How prejudiced to you have to be to find fault with EVERYTHING someone does?
yeah, let's see how quickly they are forthcoming with all the data they have denied to the oversight committee for years now.

Different data sets.

And..the "oversight" committee started asking for stuff that was either unrelated to what they were "overseeing" or classified.

Remember the "classified" thing, right?

Bush was fucking classifying his lunch orders..

So, in other words, nothing of importance will be available.

yeah, classified like those e-mails they finally released which never should have been classified...
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Excutor order is a tool for Obama to get what he wants in transforming america into what we have never been. On top of his gift of words to twist the thinking of the weak minded people in this country.
I think Excutor order should be taken away from Presidents using it, because they abuse it just to gain what they want, not what the people want or need.
If obama really wants transparency, he can start delivering all the documents requested by the four committees investigating the four scandals now being investigated and turn over all the documents relating to the rest of the investigations when they start.

What obama will do is put on line a carefully crafted narrative of what he wants people to think. And democrats will think it.
The most tranparant administration in history shouldn't need an EO to make it so.

But then it isn't the most transparant administration in history. Never mind.
I'd be more prone to accolades if not for the admin using the IRS, EPA, DOJ, etc. to shut down opposition.

Smells like BS to me...

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