Another perspective

What evidence do you have that the bulk of anti-Black discrimination includes violence?
Maybe at one time, but certainly not today.

You act like there's no anti-White violence.

My co-worker was walking home in Mohegan Lake, New York , when a group of Blacks yelled "Hey White boy, what cha doing here" when they chased him down.


The "bulk" of discrimination is neither verbal insults, nor physical violence.

So, what is it then?

Societal and institutional.

Institutional racism?
Like Affirmative Action, or the Minority Business Development Agency, or Black History Month?

No, I don't think I have. Because there is no "trap" in the OP.

Oh yes there is ... It is plain as day.

Hatred and anger are not the path to healing or reconciliation ... Forgiveness is how you heal the wounds.
If you don't believe me ... Take it from the Evers and King families.

What evidence do you have that the bulk of anti-Black discrimination includes violence?
Maybe at one time, but certainly not today.

You act like there's no anti-White violence.

My co-worker was walking home in Mohegan Lake, New York , when a group of Blacks yelled "Hey White boy, what cha doing here" when they chased him down.


The "bulk" of discrimination is neither verbal insults, nor physical violence.

So, what is it then?

Societal and institutional.

Institutional racism?
Like Affirmative Action, or the Minority Business Development Agency, or Black History Month?
Those should certainly be eliminated.
What evidence do you have that the bulk of anti-Black discrimination includes violence?
Maybe at one time, but certainly not today.

You act like there's no anti-White violence.

My co-worker was walking home in Mohegan Lake, New York , when a group of Blacks yelled "Hey White boy, what cha doing here" when they chased him down.


The "bulk" of discrimination is neither verbal insults, nor physical violence.

So, what is it then?

Societal and institutional.

Institutional racism?
Like Affirmative Action, or the Minority Business Development Agency, or Black History Month?
What evidence do you have that the bulk of anti-Black discrimination includes violence?
Maybe at one time, but certainly not today.

You act like there's no anti-White violence.

My co-worker was walking home in Mohegan Lake, New York , when a group of Blacks yelled "Hey White boy, what cha doing here" when they chased him down.


The "bulk" of discrimination is neither verbal insults, nor physical violence.

So, what is it then?

Societal and institutional.

Institutional racism?
Like Affirmative Action, or the Minority Business Development Agency, or Black History Month?
Those should certainly be eliminated.

Eh, on the plus side, they rally more Whites to the Right.

No, I don't think I have. Because there is no "trap" in the OP.

Oh yes there is ... It is plain as day.

Hatred and anger are not the path to healing or reconciliation ... Forgiveness is how you heal the wounds.
If you don't believe me ... Take it from the Evers and King families.


The OP is not an expression of hatred and anger.

You are choosing to interpret it as one, because it makes you uncomfortable - and it is easier to discard those uncomfortable truths if you convince yourself that you're being victimized by them.
What evidence do you have that the bulk of anti-Black discrimination includes violence?
Maybe at one time, but certainly not today.

You act like there's no anti-White violence.

My co-worker was walking home in Mohegan Lake, New York , when a group of Blacks yelled "Hey White boy, what cha doing here" when they chased him down.


The "bulk" of discrimination is neither verbal insults, nor physical violence.

So, what is it then?

Societal and institutional.

Institutional racism?
Like Affirmative Action, or the Minority Business Development Agency, or Black History Month?

No, more like the fact that a resume with the name "Tyrone" is half as likely to get a call back than one with the name "Steve". That black people are overwhelmingly incarcerated for crimes such as drug use, which is itself more prevalent in white communities.

This is only scratching the surface. It's more base than a few laws created to attempt to even the playing field - it's societal on a level that's deeper than that.

It's the social dynamic that tells black people that the system is stacked against them, so there's no use in even trying.

No, I don't think I have. Because there is no "trap" in the OP.

Oh yes there is ... It is plain as day.

Hatred and anger are not the path to healing or reconciliation ... Forgiveness is how you heal the wounds.
If you don't believe me ... Take it from the Evers and King families.


The OP is not an expression of hatred and anger.

You are choosing to interpret it as one, because it makes you uncomfortable - and it is easier to discard those uncomfortable truths if you convince yourself that you're being victimized by them.

It's a passive aggressive way of saying "Whites are too fragile to get the Black struggle"
Nothing racist in that in the least. sure.

No, I don't think I have. Because there is no "trap" in the OP.

Oh yes there is ... It is plain as day.

Hatred and anger are not the path to healing or reconciliation ... Forgiveness is how you heal the wounds.
If you don't believe me ... Take it from the Evers and King families.


The OP is not an expression of hatred and anger.

You are choosing to interpret it as one, because it makes you uncomfortable - and it is easier to discard those uncomfortable truths if you convince yourself that you're being victimized by them.

It's a passive aggressive way of saying "Whites are too fragile to get the Black struggle"
Nothing racist in that in the least. sure.


Still desperate to be the victim.
We are talking about whites having the inability to listen to us.

So, we're supposed to listen to someone who thinks Whites are morally inferior?


You just have to be the victim, don't you?

You are projecting. No one in this thread has declared white people to be "morally inferior" - you made that up so you can feel victimized, which allows you to double down in your bubble.

His thread touts of White moral inferiority, in this White fragility as if Whites are too morally inferior to relate to Blacks.

Well, actually many Whites bend over backwards for Blacks, Civil Rights including Affirmative Action was done by overwhelmingly Whites.


No, it doesn't. You are the only person who has made any sort of moral judgement here.

But I understand, you need to feel victimized. It's the only way to justify your own hatred.

Oh okay, Blacks have the right to be victims, but Whites don't.

Oh okay, the concept of White fragility is reasonable, but the concept of Black fragility is somehow racist, and unreasonable.

The problem with your never ending ability to create a false equivalence is that the things this lady talks about as it pertains to white fragility cones from her talking to whites about racism and their reactions..
The OP is not an expression of hatred and anger.

You are choosing to interpret it as one, because it makes you uncomfortable - and it is easier to discard those uncomfortable truths if you convince yourself that you're being victimized by them.

"These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation."

Who said I was uncomfortable ... I am not angry, fearful nor do I feel guilt.
I will argue with this nonsense and won't remain silent ... But it certainly isn't stressful.

If you need to crawl up in a corner to escape your whiteness ... Knock yourself out.

The OP is not an expression of hatred and anger.

You are choosing to interpret it as one, because it makes you uncomfortable - and it is easier to discard those uncomfortable truths if you convince yourself that you're being victimized by them.

"These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation."

Who said I was uncomfortable ... I am not angry, fearful nor do I feel guilt.
I will argue with this nonsense and won't remain silent ... But it certainly isn't stressful.

If you need to crawl up in a corner to escape your whiteness ... Knock yourself out.



You really don't see how that paragraph you've quoted accurately reflects every post you've made in this thread?

Everything you've posted has been a defense against an attack that doesn't exist. Each post you've made positions yourself as the victim.

No one is trying to "silence" you. You're not the victim here. Stop trying to deflect to yourself.

This isn't about you.

No, I don't think I have. Because there is no "trap" in the OP.

Oh yes there is ... It is plain as day.

Hatred and anger are not the path to healing or reconciliation ... Forgiveness is how you heal the wounds.
If you don't believe me ... Take it from the Evers and King families.


The OP is not an expression of hatred and anger.

You are choosing to interpret it as one, because it makes you uncomfortable - and it is easier to discard those uncomfortable truths if you convince yourself that you're being victimized by them.

It's a passive aggressive way of saying "Whites are too fragile to get the Black struggle"
Nothing racist in that in the least. sure.

No its not that whatsoever. This is what it is as defined by the person who made the term.

White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

You really don't see how that paragraph you've quoted accurately reflects every post you've made in this thread?

It doesn't reflect every post I have made in this thread.
If I was referring to the paragraph in every post I have made in this thread ... I would have quoted it.

Feel free to wiggle all you want ... :dunno:

What evidence do you have that the bulk of anti-Black discrimination includes violence?
Maybe at one time, but certainly not today.

You act like there's no anti-White violence.

My co-worker was walking home in Mohegan Lake, New York , when a group of Blacks yelled "Hey White boy, what cha doing here" when they chased him down.


The "bulk" of discrimination is neither verbal insults, nor physical violence.

So, what is it then?

Societal and institutional.

Institutional racism?
Like Affirmative Action, or the Minority Business Development Agency, or Black History Month?

No, more like the fact that a resume with the name "Tyrone" is half as likely to get a call back than one with the name "Steve". That black people are overwhelmingly incarcerated for crimes such as drug use, which is itself more prevalent in white communities.

This is only scratching the surface. It's more base than a few laws created to attempt to even the playing field - it's societal on a level that's deeper than that.

It's the social dynamic that tells black people that the system is stacked against them, so there's no use in even trying.

Well if all of this is true, then why do Blacks stay here?
Maybe they're masochists, or idiots?

You really don't see how that paragraph you've quoted accurately reflects every post you've made in this thread?

It doesn't reflect every post I have made in this thread.
If I was referring to the paragraph in every post I have made in this thread ... I would have quoted it.

Feel free to wiggle all you want ... :dunno:



Of course it does.

The topic of this thread is threatening to your racial status quo - so you've spent the day responding with defenses and accusations, and refused to even entertain the topic itself. You've spent the whole time defending yourself from attacks that aren't there, or virtue-signaling about how you're "looking for solutions", and name-checking the King and Evers families.

You've tried to make this about you, not about society as a whole - because it's easier to feel like a victim than it is to recognize uncomfortable truths about the world around you.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?
Johnnie Turner says black people have to tell their stories. People have to hear the stories or they won't know. Instead of just bonking white people over the head for being ignorant racists, why not tell the stories that would help us SEE the other side. What happens here in discussion about race never gets us anywhere because no one's perspective gets changed. We can't walk in your shoes until you tell us what it is like on a daily basis. Don't scream it at us or exaggerate it. Just tell the stories.
Just a suggestion.

While I appreciate what you have said, whites have for the better part of 2.5 centuries beat us over the head about how worthless we are. And we have asked for that to stop. It doesn't. So then when we talk to whites, once again they try establishing the rules we have to follow in order to for them to listen. And that's one of the main problems with this kind of discussion. Whites need to hear the anger and in some cases the outright hate to understand exactly what their racism has done to people. I think it's highly unfair for whites to tell us that they won't listen unless we say it to them how they want to hear it. I know you mean no harm here old lady but that is exactly what you have done. We have told you what it was like for us for at least 241 years. We have been screamed at and killed for trying to do it as well. So in my view if screaming is warranted that's what should be done. Therefore let me help you see what you have just done,.
Which whites? The ones that have majority voted for every civil rights legislation for Blacks or the ones that haven't? The ones that filibustered major legislation for Blacks or the ones that didn't? The ones that elected the first Blacks to Congress or the ones that wouldn't? The ones that have wanted Blacks to have equal access to good schools or the ones that haven't? The ones that have said Blacks can think on their own or the ones stated Blacks can't make it on their own merits?
The OP is not an expression of hatred and anger.

You are choosing to interpret it as one, because it makes you uncomfortable - and it is easier to discard those uncomfortable truths if you convince yourself that you're being victimized by them.

"These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation."

Who said I was uncomfortable ... I am not angry, fearful nor do I feel guilt.
I will argue with this nonsense and won't remain silent ... But it certainly isn't stressful.

If you need to crawl up in a corner to escape your whiteness ... Knock yourself out.


And this is exactly what and why you are an example of white fragility. Instead of admitting that racism exists and that what non whites have faced is that you want to say how it doesn't, it's a thing of the past and it's nonsense you will argue down. Why? Because you are uncomfortable with dealing with the truth of racism. This is not about whites denying their whiteness, it is about whites accepting what their whiteness really means and what it has entailed. You will only argue like this on the internet. If you were taken into an auditorium and told you had to debate a black person about racism, you would be to scared to show up. I've done it and I know how a person like you would get treated. You'd either leave the auditorium before you were done, or you'd break down.
The OP is not an expression of hatred and anger.

You are choosing to interpret it as one, because it makes you uncomfortable - and it is easier to discard those uncomfortable truths if you convince yourself that you're being victimized by them.

"These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation."

Who said I was uncomfortable ... I am not angry, fearful nor do I feel guilt.
I will argue with this nonsense and won't remain silent ... But it certainly isn't stressful.

If you need to crawl up in a corner to escape your whiteness ... Knock yourself out.


And this is exactly what and why you are an example of white fragility. Instead of admitting that racism exists and that what non whites have faced is that you want to say how it doesn't, it's a thing of the past and it's nonsense you will argue down. Why? Because you are uncomfortable with dealing with the truth of racism. This is not about whites denying their whiteness, it is about whites accepting what their whiteness really means and what it has entailed. You will only argue like this on the internet. If you were taken into an auditorium and told you had to debate a black person about racism, you would be to scared to show up. I've done it and I know how a person like you would get treated. You'd either leave the auditorium before you were done, or you'd break down.

Then you better move away from those Whitey's.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?
Johnnie Turner says black people have to tell their stories. People have to hear the stories or they won't know. Instead of just bonking white people over the head for being ignorant racists, why not tell the stories that would help us SEE the other side. What happens here in discussion about race never gets us anywhere because no one's perspective gets changed. We can't walk in your shoes until you tell us what it is like on a daily basis. Don't scream it at us or exaggerate it. Just tell the stories.
Just a suggestion.

While I appreciate what you have said, whites have for the better part of 2.5 centuries beat us over the head about how worthless we are. And we have asked for that to stop. It doesn't. So then when we talk to whites, once again they try establishing the rules we have to follow in order to for them to listen. And that's one of the main problems with this kind of discussion. Whites need to hear the anger and in some cases the outright hate to understand exactly what their racism has done to people. I think it's highly unfair for whites to tell us that they won't listen unless we say it to them how they want to hear it. I know you mean no harm here old lady but that is exactly what you have done. We have told you what it was like for us for at least 241 years. We have been screamed at and killed for trying to do it as well. So in my view if screaming is warranted that's what should be done. Therefore let me help you see what you have just done,.
Which whites? The ones that have majority voted for every civil rights legislation for Blacks or the ones that haven't? The ones that filibustered major legislation for Blacks or the ones that didn't? The ones that elected the first Blacks to Congress or the ones that wouldn't? The ones that have wanted Blacks to have equal access to good schools or the ones that haven't? The ones that have said Blacks can think on their own or the ones stated Blacks can't make it on their own merits?


I think I just got "white people defense" BINGO.

We've had the "I have black friends" defense, the "Dr. King" defense, the "blacks are racist too" defense, and now the "there are good whites" defense.

You guys aren't getting it. Stop defending yourself, and start listening.

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