Another perspective

Don't blame Hispanics for your crimes.
As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.
Responding directly to your response is as on topic as it gets. Report away.

Well the OP is not about what you have been posting and like I said I allowed this to get away from the topic so now I am making sure it goes back to the topic. Therefore you will address the topic or go away.
You were party to the divergent information injected into the topic. Extensively... You don’t get to put the genie back in the bottle merely because it didn’t bolster your position like you thought it would. While you may find a sympathetic mod willing to help you hide your embarrassment; they’d have to strike from the record, half of this thread...
But what is it you’d rather talk about now? I’ll play along...

But yes I do because I am the OP. Therefore I am responsible for making certain this stays as much on topic as possible. So like I said, I allowed it to get away, now I am bringing it back. That what happening and that's what's goin to be done. For the most part the op has been what was discussed and everybody but you and Sobeiski have at least addressed the thread topic once. You never have.

So go back and read the OP.
And since you are finding jokes, what does any of that have to do with white fragility?

White fragility is a joke ... :thup:

But ... In the case of the post of mine you quoted ... It wasn't really a joke.
I reviewed the chart one poster supplied in response to something you posted ... And came to a conclusion of what the chart actually offered.

Like any statistical data ... It is just as much about the questions you ask as the answers you get ... Kind of like the article in your OP.
In review of the data provided on the chart ... I noticed that according to their information ... Whites were more likely to off ...

Multiple Victims

That's where ... "a bunch (multiple) of old (elders) white (white) co-workers (workplace) with poison (poison)" ... Came from.
As a bit of levity ... I then compared assembling the data in a form that resembled the game Clue ... Using Colonel Sanders instead of Colonel Mustard.

If you might ask why I chose to use levity ... It was part of an even larger exculpatory point.
The point that if anyone wants to be offended ... They can certainly find something to be offended about.

Is there anything else you need explained ... :dunno:


White fragiity is real and you are an example of exactly what the professor s talking about.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?

Well I got news for ya! Everyone is F###ed up.

What is race anyway? We are all such a mix of races the question is idiotic. Really the question is, are you a whitey or a darkey, isn't that right?

This just goes to prove my first assertion.

Now feel free to continue to race bait.
White fragiity is real and you are an example of exactly what the professor s talking about.

Really ... How do you support that assessment ... Other than it is just something you would like to be true ...:dunno:

In all honesty ... You should really broaden your scope of knowledge.
Might I suggest you read ... "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" ~ by Thomas Sowell.

As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.
Responding directly to your response is as on topic as it gets. Report away.

Well the OP is not about what you have been posting and like I said I allowed this to get away from the topic so now I am making sure it goes back to the topic. Therefore you will address the topic or go away.
You were party to the divergent information injected into the topic. Extensively... You don’t get to put the genie back in the bottle merely because it didn’t bolster your position like you thought it would. While you may find a sympathetic mod willing to help you hide your embarrassment; they’d have to strike from the record, half of this thread...
But what is it you’d rather talk about now? I’ll play along...

But yes I do because I am the OP. Therefore I am responsible for making certain this stays as much on topic as possible. So like I said, I allowed it to get away, now I am bringing it back. That what happening and that's what's goin to be done. For the most part the op has been what was discussed and everybody but you and Sobeiski have at least addressed the thread topic once. You never have.

So go back and read the OP.
Any poster free to address any information contained within a given thread. It appears that you have mistaken yourself for a moderator. You aren’t.
As for the initial assertion in the OP...? That’s easy.
“White Fragility” is nothing more than a flaccid attempt to rebrand the tired d meme blacks have used a coping strategy for decades, at the very least. That being the excuse for people not liking you; is because they are “afraid” of you. It’s nothing more than a coping strategy intended to improve your self esteem in the face of the realization that people don’t like you; and being lazy... You put it on the party to who doesn’t like you; to solve your problem of not being liked. News flash! It’s your problem not ours. “Your problem”, means it’s up to you to find the solution. End of story.
Thanks for coming out! G’night!
White Fragility Is Racial Violence


By: Amelia Shroyer

I think it’s weird that I’m writing this post.

Everything I’m going to say has already been said, better and with frequency by people of color. But it seems like when it comes to racism (just like men re: feminism) white people need to hear it from other white people.

So let me state this plainly. White people, we are massively failing with our white fragility. When we are asked to do the very least in empathetic listening, we center entire conversations around our own feelings.

XXXX -- Mod Edit for Copyright Fair Use. IM2
Let’s just get this out of the way: The fact is, if you’re white in America, you’ve likely said, thought, or done something racist. It’s just a fact. We were all brought up in a white supremacist culture. Not only do we passively participate in institutionalized racism as white people, we benefit from it! To shy away from that is to put oneself (yet again) above people of color.

We have to unlearn a lifetime of subtle and not so subtle social cues and behaviors. We have to become aware of how we think about people. We have to cringingly remember times we said racist things to other white people, or worse, in front of a person of color. Whatever it is, we have to face that shit. And it’s hard. And it should be hard. We’ve had everything handed to us; we can’t demand racial enlightenment on a silver platter too. We have to do the work.

By resisting (or even embracing) fear, guilt and shame we can open ourselves up to conversations about race that actually create a deeper understanding. By not expecting to be greeted with enthusiasm or praise for talking about race, we can avoid the pitfalls of feeling “attacked” or “bashed” when our assumptions are challenged.

XXXX -- Mod Edit for Copyright Fair Use.

We have to realize that being called a racist isn’t worse than being the victim of racism.

The rest:

White Fragility Is Racial Violence | HuffPost

Note the skin color of those who are making these comments. They are not black and they are not bitching about white people because they are black and need someone to blame for their failures. They are whites who have talked to other whites about white racism and this is what they have to say.
Last edited by a moderator:
Any poster free to address any information contained within a given thread. It appears that you have mistaken yourself for a moderator. You aren’t.
As for the initial assertion in the OP...? That’s easy.
“White Fragility” is nothing more than a flaccid attempt to rebrand the tired d meme blacks have used a coping strategy for decades, at the very least. That being the excuse for people not liking you; is because they are “afraid” of you. It’s nothing more than a coping strategy intended to improve your self esteem in the face of the realization that people don’t like you; and being lazy... You put it on the party to who doesn’t like you; to solve your problem of not being liked. News flash! It’s your problem not ours. “Your problem”, means it’s up to you to find the solution. End of story.
Thanks for coming out! G’night!
White people are fragile.

There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1999. He changed himself from black to white

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He was one of those tough talking white people who felt black people used racism as an an excuse.

So he went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. He had the same money and education.

This is him.


After one week he was done.

He was going to do it for about four months and visit different parts of the country.

I repeat.

After one week he was done.

As a white man he looks and smiles at White people and they smile back. But as a Black man whites look away, lock their doors, assume he is dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him even though he was just walking down the street minding his own business.

Restaurants would tell him they were full, even when they were not, restaurants where nearly everyone sitting down was – White.

White respect and friendliness that he took for granted was gone. Instead Whites regarded him with disdain, even fear.

By his 2nd day he was in tears.

Oprah did a programme about it.

Irony is, what he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics or tough talk because white people can't handle racism for a minute.
Note the skin color of those who are making these comments. They are not black and they are not bitching about white people because they are black and need someone to blame for their failures. They are whites who have talked to other whites about white racism and this is what they have to say.

You want to know what a black man thinks about that (white people making the difference in the argument) ... :dunno:

“Racism does not have a good track record.
It's been tried out for a long time and you'd think by now we'd want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management."
~ Thomas Sowell

You can call per capita bullshit if you want, doesn't change the reality that a mere 14% of the population are responsible for an inordinate amount of crime.
I shouldn't really respond but sometimes you just have to, not for you, but for others to see the counter points. This comes closer to my interest. As some one who has studied and investigated crime for some 10 odd years by now.

I can say this with 100% certainty : The real big crime is almost always white. Chinese triads and Japanese yakuza are the two exceptions.

We can always debate if the Latin American drug cartels and criminal organizations are white but they themselves do not identify with blacks. La Eme for example is a racist organization. Russian mafia gangs and the powerful Vory V Zakone brotherhood are white.

Italian organized crime is white : Napolitan Camorra, Sicilian cosa nostra mafia, Calbrian Ndragheta and Puglian Sacra, Corona Unita are all true blue Italian organizations all are white. Same goes with the US Cosa Nostra. In France there are strong Algerian immigrant gangs and organizations but the upper echelon of French organizations are white. European organized crime is white and forms a underworld web that beats black street gangs easily in power and money.

The only global black organized crime which has impact on greater scale is Nigerian organized crime. However, it is debatable how powerful it is. As they are black and they are dealing white racists thus are not allowed to have a piece of the pie of the real big crime scene. It has never the less its place on the global crime scene.

How do they affect you are any other white American or European and their safety ?

These real crime groups are responsible for the flow of drugs into USA and Europe. They are also players in the financial fraud scene. They smuggle weapons and supply the street criminals with weapons and drugs. They are the ones who operate together with corrupt officials and politicians. This has been documented for decades by now. Then, there are the Wall street jugglers who are also organized criminals and who are the main reason why the average white Americans and brits are in the deep shit, loose their homes, insurances.

They smuggle illegal DVDS, tobacco, clothing are involved in the sex trade, identity fraud, benefit fraud. You name they are in it.

You know nothing.
You don’t know the economics of the real big crime scene.

They affect to the security of the white middle class many many times more than any black street mugger or dope smoking gang banger.

There are no funds in the black ghetto areas which could pay up the money needed for the tons of drugs they import annually into USA and Europe. It's the huge white middle and upper classes that consume casually the majority of the narcotics. They have the capital for it. That is the economical fact. This is good to remember. The same goes for Europe too.

Not that I say that street crime is harmless or anything.

It has to be taken seriously too, but one has to remember the causes of it. Also one has to remember that black street gangs can not operate openly in the suburbia where as the white organized criminals live there in peace.

If you step away from only looking at the “classical” crimes that are abundant in impoverished portions of a society and look at any crime whatsoever (maybe excluding minor offenses like speeding and such), then you will see that blacks commit way less crimes that white people.
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OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?
No, white people try to live away from blacks because as soon as you move in, the neighbourhood goes to shit. And not tolerating living near blacks because of that makes us fragile. LOL!
Bitch doesn't even look very smart. Is that why you identify with her?
White fragiity is real and you are an example of exactly what the professor s talking about.

Really ... How do you support that assessment ... Other than it is just something you would like to be true ...:dunno:

In all honesty ... You should really broaden your scope of knowledge.
Might I suggest you read ... "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" ~ by Thomas Sowell.


Might I suggest you not suggest anything to me like that anymore. I have read plenty of Sowell. Probably more than you have. He's a joke. My horizons are very wide, yours is not. You show this by suggesting Sowell. I support the assessment that white fragility is real because it is based on facts that you have been shown and the behavior you continue to exhibit. Such as the refusal to listen to my experience while suggesting that I read a black person you have decided is a good black in order to " broaden my scope of knowledge." I am just as black as Sowell and there isn't really much he can tell me about black people.
Might I suggest you not suggest anything to me like that anymore. I have read plenty of Sowell. Probably more than you have. He's a joke. My horizons are very wide, yours is not. You show this by suggesting Sowell. I support the assessment that white fragility is real because it is based on facts that you have been shown and the behavior you continue to exhibit. Such as the refusal to listen to my experience while suggesting that I read a black person you have decided is a good black in order to " broaden my scope of knowledge." I am just as black as Sowell and there isn't really much he can tell me about black people.

You can say they are facts ... And you can attempt to support your assessment by saying you are correct.
Unfortunate for you ... Saying it doesn't make it true ... And I asked you how came to that assessment ... Not what your assessment is.

If you have no supporting evidence ... You can think whatever you want ... It doesn't make a difference and never will.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.
Responding directly to your response is as on topic as it gets. Report away.

Well the OP is not about what you have been posting and like I said I allowed this to get away from the topic so now I am making sure it goes back to the topic. Therefore you will address the topic or go away.
You were party to the divergent information injected into the topic. Extensively... You don’t get to put the genie back in the bottle merely because it didn’t bolster your position like you thought it would. While you may find a sympathetic mod willing to help you hide your embarrassment; they’d have to strike from the record, half of this thread...
But what is it you’d rather talk about now? I’ll play along...

But yes I do because I am the OP. Therefore I am responsible for making certain this stays as much on topic as possible. So like I said, I alloweiid it to get away, now I am bringing it back. That what happening and that's what's goin to be done. For the most part the op has been what was discussed and everybody but you and Sobeiski have at least addressed the thread topic once. You never have.

So go back and read the OP.
Any poster free to address any information contained within a given thread. It appears that you have mistaken yourself for a moderator. You aren’t.
As for the initial assertion in the OP...? That’s easy.
“White Fragility” is nothing more than a flaccid attempt to rebrand the tired d meme blacks have used a coping strategy for decades, at the very least. That being the excuse for people not liking you; is because they are “afraid” of you. It’s nothing more than a coping strategy intended to improve your self esteem in the face of the realization that people don’t like you; and being lazy... You put it on the party to who doesn’t like you; to solve your problem of not being liked. News flash! It’s your problem not ours. “Your problem”, means it’s up to you to find the solution. End of story.
Thanks for coming out! G’night!

Given I was told the things I said by a moderator, then you might want to pick that mike right back up. White fragility is a term made up by a white woman who is describing the reaction of whites when discussing race. If you don't know what you are talking about try looking it up.

So let me say this to you, you can play if you want, but you will be reported.

Every time.
Might I suggest you not suggest anything to me like that anymore. I have read plenty of Sowell. Probably more than you have. He's a joke. My horizons are very wide, yours is not. You show this by suggesting Sowell. I support the assessment that white fragility is real because it is based on facts that you have been shown and the behavior you continue to exhibit. Such as the refusal to listen to my experience while suggesting that I read a black person you have decided is a good black in order to " broaden my scope of knowledge." I am just as black as Sowell and there isn't really much he can tell me about black people.

You can say they are facts ... And you can attempt to support your assessment by saying you are correct.
Unfortunate for you ... Saying it doesn't make it true ... And I asked you how came to that assessment ... Not what your assessment is.

If you have no supporting evidence ... You can think whatever you want ... It doesn't make a difference and never will.


I have plenty of supporting evidence beginning with the OP article and then your behavior that matches what is said in that article.
Might I suggest you not suggest anything to me like that anymore. I have read plenty of Sowell. Probably more than you have. He's a joke. My horizons are very wide, yours is not. You show this by suggesting Sowell. I support the assessment that white fragility is real because it is based on facts that you have been shown and the behavior you continue to exhibit. Such as the refusal to listen to my experience while suggesting that I read a black person you have decided is a good black in order to " broaden my scope of knowledge." I am just as black as Sowell and there isn't really much he can tell me about black people.
White supremacists love mentioning the likes of Thomas Sowell.

It’s soothing to people like BlackSand indulging in “whiteness” to see “good blacks” calling their brethren bad or evil, because it reaffirms and reinforces his entire concept of whiteness. I doesn’t matter if “good blacks” are calling other “blacks” bad for legitimate reasons or for the most far-fetched and silliest of them, as long as those blacks are being chastised by other blacks, “whiteness” is confirmed and reaffirmed.
I have plenty of supporting evidence beginning with the OP article and then your behavior that matches what is said in that article.

I didn't ask you to tell me you have evidence ... I asked you to provide it.
The article you posted isn't evidence ... It is the author's opinion/editorial.

I think you best described it when you stated ... "White fragility is a term made up by a white woman ... ".
I mean I am certainly willing to accept she just made it up ... :thup:

Might I suggest you not suggest anything to me like that anymore. I have read plenty of Sowell. Probably more than you have. He's a joke. My horizons are very wide, yours is not. You show this by suggesting Sowell. I support the assessment that white fragility is real because it is based on facts that you have been shown and the behavior you continue to exhibit. Such as the refusal to listen to my experience while suggesting that I read a black person you have decided is a good black in order to " broaden my scope of knowledge." I am just as black as Sowell and there isn't really much he can tell me about black people.
White supremacists love mentioning the likes of Thomas Sowell.

It’s soothing to people like BlackSand indulging in “whiteness” to see “good blacks” calling their brethren bad or evil, because it reaffirms and reinforces his entire concept of whiteness. I doesn’t matter if “good blacks” are calling other “blacks” bad for legitimate reasons or for the most far-fetched and silliest of them, as long as those blacks are being chastised by other blacks, “whiteness” is confirmed and reaffirmed.

Exactly. Black Sand is proving the reality of white fragility and is actually too dumb to see it. That or too arrogant, basically the same thing.
I have plenty of supporting evidence beginning with the OP article and then your behavior that matches what is said in that article.

I didn't ask you to tell me you have evidence ... I asked you to provide it.
The article you posted isn't evidence ... It is the author's opinion/editorial.

I think you best described it when you stated ... "White fragility is a term made up by a white woman ... ".
I mean I am certainly willing to accept she just made it up ... :thup:


You are providing it. Read your own posts.
Note the skin color of those who are making these comments. They are not black and they are not bitching about white people because they are black and need someone to blame for their failures. They are whites who have talked to other whites about white racism and this is what they have to say.

You want to know what a black man thinks about that (white people making the difference in the argument) ... :dunno:

“Racism does not have a good track record.
It's been tried out for a long time and you'd think by now we'd want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management."
~ Thomas Sowell


I know what a black man thinks on this. I am that black man. Sowell doesn't represent me.
You are providing it. Read your own posts.

I know what I posted ... And you can keep saying that all day ... You still haven't provided anything to prove your point.

That is what happens when you lack the wherewithal to actually prove your point.
Saying it is so doesn't make true ... Show me where it applies ... Or accept you are simply wrong.


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