Another perspective

This is hilarious. A certain type of lefty wants to believe that "no, YOU'RE a poopy head!" Becomes important social commentary if couched in bullshit, meaningless academic-sounding jargon.

If you took the OP as an attack on white people, you missed the point.

I most certainly did not.

Would you care to clarify your position?

I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean.

It's exactly what his intention was in starting this troll thread. You buy what you want, but it's perfectly obvious. The OP clown is no different than the many (too many, when the fuck will they slither back to some stormfront closet?) racists who spew idiotic shit about "blacks can't do math" or "they should go back to Africa" or fabricate some patently false anecdote about African Americans, or whine about their physical insecurity. "You whites can't understand!" or "everything you whites do, say, or think is really racist, even if you don't think so!" is just a variation on a theme. Dressing the same divisive bullshit in terms that can be broadcast in monotone whispers on NPR as if it were 'significant' doesn't change what it is: PART OF THE PROBLEM.

This is not a troll thread. And YOU don't know what my intentions are. You have consistently mistaken everything I have posted based upon your narrow views. When we say whites can't understand that's not racist. It is apparent that whites cannot understand. Look at you for example. And where has it been said anywhere by me that everything whites do is racist? It is very apparent whites cannot understand how we feel about racism when we have people like you who decide that the mere mention of whites not being able to understand is he same as someone white saying blacks are naturally dumber than whites. To mention that whites have been the beneficiary of laws and policies is not the same a blacks can't do math and blacks need to go back to Africa. All you need to do is go look at supreme court decisions, legislative decisions at all levels of government, as well as policies initiated by many government and private agencies.

This is an article written by a white person based on her experiences leading classes on racism with white people and describing their reactions. You are a classic example of what she discuses. You do not have the intelligence to understand what I have been saying at any time. Seems that the doctorisin does and the doctorisin is white. Since you have decided to dismiss the many times I have said not all whites are racists to continue lying about me and trying to influence others based upon your own stupidity, it would be nice if you just removed your dumb ass from this thread.

Because it's funny how you holler about me being a racist when almost every thing I have presented are the results of studies or data compiled by whites pertaining to racial disparities or white attitudes.
It's the idiots and assholes on ALL sides that keep picking scabs. Fearful, insecure, bitter, opportunistic, manipulative assholes all around.

Sociology "experts" (aka social justice warriors) like IM2 and TheDoctor have made it practically illegal and definitely morally reprehensible to question the radical left agenda. If you don't shut up and let them do the thinking for you, then they label you a hater, a bigot, a NAZI...

I can't turn off the logical part of my brain to appease their feelings. Fact-based statistics do not support their narrative of a vast conspiracy against black people by law enforcement. We, the "nazis" aren't supposed to notice that blacks commit the majority of violent crime in this nation, that a huge majority of black kids are born into single parent households. We aren't supposed to notice anything that disproves their fantasy world delusions, and certainly aren't supposed to talk about it. No, we're supposed to shut the fuck up, vote for who they say and let them demonize and make fun of us and never under any circumstances ever complain. Complaining while white is a sin.
It's the idiots and assholes on ALL sides that keep picking scabs. Fearful, insecure, bitter, opportunistic, manipulative assholes all around.

Sociology "experts" (aka social justice warriors) like IM2 and TheDoctor have made it practically illegal and definitely morally reprehensible to question the radical left agenda. If you don't shut up and let them do the thinking for you, then they label you a hater, a bigot, a NAZI...

I can't turn off the logical part of my brain to appease their feelings. Fact-based statistics do not support their narrative of a vast conspiracy against black people by law enforcement. We, the "nazis" aren't supposed to notice that blacks commit the majority of violent crime in this nation, that a huge majority of black kids are born into single parent households. We aren't supposed to notice anything that disproves their fantasy world delusions, and certainly aren't supposed to talk about it. No, we're supposed to shut the fuck up, vote for who they say and let them demonize and make fun of us and never under any circumstances ever complain. Complaining while white is a sin.

Blacks don't commit the majority of violent crime in this nation. And being born in a single parent household doesn't mean anything.That's the problem with how you dimwits think. The only ones living in a delusion is those like yourself.

"Around 49% of single mothers have never married, 51% are either divorced, separated or widowed. Half have one child, 30% have two. About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."

Two thirds of all single mothers are white . Get it?

Whites were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crime in this nation in 2015, 59 percent in 2014

Table 43

Table 43

Complaining while white is not a sin but lying while any color is.
Blacks don't commit the majority of violent crime in this nation. And being born in a single parent household doesn't mean anything.That's the problem with how you dimwits think. The only ones living in a delusion is those like yourself.

"Around 49% of single mothers have never married, 51% are either divorced, separated or widowed. Half have one child, 30% have two. About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."

Two thirds of all single mothers are white . Get it?

Whites were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crime in this nation in 2015, 59 percent in 2014

Table 43

Table 43

Complaining while white is not a sin but lying while any color is.

Nice cherry picked data. For one, you found the two years where whites (who represent the majority of the population) edged out blacks. Secondly, those are arrest statistics; not prosecutions. How many of those people actually committed the crime they were arrested for? Any idea?

Here's a set of crime statistics recording the trends between 1980 and 2008 that reflects the reality you're so keen to deny:
black violence.jpg
To an extent, in that post I had you confused with some other posters in this thread, and I apologize. You have not, for the most part, played the victim in this thread. Instead, you've virtue-signalled how you're not a racist while utterly dismissing any complaint that a black person could have out of hand.

Your vitriolic response to this thread, from your first post in it, screams fragility.

If searching for a more appropriate alternative in hopes of achieving better results is "vitriolic" ... I'll wear that label.
If you think doing what is productive regardless the objections of people like you is somehow fragile ... Pfft, whatever.
If you think paying undue attention to the grievances of people I have done no harm ... Don't have our best interests in mind ... And just want to bitch, is necessary ...

Then I guess all my poor little fragile ass can do it tell you ... Yet again ... To go pound sand ... :thup:

And when looking at the per capita statistics the fun really starts when one realizes that the FBI and DOJ have for years lumped the Hispanic crime statistics in with "white". Lol!
Blacks don't commit the majority of violent crime in this nation. And being born in a single parent household doesn't mean anything.That's the problem with how you dimwits think. The only ones living in a delusion is those like yourself.

"Around 49% of single mothers have never married, 51% are either divorced, separated or widowed. Half have one child, 30% have two. About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."

Two thirds of all single mothers are white . Get it?

Whites were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crime in this nation in 2015, 59 percent in 2014

Table 43

Table 43

Complaining while white is not a sin but lying while any color is.

Nice cherry picked data. For one, you found the two years where whites (who represent the majority of the population) edged out blacks. Secondly, those are arrest statistics; not prosecutions. How many of those people actually committed the crime they were arrested for? Any idea?

Here's a set of crime statistics recording the trends between 1980 and 2008 that reflects the reality you're so keen to deny:
View attachment 154553

Do we get a link for this chart?

Well you cannot ignore the proven racism in the justice system and make claims about convictions. Second these are stats from one category of violent crime not all violent crimes. You cannot claim that backs lead in violent crime by citing homicide when whites are assaulting beating, robbing and raping more than anyone else. Your numbers in the overall population are irrelevant here. What is relevant are the numbers of crimes committed by race. You cannot say that because you have 70 percent of the population that it's fine for you to commit 70 percent of the crimes. That's stump ass stupid. Besides if we use the DOJ tables, we can go back 20 plus years and show a consecutive pattern of whites leading in overall violent crime.

Let me show you the error in this per capita bull shit whites like you use for an excuse. I lived in a city that once was considered the fourth highest murder city in the US based on a per capita measurement. The town had 157,000 people. They had 75 murders. So you multiply that by ten or more to meet the murder rate in major cities and say that if we had 1 million people we would have had 750 murders. But we did not have one million people, we had 157,000 and 75 murders while cities with several million had 2-300. 75 murders is less than 300 murders, and you cannot make it more than 300 no matter how much you multiply. So the actual number of occurrences is the most important thing here. The actual number of occurrences show us that whites commit the most crimes and the most violent crimes.
Nice cherry picked data. For one, you found the two years where whites (who represent the majority of the population) edged out blacks. Secondly, those are arrest statistics; not prosecutions. How many of those people actually committed the crime they were arrested for? Any idea?

Here's a set of crime statistics recording the trends between 1980 and 2008 that reflects the reality you're so keen to deny:
View attachment 154553

All that chart says is that white people are more likely to kill a bunch of old white co-workers with poison.

Colonel Sanders did it in the kitchen with a chicken leg ... :dunno:

And when looking at the per capita statistics the fun really starts when one realizes that the FBI and DOJ have for years lumped the Hispanic crime statistics in with "white". Lol!

Don't blame Hispanics for your crimes.
As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.
And when looking at the per capita statistics the fun really starts when one realizes that the FBI and DOJ have for years lumped the Hispanic crime statistics in with "white". Lol!

Don't blame Hispanics for your crimes.
As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.
Responding directly to your response is as on topic as it gets. Report away.
And when looking at the per capita statistics the fun really starts when one realizes that the FBI and DOJ have for years lumped the Hispanic crime statistics in with "white". Lol!

Don't blame Hispanics for your crimes.
As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.
Responding directly to your response is as on topic as it gets. Report away.

Well the OP is not about what you have been posting and like I said I allowed this to get away from the topic so now I am making sure it goes back to the topic. Therefore you will address the topic or go away.
Nice cherry picked data. For one, you found the two years where whites (who represent the majority of the population) edged out blacks. Secondly, those are arrest statistics; not prosecutions. How many of those people actually committed the crime they were arrested for? Any idea?

Here's a set of crime statistics recording the trends between 1980 and 2008 that reflects the reality you're so keen to deny:
View attachment 154553

All that chart says is that white people are more likely to kill a bunch of old white co-workers with poison.

Colonel Sanders did it in the kitchen with a chicken leg ... :dunno:


And since you are finding jokes, what does any of that have to do with white fragility?
Do we get a link for this chart?

Well you cannot ignore the proven racism in the justice system and make claims about convictions. Second these are stats from one category of violent crime not all violent crimes. You cannot claim that backs lead in violent crime by citing homicide when whites are assaulting beating, robbing and raping more than anyone else. Your numbers in the overall population are irrelevant here. What is relevant are the numbers of crimes committed by race. You cannot say that because you have 70 percent of the population that it's fine for you to commit 70 percent of the crimes. That's stump ass stupid. Besides if we use the DOJ tables, we can go back 20 plus years and show a consecutive pattern of whites leading in overall violent crime.

Let me show you the error in this per capita bull shit whites like you use for an excuse. I lived in a city that once was considered the fourth highest murder city in the US based on a per capita measurement. The town had 157,000 people. They had 75 murders. So you multiply that by ten or more to meet the murder rate in major cities and say that if we had 1 million people we would have had 750 murders. But we did not have one million people, we had 157,000 and 75 murders while cities with several million had 2-300. 75 murders is less than 300 murders, and you cannot make it more than 300 no matter how much you multiply. So the actual number of occurrences is the most important thing here. The actual number of occurrences show us that whites commit the most crimes and the most violent crimes.

You can call per capita bullshit if you want, doesn't change the reality that a mere 14% of the population are responsible for an inordinate amount of crime. There's a major problem in black communities and you are in complete denial. Instead of tackling the problem head-on, you want to play the blame game and say "well it's white people's fault". I didn't force anyone to shoot up their own neighborhood.

Every time I post a chart showing the crime rate, someone demands a link as if I'm posting falsified data. I'm not a liar. Here's the link:
And since you are finding jokes, what does any of that have to do with white fragility?

White fragility is a joke ... :thup:

But ... In the case of the post of mine you quoted ... It wasn't really a joke.
I reviewed the chart one poster supplied in response to something you posted ... And came to a conclusion of what the chart actually offered.

Like any statistical data ... It is just as much about the questions you ask as the answers you get ... Kind of like the article in your OP.
In review of the data provided on the chart ... I noticed that according to their information ... Whites were more likely to off ...

Multiple Victims

That's where ... "a bunch (multiple) of old (elders) white (white) co-workers (workplace) with poison (poison)" ... Came from.
As a bit of levity ... I then compared assembling the data in a form that resembled the game Clue ... Using Colonel Sanders instead of Colonel Mustard.

If you might ask why I chose to use levity ... It was part of an even larger exculpatory point.
The point that if anyone wants to be offended ... They can certainly find something to be offended about.

Is there anything else you need explained ... :dunno:

And when looking at the per capita statistics the fun really starts when one realizes that the FBI and DOJ have for years lumped the Hispanic crime statistics in with "white". Lol!

Don't blame Hispanics for your crimes.
As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.
Responding directly to your response is as on topic as it gets. Report away.

Well the OP is not about what you have been posting and like I said I allowed this to get away from the topic so now I am making sure it goes back to the topic. Therefore you will address the topic or go away.
You were party to the divergent information injected into the topic. Extensively... You don’t get to put the genie back in the bottle merely because it didn’t bolster your position like you thought it would. While you may find a sympathetic mod willing to help you hide your embarrassment; they’d have to strike from the record, half of this thread...
But what is it you’d rather talk about now? I’ll play along...

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