Another perspective

We aren't listening at all. YOU are responsible for your life. Not me, not the President, not the UN. George Soros thinks he can use you to cause grief for the USA. We aren't listening to him either.

You have the exact rights that I have. Scream all you want. You turn towns into ghettos, you created Chicago's new norm, You don't raise your children to be productive individuals. The drummer I hired to teach my youth group kids, had 11 kids of his own. He even knew where 2 of them were. Then we all got to watch him be arraigned for selling crack. Sadly, he is NOT the exception to the rule.

Ben Carson kept his zipper zipped, said no to the pipe and went to school. Emulate him instead of the drummer, and then watch your "privileges" improve. We aren't putting you in your place. YOU are the problem with you.

I'll continue to work hard to provide for my family and you go put a black hoodie on and hang out in the street. Paychecks are what make me look privileged to you.
I'll put in a new pool. I told the business I shouldn't have to pay for it because I am white, but contrary to what you believe, I had to pay for it just like Mr. Carson had to pay for his. What you consider privilege, others understand as a reward for a job well done. A paycheck.

And tomorrow, you'll put on your black hoodie, and whine about whitey's pool. I won't hear you, because I'll be in the pool............

Here is anther example the article was talking about.

Well you see, I went to college and got a masters degree in sociology. I then spent 32 years doing work in the black community. I have never hit the pipe or fathered a child out of wedlock. Ben Carson means nothing to me. He's a punk ass sellout whites like you love to use as an example because he do the bojangles for you ,wear the black face and shuffle like the black minstrel lawn jockey he is. I have helped build one business and helped 2 others grow. But that doesn't mean racism ended. I earned my checks bitch. All of them. So I will put on my black hoodie tomorrow and watch those like you cry about how whites are losing their country. And if I am standing on the street in my black hoodie it is because I am fucking retired. You know what that is? It is the reward for years of a well done job. So don't YOU be like the drummer, ignorant and whining about what privilege is. YOU and those like you are the problem. I'm part of the solution.

So you don't have to hear anything, but when the change hits and you ask what happened, you will understand that you drowned in your pool.

Sociology is a joke of a college credit. The best thing about it is learning art and artists.

The rest of it is a farce to the point of being comical.

Oh yes, me and my black friend were in the same sociology class. He's now a preacher, but when it got to be being bullshit, I said something, and he was about the only one that supported me.

He's a smart man.

I don't think you learned about art or artists in intro o sociology. And that's looks like its a far as you went.

Because I took courses in Comparative social theory
Methods of Social Research
Youth and crime
Social Organization
Urban and Rural sociology
Classical and contemporary social theory
And a few others.

We weren't discussing artists in these classes. But it really didn't matter what I got any degree in. I could have gotten a degree in molecular science and you would have tried to belittle that. You're sad pathetic trash. Me and my black friend. You see I can tell you I have a black friend so I'm not a racist. Ebery body like you has that one back friend. Dillon Roof had that one black friend too.

Well I can't very well tell you his name and remain anonymous. Yeah, that looks like a bunch of fluff bullshit.

The concept of Sociology is complete bullshit to begin with.

You cannot categorize people in the manner Sociology attempts to.

I thank God he did back me that day I stood up to the prof.

At least I had some kinda backup. I still say I was right.

So the class got to be being bullshit

It's so fluff you would have flunked. And you can understand human nature more when you understand patterns of behavior.

And then when you point out patterns of behavior, you are labeled a racist by the PC police.... :eusa_doh:


Every single post you've made in this thread has been defensive, and crafted to make you feel victimized.

My first post was me asking IM2 for his suggestions as to what I can do to help end racism. He didn't answer, just linked me to the article. I read it. It doesn't make any sense. So I'm asking someone to explain it to me.

A first step would be to stop trying to make it about you.

What the fuck..? We're not allowed to ask questions? How am I supposed to change my ways and help to end racism if nobody will tell me how?


Your thought process is not my responsibility.

If you want to understand the issues surrounding race today, talk to some black people. Listen to what they say, rather than defend yourself against imaginary charges of racism.

Stop making it about you, and listen to them explain where they're coming from.
Still waiting on IM2 to explain how the patterns of behavior of those girls came to be. He should know, he has a masters in patterns of behavior study.
Here is anther example the article was talking about.

Well you see, I went to college and got a masters degree in sociology. I then spent 32 years doing work in the black community. I have never hit the pipe or fathered a child out of wedlock. Ben Carson means nothing to me. He's a punk ass sellout whites like you love to use as an example because he do the bojangles for you ,wear the black face and shuffle like the black minstrel lawn jockey he is. I have helped build one business and helped 2 others grow. But that doesn't mean racism ended. I earned my checks bitch. All of them. So I will put on my black hoodie tomorrow and watch those like you cry about how whites are losing their country. And if I am standing on the street in my black hoodie it is because I am fucking retired. You know what that is? It is the reward for years of a well done job. So don't YOU be like the drummer, ignorant and whining about what privilege is. YOU and those like you are the problem. I'm part of the solution.

So you don't have to hear anything, but when the change hits and you ask what happened, you will understand that you drowned in your pool.

Sociology is a joke of a college credit. The best thing about it is learning art and artists.

The rest of it is a farce to the point of being comical.

Oh yes, me and my black friend were in the same sociology class. He's now a preacher, but when it got to be being bullshit, I said something, and he was about the only one that supported me.

He's a smart man.

I don't think you learned about art or artists in intro o sociology. And that's looks like its a far as you went.

Because I took courses in Comparative social theory
Methods of Social Research
Youth and crime
Social Organization
Urban and Rural sociology
Classical and contemporary social theory
And a few others.

We weren't discussing artists in these classes. But it really didn't matter what I got any degree in. I could have gotten a degree in molecular science and you would have tried to belittle that. You're sad pathetic trash. Me and my black friend. You see I can tell you I have a black friend so I'm not a racist. Ebery body like you has that one back friend. Dillon Roof had that one black friend too.

Well I can't very well tell you his name and remain anonymous. Yeah, that looks like a bunch of fluff bullshit.

The concept of Sociology is complete bullshit to begin with.

You cannot categorize people in the manner Sociology attempts to.

I thank God he did back me that day I stood up to the prof.

At least I had some kinda backup. I still say I was right.

So the class got to be being bullshit

It's so fluff you would have flunked. And you can understand human nature more when you understand patterns of behavior.

And then when you point out patterns of behavior, you are labeled a racist by the PC police.... :eusa_doh:

Except when you point out patterns you need to be able to explain how those patterns were developed accurately which is something you and those like you are unable to do.
Still waiting on IM2 to explain how the patterns of behavior of those girls came to be. He should know, he has a masters in patterns of behavior study.

Does this thread really make you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to change the topic entirely?

You are welcome to start another "Black people doing crimes" thread, if that's the topic you're interested in discussing. I imagine it won't be as challenging as this thread clearly is to you.
Still waiting on IM2 to explain how the patterns of behavior of those girls came to be. He should know, he has a masters in patterns of behavior study.

Does this thread really make you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to change the topic entirely?

You are welcome to start another "Black people doing crimes" thread, if that's the topic you're interested in discussing. I imagine it won't be as challenging as this thread clearly is to you.

Your SJW-ness is showing.
Still waiting on IM2 to explain how the patterns of behavior of those girls came to be. He should know, he has a masters in patterns of behavior study.

Does this thread really make you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to change the topic entirely?

You are welcome to start another "Black people doing crimes" thread, if that's the topic you're interested in discussing. I imagine it won't be as challenging as this thread clearly is to you.

Your SJW-ness is showing.


If that's what you have to believe in order to feel better about yourself, then so be it.

No one is forcing you to post in this thread.
  • Thanks
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Still waiting on IM2 to explain how the patterns of behavior of those girls came to be. He should know, he has a masters in patterns of behavior study.

And you will wait because this thread is not about you pulling up some singular example so that you can make illogical conclusions about behavior.

Your thought process is not my responsibility.

If you want to understand the issues surrounding race today, talk to some black people. Listen to what they say, rather than defend yourself against imaginary charges of racism.

Stop making it about you, and listen to them explain where they're coming from.

So I was right..? White people are supposed to shut up and not ask any questions when a person of color is explaining. Even when we don't understand what they are trying to say..? The act of not understanding is racist, right?

Your thought process is not my responsibility.

If you want to understand the issues surrounding race today, talk to some black people. Listen to what they say, rather than defend yourself against imaginary charges of racism.

Stop making it about you, and listen to them explain where they're coming from.

So I was right..? White people are supposed to shut up and not ask any questions when a person of color is explaining. Even when we don't understand what they are trying to say..? The act of not understanding is racist, right?


Again, you try to make this about how you're being victimized.
It's time to have a real debate about racism with all of the factors on the table

People have moved past the white liberal guilt syndrome because:
1) there is a 5 to 1 Black to White murder ratio
2) 6000 to 1 Black to White rape ratio
3) 20000 to 1 Black to White armed robbery ratio
4) Blacks are 1.5X more likely to commit a hate crime than Whites
5) Affirmative Action violates people's civil right to education and employment
6) the Corrupt Democratic Party blocking Voter ID laws is a violation of people's Right to Vote because it enable Dem Voters to vote multiple times under fake names and non-citizens to erase the votes of American citizens

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

I took one at random.

Guess who lied?
Oops, I DID post the wrong picture!

Again the deplorable claim ~ 2) 6000 to 1 Black to White rape ratio

It's time to have a real debate about racism with all of the factors on the table

People have moved past the white liberal guilt syndrome because:
1) there is a 5 to 1 Black to White murder ratio
2) 6000 to 1 Black to White rape ratio
3) 20000 to 1 Black to White armed robbery ratio
4) Blacks are 1.5X more likely to commit a hate crime than Whites
5) Affirmative Action violates people's civil right to education and employment
6) the Corrupt Democratic Party blocking Voter ID laws is a violation of people's Right to Vote because it enable Dem Voters to vote multiple times under fake names and non-citizens to erase the votes of American citizens

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

I took one at random.

Guess who lied?
Oops, I DID post the wrong picture!

Again the deplorable claim ~ 2) 6000 to 1 Black to White rape ratio

Yep, you still do not get it.
You don't understand what ratio means.
Imagine the progress that COULD have been made had racist former President Barack Hussein Obama rounded up the race baiters such as Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, etc., etc., and repeatedly met with them and encouraged them to tell black voters that they are NOT victims, they can accomplish all they want. If they get pulled over or stopped by a police officer, to simply comply and it there is a problem, we'll deal with it later. Get married, don't have kids out of wedlock. Teach their followers that the difference between a child being raised in poverty or well above poverty is whether or not the childs parents are MARRIED.

If race or nationality has a right to feel like a victim today it would be the Japanese. On the West Coast, they were rounded up, given a week to pack and put in what amounted to concentration camps. Anyone who tried to escape was shot and killed.

Instead, Asians outdo all other races in school, college, small business and average income. They did not accomplish that by leading riots and whining did they?
It's time to have a real debate about racism with all of the factors on the table

People have moved past the white liberal guilt syndrome because:
1) there is a 5 to 1 Black to White murder ratio
2) 6000 to 1 Black to White rape ratio
3) 20000 to 1 Black to White armed robbery ratio
4) Blacks are 1.5X more likely to commit a hate crime than Whites
5) Affirmative Action violates people's civil right to education and employment
6) the Corrupt Democratic Party blocking Voter ID laws is a violation of people's Right to Vote because it enable Dem Voters to vote multiple times under fake names and non-citizens to erase the votes of American citizens

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

I took one at random.

Guess who lied?
Oops, I DID post the wrong picture!

Again the deplorable claim ~ 2) 6000 to 1 Black to White rape ratio

Yep, you still do not get it.
You don't understand what ratio means.
OK, Einstein share with the class how you get 57/27 to be 1/6000
If that's how you see it, then you are part of the problem.

What problem ... :dunno:

I'll just be happy when we can move forward and explore/embrace the opportunities of what we can accomplish together.
If y'all want to stay stuck in the last two centuries, talking about who is angry with crap some of us had no part in and don't give a rat's ass about ...

Than all I can say is that is less than productive and a waste of time.

I agree but I also hear what IM2 is saying about whites understanding where the hate comes from on the black end. It's obvious, and it is something we can't just dismiss as stemming from a long time ago. It's there now so it still has to be taken into consideration.

We are talking about whites having the inability to listen to us.

So, we're supposed to listen to someone who thinks Whites are morally inferior?


You just have to be the victim, don't you?

You are projecting. No one in this thread has declared white people to be "morally inferior" - you made that up so you can feel victimized, which allows you to double down in your bubble.

His thread touts of White moral inferiority, in this White fragility as if Whites are too morally inferior to relate to Blacks.

Well, actually many Whites bend over backwards for Blacks, Civil Rights including Affirmative Action was done by overwhelmingly Whites.
Imagine the progress that COULD have been made had racist former President Barack Hussein Obama rounded up the race baiters such as Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, etc., etc., and repeatedly met with them and encouraged them to tell black voters that they are NOT victims, they can accomplish all they want. If they get pulled over or stopped by a police officer, to simply comply and it there is a problem, we'll deal with it later. Get married, don't have kids out of wedlock. Teach their followers that the difference between a child being raised in poverty or well above poverty is whether or not the childs parents are MARRIED.

If race or nationality has a right to feel like a victim today it would be the Japanese. On the West Coast, they were rounded up, given a week to pack and put in what amounted to concentration camps. Anyone who tried to escape was shot and killed.

Instead, Asians outdo all other races in school, college, small business and average income. They did not accomplish that by leading riots and whining did they?
Asians are not close to being black
What problem ... :dunno:

I'll just be happy when we can move forward and explore/embrace the opportunities of what we can accomplish together.
If y'all want to stay stuck in the last two centuries, talking about who is angry with crap some of us had no part in and don't give a rat's ass about ...

Than all I can say is that is less than productive and a waste of time.

I agree but I also hear what IM2 is saying about whites understanding where the hate comes from on the black end. It's obvious, and it is something we can't just dismiss as stemming from a long time ago. It's there now so it still has to be taken into consideration.

We are talking about whites having the inability to listen to us.

So, we're supposed to listen to someone who thinks Whites are morally inferior?


You just have to be the victim, don't you?

You are projecting. No one in this thread has declared white people to be "morally inferior" - you made that up so you can feel victimized, which allows you to double down in your bubble.

His thread touts of White moral inferiority, in this White fragility as if Whites are too morally inferior to relate to Blacks.

Well, actually many Whites bend over backwards for Blacks, Civil Rights including Affirmative Action was done by overwhelmingly Whites.


No, it doesn't. You are the only person who has made any sort of moral judgement here.

But I understand, you need to feel victimized. It's the only way to justify your own hatred.
What problem ... :dunno:

I'll just be happy when we can move forward and explore/embrace the opportunities of what we can accomplish together.
If y'all want to stay stuck in the last two centuries, talking about who is angry with crap some of us had no part in and don't give a rat's ass about ...

Than all I can say is that is less than productive and a waste of time.

I agree but I also hear what IM2 is saying about whites understanding where the hate comes from on the black end. It's obvious, and it is something we can't just dismiss as stemming from a long time ago. It's there now so it still has to be taken into consideration.

We are talking about whites having the inability to listen to us.

So, we're supposed to listen to someone who thinks Whites are morally inferior?
If you are a racist white, then yes you are morally inferior

Well, he won't admit that, because he's determined that he's the victim here.

That's one of the most basic requirements for a racist ideology - the delusion of victimhood.

I've been discriminated for quite a few reasons, reasons like my Polish heritage, or being quite overweight in the past.

I think verbal discrimination on a impact scale from 1 - 10 only has 1 impact.

The 10 scale I experienced was when a so called friend growing up, took out a gun on me, and raped me.

So, sorry but for the most part insults are pretty minor, and it doesn't really matter if they're personal insults, or racial insults.

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