Another one!

Well you only have to read about the whack-job that wrote the article.


Seriously? Another made up applaud perverts......

How do people write this crap with a straight's like a 5 year old's imagination.........At what point do these people leave Never Never Land?

Actually, the real question is when do we send them back to Never Never Land and throw away the key.

What's wrong with 'freak'? Not sure why we need to invent new terms.
"They" Have No Part in "We"

"We" didn't invent this terminological parrot-squawking. Don't give these creeps any credibility at all.

They must be silenced and made to go whispering, whimpering, and hissing in shadows, far away from where anyone can hear their private language.
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Who really gives a fuck what they call themselves?

Why does it cause such hand wringing and panty wadding among you all?

This is one more of those things I would never know existed if not for the daily outrage threads on the USMB
Who really gives a fuck what they call themselves?

Why does it cause such hand wringing and panty wadding among you all?

This is one more of those things I would never know existed if not for the daily outrage threads on the USMB
Uh becasue, they then expect us to agree and call them that, or they try and threaten us. If you wanna be a madeupsexual, do it in fucking private and stop trying to convince children being a weirdo is ok and hide it from their parents.
Uh becasue, they then expect us to agree and call them that, or they try and threaten us. If you wanna be a madeupsexual, do it in fucking private and stop trying to convince children being a weirdo is ok and hide it from their parents.

You think people are going to want you to call them Gynosexual? Really? Do you call people hetroseuxal or homosexual or whathave you? I can say I pretty much never use any of the terms in my day to day life
You think people are going to want you to call them Gynosexual? Really? Do you call people hetroseuxal or homosexual or whathave you? I can say I pretty much never use any of the terms in my day to day life
Dumb fuck, other countries have laws where you HAVE to call them by their stupid names. You know this, you are just a fucking tool.....
Dumb fuck, other countries have laws where you HAVE to call them by their stupid names. You know this, you are just a fucking tool.....

Can you give am list of countries that require you to call someone by their sexual preferences?
No lefties here to defend this? I mean it's like someone just makes up a term and see how many idiots will believe in it much less defend it......
Mind-Slave Check

The media are mentally inferior, but even they know that the spelling "mic" for mike is retarded. So they must have made it up to see how many viewers would parrot that unphonetic monstrosity, especially those who pretend to hate the media. Americans are proven authority-lovers.
Can you give am list of countries that require you to call someone by their sexual preferences?
Atleast you go that one right, it's not genders, it's actually 900 weird glad for people to recognize only 2 genders exist.

Canda: Misgendering Is a Human Rights Violation, Canadian Court Rules

UK: First UK street preacher reported as terrorist for 'misgendering' wins appeal: 'Orwellian and really alarming'

I dont make shit up. Either you are a crazy ass fascist or really ignorant of how the world is working.
Gynosexual = sexually attracted to women.

Okay. Is this word really necessary? It applies to lesbians and straight men, I guess

So straight women and gay men are “androsexual”?

We didn’t really need any new words for stuff we already know
Well you only have to read about the whack-job that wrote the article.

I bet she ain't as sharp as them damn clippers I lacerated my ring finger on today.

Well, it's my own damn fault, I sharpened those clippers to be fuckin' sharp.

Looks like they damn sure are. Meh, it makes them do what they're supposed to do better.

Just don't be a dumbass and get your ring finger across the blade like it ain't gonna cut ya, dummy.

That thing's sharp, it damn sure will cut ya.

Like a knife in the hands of a pissed off Latin girl.

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