Another perspective

white fragility, the idea that white people in the United States often grow up without having to talk or think about race and fail to build up the tolerance needed for discussions of any depth on the topic. When confronted with this understandable weakness, they often lash out or withdraw—the fragility in question.

You have chosen to lash out. You have shown you do not have the tolerance for a real and substantive discussion of race. To you we must look at it your way including reading from Thomas Sowell and adopting that view, if we cannot then we can't have a discussion. This is what you have shown. Your posts are The accidence. You prove the existence of white fragility every time you post.

You see the point of this thread is to get whites such as you to look internally at how you respond to the issue of race as it's presented. You can't even do that. Again, this is evidence. This is not about you disagreeing with me about race. It is about how white fragility is defined and what behaviors are descried as part of it. And you, as well as all the others here but a few have shown just how real white fragility actually is. Maybe the term should not be fragility, but obtuseness because that's what she is basically taking about. Because I see hat you got it all confused just by the use of the term fragility.

Not accepting your unsupported garbage or the professor's editorial opinion ... Isn't lashing out against you or even the garbage.
It is more akin to laughing at your misguided delusions.


Shut up and start reading. You do know how to read?

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (under review). “But I’m shy!”: Classroom participation as a social justice issue.

Sensoy, Ö. & DiAngelo, R. (in press). “We are all for diversity, but…”: How faculty hiring committees reproduce whiteness and practical suggestions for how they can change. Harvard Educational Review.

Thurber, A. & DiAngelo, R. (in press). Microaggressions: Intervening in three acts. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work.

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, O. (2014). Calling in: Ways of speaking, thinking, seeing: Cultivating humility, curiosity, and vision in service of anti-racist practice. Journal of Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 4(2).

Sensoy, Ö. & DiAngelo, R. (2014). Respect differences? Challenging the common guidelines in social justice education. Democracy in Education, 2(1)

Matlock, S. & DiAngelo, R. (2015). “We put it in terms of “not-nice”: White anti-racist parenting. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 26(2).

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (2014). Leaning in: A student’s guide to engaging constructively in social justice content. Radical Pedagogy, 11(1).

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (2014). Getting slammed: White depictions of cross-racial dialogues as arenas of violence. Race & Ethnicity in Education, 17(1) 104-128. DOI:10.1080/13613324.2012.674023.

Matias, C. & DiAngelo, R. (2013). Beyond the face of race: Emo-Cognitive Explorations of White Neurosis and Racial Cray-Cray. Journal of Educational Foundations, 2(1).

DiAngelo, R. (2012). Nothing to add: The role of white silence in racial discussions. Journal of Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 2(2), 1-17.

DiAngelo, R. (2011). White Fragility. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 3(3).

Schroeder, C. & DiAngelo, R. (2010). Addressing Whiteness in Nursing Education: The Sociopolitical Climate Project at the University of Washington School of Nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 33 (3) 244-255.

DiAngelo, R. & Flynn, D. (2010). Showing what we tell: Facilitating anti-racist education in cross-racial teams. Journal of Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 1 (1) Article 2.

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (2010). “OK! We get it! Now tell us what to do”: Why we can’t just tell you how to do critical multicultural education. Multicultural Perspectives, 12 (2) 97-102.

DiAngelo, Robin J. (2010). Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1), . Retrieved from: Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (2009). We don’t want your opinion: Knowledge construction and the discourse of opinion in the equity classroom. Equity & Excellence in Education, 42 (4) 443-455.

Sensoy, O. & DiAngelo, R. (2009). Developing social justice literacy: An open letter to our faculty colleagues. Phi Delta Kappan. 90 (5), 345-352.

DiAngelo, R. (2006). The production of whiteness in education: Asian international students in a college classroom. Teachers College Record. Vol 108(10), (p. 1960-1982)

DiAngelo, R. (2006). My class didn’t trump my race: Using oppression to face privilege. Multicultural Perspectives. Vol 8(1), (pp.51-56).

Sensoy, O. & DiAngelo, R. (2006). I wouldn’t want to be a woman in the Middle East: White female student teachers and the narrative of the oppressed Muslim woman. Radical Pedagogy. Vol. 8 (1).

DiAngelo, R. & Allen, D. (2006). My Feelings Are Not About You: Personal Experience as a Move of Whiteness. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies. Vol. 2, Issue 2, Article 2. “My Feelings Are Not About You”: Personal Experience as a Move of Whiteness
Shut up ad state read
The OP and the point behind the thread makes more sense now that I've slept on it. The author was simply stating her observations of the reactions white students had to discussions of race. Those reactions get in the way of real discussion, cause a lot of "noise" that must be fought through before any actual discussion of the point can take place. It doesn't mean people are incapable of getting past these obstacles; it just takes a lot more work on both sides.
The author is just a white lady teaching a class. Imagine what BLM is up against trying to get people to listen to the real issues. All the furor over taking a knee during the National Anthem is a good example, I think. White people are screaming about patriotism and soldiers who've died, and anyone who points out the actual reason for the protest is immediately branded anti-American. So now, along with the other stereotypes of black people as a group, blacks are America hating. Perfect. It completely buries the reason for the protests to begin with and avoids any discussion of systemic racism.

Actually it will take more work only on one side. Whites must learn to LISTEN. But I don't feel like arguing that one detail with you because of the fact you raised so many more positives than that one negative.
What I meant was, it will take work in order to get white people to listen. Like what you are doing now. Isn't that "more work?"
white fragility, the idea that white people in the United States often grow up without having to talk or think about race and fail to build up the tolerance needed for discussions of any depth on the topic. When confronted with this understandable weakness, they often lash out or withdraw—the fragility in question.

You have chosen to lash out. You have shown you do not have the tolerance for a real and substantive discussion of race. To you we must look at it your way including reading from Thomas Sowell and adopting that view, if we cannot then we can't have a discussion. This is what you have shown. Your posts are The accidence. You prove the existence of white fragility every time you post.

You see the point of this thread is to get whites such as you to look internally at how you respond to the issue of race as it's presented. You can't even do that. Again, this is evidence. This is not about you disagreeing with me about race. It is about how white fragility is defined and what behaviors are descried as part of it. And you, as well as all the others here but a few have shown just how real white fragility actually is. Maybe the term should not be fragility, but obtuseness because that's what she is basically taking about. Because I see hat you got it all confused just by the use of the term fragility.

Not accepting your unsupported garbage or the professor's editorial opinion ... Isn't lashing out against you or even the garbage.
It is more akin to laughing at your misguided delusions.


Shut up and start reading. You do know how to read?

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (under review). “But I’m shy!”: Classroom participation as a social justice issue.

Sensoy, Ö. & DiAngelo, R. (in press). “We are all for diversity, but…”: How faculty hiring committees reproduce whiteness and practical suggestions for how they can change. Harvard Educational Review.

Thurber, A. & DiAngelo, R. (in press). Microaggressions: Intervening in three acts. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work.

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, O. (2014). Calling in: Ways of speaking, thinking, seeing: Cultivating humility, curiosity, and vision in service of anti-racist practice. Journal of Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 4(2).

Sensoy, Ö. & DiAngelo, R. (2014). Respect differences? Challenging the common guidelines in social justice education. Democracy in Education, 2(1)

Matlock, S. & DiAngelo, R. (2015). “We put it in terms of “not-nice”: White anti-racist parenting. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 26(2).

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (2014). Leaning in: A student’s guide to engaging constructively in social justice content. Radical Pedagogy, 11(1).

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (2014). Getting slammed: White depictions of cross-racial dialogues as arenas of violence. Race & Ethnicity in Education, 17(1) 104-128. DOI:10.1080/13613324.2012.674023.

Matias, C. & DiAngelo, R. (2013). Beyond the face of race: Emo-Cognitive Explorations of White Neurosis and Racial Cray-Cray. Journal of Educational Foundations, 2(1).

DiAngelo, R. (2012). Nothing to add: The role of white silence in racial discussions. Journal of Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 2(2), 1-17.

DiAngelo, R. (2011). White Fragility. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 3(3).

Schroeder, C. & DiAngelo, R. (2010). Addressing Whiteness in Nursing Education: The Sociopolitical Climate Project at the University of Washington School of Nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 33 (3) 244-255.

DiAngelo, R. & Flynn, D. (2010). Showing what we tell: Facilitating anti-racist education in cross-racial teams. Journal of Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 1 (1) Article 2.

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (2010). “OK! We get it! Now tell us what to do”: Why we can’t just tell you how to do critical multicultural education. Multicultural Perspectives, 12 (2) 97-102.

DiAngelo, Robin J. (2010). Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1), . Retrieved from: Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education

DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (2009). We don’t want your opinion: Knowledge construction and the discourse of opinion in the equity classroom. Equity & Excellence in Education, 42 (4) 443-455.

Sensoy, O. & DiAngelo, R. (2009). Developing social justice literacy: An open letter to our faculty colleagues. Phi Delta Kappan. 90 (5), 345-352.

DiAngelo, R. (2006). The production of whiteness in education: Asian international students in a college classroom. Teachers College Record. Vol 108(10), (p. 1960-1982)

DiAngelo, R. (2006). My class didn’t trump my race: Using oppression to face privilege. Multicultural Perspectives. Vol 8(1), (pp.51-56).

Sensoy, O. & DiAngelo, R. (2006). I wouldn’t want to be a woman in the Middle East: White female student teachers and the narrative of the oppressed Muslim woman. Radical Pedagogy. Vol. 8 (1).

DiAngelo, R. & Allen, D. (2006). My Feelings Are Not About You: Personal Experience as a Move of Whiteness. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies. Vol. 2, Issue 2, Article 2. “My Feelings Are Not About You”: Personal Experience as a Move of Whiteness
Shut up ad state read
The OP and the point behind the thread makes more sense now that I've slept on it. The author was simply stating her observations of the reactions white students had to discussions of race. Those reactions get in the way of real discussion, cause a lot of "noise" that must be fought through before any actual discussion of the point can take place. It doesn't mean people are incapable of getting past these obstacles; it just takes a lot more work on both sides.
The author is just a white lady teaching a class. Imagine what BLM is up against trying to get people to listen to the real issues. All the furor over taking a knee during the National Anthem is a good example, I think. White people are screaming about patriotism and soldiers who've died, and anyone who points out the actual reason for the protest is immediately branded anti-American. So now, along with the other stereotypes of black people as a group, blacks are America hating. Perfect. It completely buries the reason for the protests to begin with and avoids any discussion of systemic racism.

Actually it will take more work only on one side. Whites must learn to LISTEN. But I don't feel like arguing that one detail with you because of the fact you raised so many more positives than that one negative.
What I meant was, it will take work in order to get white people to listen. Like what you are doing now. Isn't that "more work?"

I never really looked at it that way as work, but it is really. You're right. I apologize.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?
No, white people try to live away from blacks because as soon as you move in, the neighbourhood goes to shit. And not tolerating living near blacks because of that makes us fragile. LOL!
Bitch doesn't even look very smart. Is that why you identify with her?

I bet you don't want to debate her.
Not in the nude I wouldn't. :biggrin:
I have answered your questions. Plus you answer your own questions with the attitude you are taking. It's the exact behavior being described by he Professor, that's why I think what I do. I am not suggesting you accept anything I express without question. What I do say is that you look at yourself after reading the appropriate information and see if you are exhibiting those behaviors stated. Your attitude is one of you do not accept what I say that is based upon my personal experience because your experience that incudes never facing white racism tells you that it no longer exists, so then your experience and opinion is more important to the extent that you can question and doubt me you, but I must accept what I say to include your suggestion of what black peons I should think like.(from your perspective as a white person) on racism. This is exactly what the professor is talking about. How your whiteness allows you to think as you do. I can't help that you havened a conversation well above your pay grade. that you cannot understand. So maybe if you read what is given to you, beginning with the article in the OP and actually do some research on white fragility, you might be able to understand what is being said to you.

No you haven't answered the questions ... And simply stating you have answered them isn't an answer.

I haven't answered my own questions as a matter of attitude ... Because my attitude doesn't answer my question.
I have read the article ... I asked you to specifically point out where you came to idea it applies to my behavior ... Saying it does will not accomplish that.

I haven't made any unsupported assumption about your life experiences ... Shit, I haven't even mentioned racism (I did include what Mr Sowell commented on it).
I certainly didn't suggest that racism doesn't exist ... Nor did I suggest that my opinion was any more or less important than yours.
I never called black people inferior ... Much less peons ... Those are your words, not mine.
I never suggested that you were required to think one way or another ... Just that you couldn't falsely accuse me of stuff I didn't do (like you have in evidence above).

It has nothing to do with what the professor said ... And I have repeatedly asked you to show me where it applies to my activities ... And you haven't.
Your insults won't change the facts ... Your empty insistence won't change the facts.

Either prove your case in regards to what you have theorized about me ... Or quit accusing me of something I haven't done.
Here's a hint ... Saying it is true isn't proof ... :thup:

I am not fragile ... Nor I am too scared to listen to your life experiences with racism.
Shit ... I keep asking you to expound and explain ... While you make empty blanket accusation that are not indicative of my behavior ...
Much less proof of the premise discussed in the OP.

Last edited:
Feedback is her talking about discussions on race where non whites provide their opinions to whites about their feelings about the racism they see. Now while you believe the word is overused, I posit it is overused by whites primarily who see any mention of racism done by whites as racism against whites.

So you think the word racism is over-used by Whites who frequently complain about Black racism against Whites?

So maybe you think about this the next time you decide to use a term such as coon, or when you see one of your fellow whites talking about how we are supposed to be naturally dumber than whites.

Since you are so sensitive about certain forms of speech I'd like to know how you feel about the following speech forms commonly referred to as "rap." Based on the sales volume of the recordings (individual artists & publishers noted) it seems these speech forms are widely popular among young Blacks.

Lyrics from some currently popular Black rap "artists:"

"Kill the white people. We gonna make them hurt. Kill the white people but buy my record first; ha, ha, ha."

(Kill d'White People. Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.)


"Niggas in the church say kill whitey all night long. The white man is the devil. The CRIPS and Bloods are soldiers I'm recruiting with no dispute. Drive-by shooting on this white genetic mutant. Let's go and kill some rednecks. Menace Clan ain't afraid. I got the .380. The homies think I'm crazy because I shot a white baby. I said. I said. I said kill whitey all night long. A nigga dumping on your white ass. Fuck this rap shit, nigga, I'm gonna blast. I beat a white boy to the motherfucking ground."

(Kill Whitey. Menace Clan. Da Hood. Rap-A-Lot Records.)


"Devils fear this brand new shit. I bleed them next time I see them. I prey on these devils. Look what it has come to, Who you gonna run to when we get to mobbing, filling his body up with lead? Yah, cracker in my way. Slitting. Slit his throat. Watch his body shake. Watch his body shake. That's how we do it in the motherfucking San Francisco Bay. Sitting on the dock of the dirty with my AK."

(Heat--featuring Jet and Spice 1. Paris, Unleashed, 1998. Unleashed Records. Whirling Records.)


"These devils make me sick. I love to fill them full of holes. Kill them all in the daytime, broad motherfucking daylight. 12 o'clock. Grab the Glock. Why wait for night."

(Sweatin Bullets. Brand Nubian. Everything Is Everything, 1994. Elektra Entertainment. Warner Communications.)

"A fight, a fight, a ****** and a white. If the ****** don't win then we all jump in. Smoking all America's white boys."

(A Fight. Apache Ain't Shit. 1993, Tommy Boy Music. Time Warner, USA.)


"I kill a devil right now. I say kill whitey all nighty long. I stabbed a fuckng Jew with a steeple. I would kill a cracker for nothing, just for the fuck of it. Menace Clan kill a cracker, jack 'em even quicker. Catch that devil sleeping. Blow his fucking brains out."

(Fuck a Record Deal. Menace Clan. Da Hood. Rap-A-Lot Records. Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of Thorn EMI.)


"To all my Universal Soldier's. Stay at attention while I strategize an invasion. The mission be assassination. Snipers hitting Caucasians with semi-automatic shots heard ‘round the world. My plot is to control the globe and hold the world hostage. See, I got a war plan more deadlier than Hitler. Lyrical specialist. Underworld terrorist. Keep the unity thick like mud. Pulling out gats. Launching deadly attacks."

(Blood for Blood; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Wu-Tang Records.)


"Won't be satisfied until the devils I see are all dead. My brother is sending me more guns from down South, pale face. It's all about brothers rising up. Wising up. Sizing up our situation. You be fucking with my turf when you be fucking with my race. Now face your maker and take your last breath. The time is half-past death. It's the Armageddon. Go into the garage. Find that old camouflage. Cracker-shooting nightly."

(What the Fuck. Brand Nubian. Everything Is Everything. Elektra Entertainment. Warner Communications. Time Warner, USA.)

"Like my niggas from South Central Los Angeles. They found that they couldn't handle us. Bloods> CRIPS. On the same squad with the Essays (Latino gangs). And nigga, it's time to rob and mob and break the white man.

(The Day the Niggaz Took Over. Dr Dre. The Chronic, 1993. Interscope Records, under Time Warner.)


"Bust a Glock; devils get shot. When God give the word me herd like the buffalo through the neighborhood. Watch me blast. I'm killing more crackers than Bosnia-Herzegovina each and everyday. Don't bust until you see the whites of his eyes. The whites of his skin. Louis Farrakhan . Bloods and CRIPS and little old me. And we all getting ready for the enemy."

(Enemy. Ice Cube. Lethal Injection. Priority Records. Thorn EMI (now called The EMI Group), United Kingdom.)


"Devil, to gangbanging there's a positive side and the positive side is this: Sooner than later the brothers will come to Islam and they will be the soldiers for the war. What war, you ask? Armageddon. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

Armageddon, RBX. The RBX Files. Premeditated Records. Warner Brother Records, Time Warner, USA. )


"Subtract the devils that get smoked. We're people. Black people steal your mind back. Don't die in their wilderness. Let's point our heaters the other way.

(Dial 7. Diggable Planets. Blowout Comb, 1994. Pendulum Records. Thorn EMI (now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.)

"Get them devil-made guns and leave them demons bleeding. Give them back whips and just feed them bullets."

(Wicked Ways. Sunz of Man. One Million Strong. The Album, 1995, Mergela Records,Solar/Hines Co., Prolific Records.)


"It's time to send the devil to the essence. This is a must because there ain't no reform or trust. You get a Glock, you see a devil, bust. They'll be calling us the trigger men. The nappy-knotty red-beard devil-assassin. Lord make a law. At midnight I'll be bashing. Field niggas are locked in until 2005."

(Field Niggaz in a Huddle. Professor Griff. Blood of the Prophet. Lethal Records.)


"He preys on old white ladies who drive the Mercedes with the windows cracked. You should've heard the bitch scream. Sticking guns in crackers' mouths. The cops can't stop it. Remember 4-29-92. Come on. Florence and Normandy coming to a corner near you. Cracker, we've been through your area. Mass hysteria. Led by your motherfucking Menace Clan."

(Mad Nigga. Menace Clan. Da Hood. Rap-A-Lot Records.)


"The black man is god. Buy a Tec and let loose in the Vatican. I love the black faces. So put your Bible in the attic."

(Ain't No Mystery; Brand Nubian, In God We Trust, Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.)


"Dropping verses. Casting curses. Throwing these hexes on the devils. Respect to Farrakhan. But I'm the jungle-don. The new guerrilla. Top-ranked honky killer. What do blacks do. They just keep on blowing devils away. Devil fucking cracker. I'm tightening up the laces to my steel-toed boots. So I can walk. Stomp. We stomp this devil down in the park."

(Planet of da Apes. Da Lench Mob. Planet of da Apes. Priority Records. Thorn EMI (now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.)


"We're having thoughts of overthrowing the government. The brothers and sisters threw their fists in the air. It's open season on crackers, you know. The morgue will be full of Caucasian John Doe's. I make the riot shit look like a fairy tale. Oh my god, Allah, have mercy, I'm killing them devils because they're not worthy to walk the earth with the original black man. They must be forgetting; it's time for Armageddon. And I won't rest until they're all dead."

(Goin Bananas. Da Lench Mob. Planet of da Apes. Priority Records. Thorn EMI (now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.)


"The crackers ain't shit. Chase them out of the jungle. Now raise up off the planet. We get the 12 gauge; shot to the chest. We hitting devils up. Da Lench Mob. Environmental terrorist. I gripped the Glock and had to knock his head from his shoulders. I got the 30.06 on the rooftop. Pop, pop. So many devils die. Make sure I kill them. Lynch a thousand a week if it's necessary."

(Environmental Terrorist. Da Lench Mob. Planet of da Apes. Priority Records.)


"Fuck them laws because the Mob is coming raw. Nigga, is you down because it's the Final Call. Grab your gat. Know the three will start busting. I'm trying to take them down. The war of wars with no fucking scores. April 29 was a chance to realize . The g.'s are out to kill. We got crackers to kill. Wending them back in on a ship to Europe. They deserve it. A nation-wide riot across America. This is the Final Call on black man and black woman. Rich and poor, rise up."

(Final Call Da Lench Mob. Planet of da Apes. Priority Records.)


"Deal with the devil with my motherfucking steel . White man is something I tried to study. But I got my hands bloody. Yeah. I met Farrakhan and had dinner."

(When Will They Shoot. Ice Cube. The Predator. Priority Records.)


"I pledge allegiance to only the black. Black, you had best prepare for the coming of war. Look at you devil. Now you're sweating. I'm telling you. You can't run from the hand of Armageddon. He eats his pig-steak rare so he can taste the blood."

(No Time. RBX. The RBX Files. Premeditated Records. Warner Brother Records. Time Warner, USA.)


"Buck the devil; boom. Shoot you with my .22. I got plenty of crew. I take out white boys. We got big toys with the one-mile scope. taking whitey's throat."

(Buck tha Devil. Da Lench Mob. Guerrillas in tha Mist. Eastwest Records America. Elektra. Atlantic. Time Warner, USA.)


"Camouflaged for the mission. Become Bonnie and Clyde. Carry .45's in these last days. An original black man with a plan to run these devils off our motherfucking land. The Sunz of Man war track. Kept gun in hand, stalking the land."

(Can I See You. Sunz of Man. Threat Records.)


"I'm black with a bat, swinging at the head of a honky. The Terrorists about to murder your ass."

(Blow Dem Hoes Up. The Terrorists. Rap-A-Lot Records.)


"Waiting for the crackers. Smuggle his mug is in the gutters. So we need your participation in the Caucasian assassination. Time is wasting. So who is in association with the ****** retaliation. It needs your total cooperation. A confrontation will be fought by the younger generation Because we got determination. All we need is organization."

(Purse Snatchers. Rush Associated Labels Recordings.)


"The real black army is in jail. Come on my fellow prisoners. time to go to war. What we need to do is point the guns in the right direction. Me and my piece came to claim the brown man's cut. Infiltrate until it burns down. what we need to be talking about is what we gonna do to them. I'll get revenge if it's the last thing I do. they got us brainwashed to be the minority. but when we kill them off we gonna be the majority. If the whites speak up then I'll lead my people. Because two wrongs don't make it right but it damn sure make us equal. I'm inciting riots so let's start the looting. In this revolution I loathe my enemy."

(2 Wrongs. Rush Associated Labels Recordings.)

So maybe you think about this the next time you decide to use a term such as coon, or when you see one of your fellow whites talking about how we are supposed to be naturally dumber than whites.

Since you are so sensitive about certain forms of speech I'd like to know how you feel about the following speech forms commonly referred to as "rap." Based on the sales volume of the recordings (individual artists & publishers noted) it seems these speech forms are widely popular among young Blacks.

Lyrics from some currently popular Black rap "artists:"

"Kill the white people. We gonna make them hurt. Kill the white people but buy my record first; ha, ha, ha."

(Kill d'White People. Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.)


"Niggas in the church say kill whitey all night long. The white man is the devil. The CRIPS and Bloods are soldiers I'm recruiting with no dispute. Drive-by shooting on this white genetic mutant. Let's go and kill some rednecks. Menace Clan ain't afraid. I got the .380. The homies think I'm crazy because I shot a white baby. I said. I said. I said kill whitey all night long. A nigga dumping on your white ass. Fuck this rap shit, nigga, I'm gonna blast. I beat a white boy to the motherfucking ground."

(Kill Whitey. Menace Clan. Da Hood. Rap-A-Lot Records.)


"Devils fear this brand new shit. I bleed them next time I see them. I prey on these devils. Look what it has come to, Who you gonna run to when we get to mobbing, filling his body up with lead? Yah, cracker in my way. Slitting. Slit his throat. Watch his body shake. Watch his body shake. That's how we do it in the motherfucking San Francisco Bay. Sitting on the dock of the dirty with my AK."

(Heat--featuring Jet and Spice 1. Paris, Unleashed, 1998. Unleashed Records. Whirling Records.)


"These devils make me sick. I love to fill them full of holes. Kill them all in the daytime, broad motherfucking daylight. 12 o'clock. Grab the Glock. Why wait for night."

(Sweatin Bullets. Brand Nubian. Everything Is Everything, 1994. Elektra Entertainment. Warner Communications.)

"A fight, a fight, a ****** and a white. If the ****** don't win then we all jump in. Smoking all America's white boys."

(A Fight. Apache Ain't Shit. 1993, Tommy Boy Music. Time Warner, USA.)


"I kill a devil right now. I say kill whitey all nighty long. I stabbed a fuckng Jew with a steeple. I would kill a cracker for nothing, just for the fuck of it. Menace Clan kill a cracker, jack 'em even quicker. Catch that devil sleeping. Blow his fucking brains out."

(Fuck a Record Deal. Menace Clan. Da Hood. Rap-A-Lot Records. Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of Thorn EMI.)


"To all my Universal Soldier's. Stay at attention while I strategize an invasion. The mission be assassination. Snipers hitting Caucasians with semi-automatic shots heard ‘round the world. My plot is to control the globe and hold the world hostage. See, I got a war plan more deadlier than Hitler. Lyrical specialist. Underworld terrorist. Keep the unity thick like mud. Pulling out gats. Launching deadly attacks."

(Blood for Blood; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Wu-Tang Records.)


"Won't be satisfied until the devils I see are all dead. My brother is sending me more guns from down South, pale face. It's all about brothers rising up. Wising up. Sizing up our situation. You be fucking with my turf when you be fucking with my race. Now face your maker and take your last breath. The time is half-past death. It's the Armageddon. Go into the garage. Find that old camouflage. Cracker-shooting nightly."

(What the Fuck. Brand Nubian. Everything Is Everything. Elektra Entertainment. Warner Communications. Time Warner, USA.)

"Like my niggas from South Central Los Angeles. They found that they couldn't handle us. Bloods> CRIPS. On the same squad with the Essays (Latino gangs). And nigga, it's time to rob and mob and break the white man.

(The Day the Niggaz Took Over. Dr Dre. The Chronic, 1993. Interscope Records, under Time Warner.)


"Bust a Glock; devils get shot. When God give the word me herd like the buffalo through the neighborhood. Watch me blast. I'm killing more crackers than Bosnia-Herzegovina each and everyday. Don't bust until you see the whites of his eyes. The whites of his skin. Louis Farrakhan . Bloods and CRIPS and little old me. And we all getting ready for the enemy."

(Enemy. Ice Cube. Lethal Injection. Priority Records. Thorn EMI (now called The EMI Group), United Kingdom.)


"Devil, to gangbanging there's a positive side and the positive side is this: Sooner than later the brothers will come to Islam and they will be the soldiers for the war. What war, you ask? Armageddon. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

Armageddon, RBX. The RBX Files. Premeditated Records. Warner Brother Records, Time Warner, USA. )


"Subtract the devils that get smoked. We're people. Black people steal your mind back. Don't die in their wilderness. Let's point our heaters the other way.

(Dial 7. Diggable Planets. Blowout Comb, 1994. Pendulum Records. Thorn EMI (now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.)

"Get them devil-made guns and leave them demons bleeding. Give them back whips and just feed them bullets."

(Wicked Ways. Sunz of Man. One Million Strong. The Album, 1995, Mergela Records,Solar/Hines Co., Prolific Records.)


"It's time to send the devil to the essence. This is a must because there ain't no reform or trust. You get a Glock, you see a devil, bust. They'll be calling us the trigger men. The nappy-knotty red-beard devil-assassin. Lord make a law. At midnight I'll be bashing. Field niggas are locked in until 2005."

(Field Niggaz in a Huddle. Professor Griff. Blood of the Prophet. Lethal Records.)


"He preys on old white ladies who drive the Mercedes with the windows cracked. You should've heard the bitch scream. Sticking guns in crackers' mouths. The cops can't stop it. Remember 4-29-92. Come on. Florence and Normandy coming to a corner near you. Cracker, we've been through your area. Mass hysteria. Led by your motherfucking Menace Clan."

(Mad Nigga. Menace Clan. Da Hood. Rap-A-Lot Records.)


"The black man is god. Buy a Tec and let loose in the Vatican. I love the black faces. So put your Bible in the attic."

(Ain't No Mystery; Brand Nubian, In God We Trust, Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.)

"Dropping verses. Casting curses. Throwing these hexes on the devils. Respect to Farrakhan. But I'm the jungle-don. The new guerrilla. Top-ranked honky killer. What do blacks do. They just keep on blowing devils away. Devil fucking cracker. I'm tightening up the laces to my steel-toed boots. So I can walk. Stomp. We stomp this devil down in the park."

(Planet of da Apes. Da Lench Mob. Planet of da Apes. Priority Records. Thorn EMI (now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.)


"We're having thoughts of overthrowing the government. The brothers and sisters threw their fists in the air. It's open season on crackers, you know. The morgue will be full of Caucasian John Doe's. I make the riot shit look like a fairy tale. Oh my god, Allah, have mercy, I'm killing them devils because they're not worthy to walk the earth with the original black man. They must be forgetting; it's time for Armageddon. And I won't rest until they're all dead."

(Goin Bananas. Da Lench Mob. Planet of da Apes. Priority Records. Thorn EMI (now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.)


"The crackers ain't shit. Chase them out of the jungle. Now raise up off the planet. We get the 12 gauge; shot to the chest. We hitting devils up. Da Lench Mob. Environmental terrorist. I gripped the Glock and had to knock his head from his shoulders. I got the 30.06 on the rooftop. Pop, pop. So many devils die. Make sure I kill them. Lynch a thousand a week if it's necessary."

(Environmental Terrorist. Da Lench Mob. Planet of da Apes. Priority Records.)


"Fuck them laws because the Mob is coming raw. Nigga, is you down because it's the Final Call. Grab your gat. Know the three will start busting. I'm trying to take them down. The war of wars with no fucking scores. April 29 was a chance to realize . The g.'s are out to kill. We got crackers to kill. Wending them back in on a ship to Europe. They deserve it. A nation-wide riot across America. This is the Final Call on black man and black woman. Rich and poor, rise up."

(Final Call Da Lench Mob. Planet of da Apes. Priority Records.)


"Deal with the devil with my motherfucking steel . White man is something I tried to study. But I got my hands bloody. Yeah. I met Farrakhan and had dinner."

(When Will They Shoot. Ice Cube. The Predator. Priority Records.)


"I pledge allegiance to only the black. Black, you had best prepare for the coming of war. Look at you devil. Now you're sweating. I'm telling you. You can't run from the hand of Armageddon. He eats his pig-steak rare so he can taste the blood."

(No Time. RBX. The RBX Files. Premeditated Records. Warner Brother Records. Time Warner, USA.)


"Buck the devil; boom. Shoot you with my .22. I got plenty of crew. I take out white boys. We got big toys with the one-mile scope. taking whitey's throat."

(Buck tha Devil. Da Lench Mob. Guerrillas in tha Mist. Eastwest Records America. Elektra. Atlantic. Time Warner, USA.)

"Camouflaged for the mission. Become Bonnie and Clyde. Carry .45's in these last days. An original black man with a plan to run these devils off our motherfucking land. The Sunz of Man war track. Kept gun in hand, stalking the land."

(Can I See You. Sunz of Man. Threat Records.)

"I'm black with a bat, swinging at the head of a honky. The Terrorists about to murder your ass."

(Blow Dem Hoes Up. The Terrorists. Rap-A-Lot Records.)


"Waiting for the crackers. Smuggle his mug is in the gutters. So we need your participation in the Caucasian assassination. Time is wasting. So who is in association with the ****** retaliation. It needs your total cooperation. A confrontation will be fought by the younger generation Because we got determination. All we need is organization."

(Purse Snatchers. Rush Associated Labels Recordings.)


"The real black army is in jail. Come on my fellow prisoners. time to go to war. What we need to do is point the guns in the right direction. Me and my piece came to claim the brown man's cut. Infiltrate until it burns down. what we need to be talking about is what we gonna do to them. I'll get revenge if it's the last thing I do. they got us brainwashed to be the minority. but when we kill them off we gonna be the majority. If the whites speak up then I'll lead my people. Because two wrongs don't make it right but it damn sure make us equal. I'm inciting riots so let's start the looting. In this revolution I loathe my enemy."

(2 Wrongs. Rush Associated Labels Recordings.)


How would you say these words compare with such words as "coon" and "monkey," etc.?
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. ...

Got this far before the stupidity got to great.

1. This is just ANOTHER mechanism for fucktard lefties to dismiss valid complaints from white people.

2. Before you respond, consider this.


So, don't waste your time going to that well.

So maybe you think about this the next time you decide to use a term such as coon, or when you see one of your fellow whites talking about how we are supposed to be naturally dumber than whites. You aren't going to get a calm discussion with words said how you want to hear them after we see ourselves being called coons, monkeys, gorillas, the n word, or told how dumb we are, or how we don't want to work or get educated, and all our men want to do is fuck women and take no responsibility for our children, that al black women want to do is have children to get a government check and that the only reason we complain about white racism is because we are failures so we blame whites.

What I have no time and patience for is that.
How often have you been the subject of this kind of derogatory verbal assault? When was the last time someone called you a coon? How about, n!gger? Or is it that you experience frequent paranoid fantasies in which some White person is thinking of you in these terms?

There are derogatory or abusive terms available for most widely present ethnicities: Italians are wops, dagos, guineas. Jews are kikes, mockeys, sheeneys, hebes. Blacks have a few for Whites; honkey, ofay, cracker. My lineage is German. We are krauts, squareheads, huns. If you'd care to refer to me with any of those terms, please go right ahead. I am quite proud of my heritage and the use of such nonsensical verbiage in reference to it isn't even worth a giggle.

So why are you contemporary Blacks so uptight about certain words? I'll wager you don't even know what the word, n!gger, means, nor are you or the vast majority of Blacks aware of its origin.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?
Johnnie Turner says black people have to tell their stories. People have to hear the stories or they won't know. Instead of just bonking white people over the head for being ignorant racists, why not tell the stories that would help us SEE the other side. What happens here in discussion about race never gets us anywhere because no one's perspective gets changed. We can't walk in your shoes until you tell us what it is like on a daily basis. Don't scream it at us or exaggerate it. Just tell the stories.
Just a suggestion.
We have told you what it was like for us for at least 241 years. We have been screamed at and killed for trying to do it as well.
You're 241 years old?
Any poster free to address any information contained within a given thread. It appears that you have mistaken yourself for a moderator. You aren’t.
As for the initial assertion in the OP...? That’s easy.
“White Fragility” is nothing more than a flaccid attempt to rebrand the tired d meme blacks have used a coping strategy for decades, at the very least. That being the excuse for people not liking you; is because they are “afraid” of you. It’s nothing more than a coping strategy intended to improve your self esteem in the face of the realization that people don’t like you; and being lazy... You put it on the party to who doesn’t like you; to solve your problem of not being liked. News flash! It’s your problem not ours. “Your problem”, means it’s up to you to find the solution. End of story.
Thanks for coming out! G’night!
White people are fragile.

There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1999. He changed himself from black to white

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He was one of those tough talking white people who felt black people used racism as an an excuse.

So he went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. He had the same money and education.

This is him.


After one week he was done.
Couldn't have been the liver damage.
You can call per capita bullshit if you want, doesn't change the reality that a mere 14% of the population are responsible for an inordinate amount of crime.
I shouldn't really respond but sometimes you just have to, not for you, but for others to see the counter points. This comes closer to my interest. As some one who has studied and investigated crime for some 10 odd years by now.

I can say this with 100% certainty : The real big crime is almost always white. Chinese triads and Japanese yakuza are the two exceptions.

We can always debate if the Latin American drug cartels and criminal organizations are white but they themselves do not identify with blacks. La Eme for example is a racist organization. Russian mafia gangs and the powerful Vory V Zakone brotherhood are white.

Italian organized crime is white : Napolitan Camorra, Sicilian cosa nostra mafia, Calbrian Ndragheta and Puglian Sacra, Corona Unita are all true blue Italian organizations all are white. Same goes with the US Cosa Nostra. In France there are strong Algerian immigrant gangs and organizations but the upper echelon of French organizations are white. European organized crime is white and forms a underworld web that beats black street gangs easily in power and money.

The only global black organized crime which has impact on greater scale is Nigerian organized crime. However, it is debatable how powerful it is. As they are black and they are dealing white racists thus are not allowed to have a piece of the pie of the real big crime scene. It has never the less its place on the global crime scene.

How do they affect you are any other white American or European and their safety ?

These real crime groups are responsible for the flow of drugs into USA and Europe. They are also players in the financial fraud scene. They smuggle weapons and supply the street criminals with weapons and drugs. They are the ones who operate together with corrupt officials and politicians. This has been documented for decades by now. Then, there are the Wall street jugglers who are also organized criminals and who are the main reason why the average white Americans and brits are in the deep shit, loose their homes, insurances.

They smuggle illegal DVDS, tobacco, clothing are involved in the sex trade, identity fraud, benefit fraud. You name they are in it.

You know nothing.
You don’t know the economics of the real big crime scene.

They affect to the security of the white middle class many many times more than any black street mugger or dope smoking gang banger.

There are no funds in the black ghetto areas which could pay up the money needed for the tons of drugs they import annually into USA and Europe. It's the huge white middle and upper classes that consume casually the majority of the narcotics. They have the capital for it. That is the economical fact. This is good to remember. The same goes for Europe too.

Not that I say that street crime is harmless or anything.

It has to be taken seriously too, but one has to remember the causes of it. Also one has to remember that black street gangs can not operate openly in the suburbia where as the white organized criminals live there in peace.

If you step away from only looking at the “classical” crimes that are abundant in impoverished portions of a society and look at any crime whatsoever (maybe excluding minor offenses like speeding and such), then you will see that blacks commit way less crimes that white people.
A while guy buying alcohol when he's underage doesn't put me in a wheelchair or a coffin. A bullet from a negro does. Nobody said whites don't do crime, but it's the negroes that stupidly do the crimes that don't benefit anyone and cause bodily harm. It's called violent crime. Are you seriously comparing illegal DVDs and tobacco to violent crime? Even speeding is more dangerous.
So, what is it then?

[re:anti-black violence]

Where is it?
XXXX -- Mod Edit for Copyright Fair Use. IM2
Let’s just get this out of the way: The fact is, if you’re white in America, you’ve likely said, thought, or done something racist. It’s just a fact. We were all brought up in a white supremacist culture. Not only do we passively participate in institutionalized racism as white people, we benefit from it! To shy away from that is to put oneself (yet again) above people of color.

IF you want to be fair, and I know that is your ultimate goal, you have to add blacks, Asians, Native Americans, and virtually every other race and nationality are prejudiced in favor of people like themselves.

"Let's just get this out of the way: The fact is, if you're black in America, you've likely said, thought, or done something racist. It's just a fact."
Given I was told the things I said by a moderator, then you might want to pick that mike right back up. White fragility is a term made up by a white woman who is describing the reaction of whites when discussing race. If you don't know what you are talking about try looking it up.

So let me say this to you, you can play if you want, but you will be reported.

Every time.

Progressives, always inventing new terms to excuse their bad behavior.

Do you deny that there is "black fragility"?
A while guy buying alcohol when he's underage doesn't put me in a wheelchair or a coffin.

Are you oblivious to driving under the influence? Now we have several states where they did not believe their highway fatality rate was high enough so they encouraged the use of marijuana. What a grand idea!
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?
Johnnie Turner says black people have to tell their stories. People have to hear the stories or they won't know. Instead of just bonking white people over the head for being ignorant racists, why not tell the stories that would help us SEE the other side. What happens here in discussion about race never gets us anywhere because no one's perspective gets changed. We can't walk in your shoes until you tell us what it is like on a daily basis. Don't scream it at us or exaggerate it. Just tell the stories.
Just a suggestion.
Doesnt matter what form the truth is put in. Whites just deny it. Any Black person that wastes time telling white people the truth be it in story form or any other form is a fool. The only way that it is worth the time is if you have a chance to educate other Blacks that may overhear the conversation.
What I meant was, it will take work in order to get white people to listen. Like what you are doing now. Isn't that "more work?"

Why do you not think no work is merited to get black people to listen? To listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

Please show us the videos of white people doing the same things.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?
I want to share this chapter from my book. I am sincerely trying to point out just what she is talking about:

I read an opinion column that stated, “Since many traditional history books written by the white majority society in the past have excluded or distorted information about certain aspects of slavery, readers are often misinformed and thus miseducated.”

In my case, that’s putting it mildly. I can, to this day, remember one particular page of my high school history book. In the lower left hand corner there was a picture of slaves picking cotton. The paragraph above it said that black people were brought to the U.S. from Africa and that they picked cotton every day. The following paragraph said that while they picked cotton they sang songs, and that’s how we got Negro spirituals.

And that was the extent of my education on American slavery days. As I got older and realized that there were problems relating back to slavery days, I remember thinking, “It didn’t look so bad.”

But little did I know of the real suffering that was inflicted on black people when they were taken from their homeland and brought to these shores. I knew nothing of the ships where men were literally thrown in on top of each other, many getting desperately sick and others dying on the long voyage to the slave owners plantations. I knew nothing of the islands where they were taken to be “made into slave,” where things like cutting open pregnant women were used to instill fear in their hearts and force them to submit. I knew nothing of the tricks used to pit one black man against another while bowing down to the white man. I knew nothing of the separation of families, the breeding of strong, muscular men for field work and the distinct differences created between “field *******” and “house *******.”

But now with the helpful guidance of a loving husband and reading books I never even knew existed, I am beginning to see. My eyes are beginning to open and see the truths that have been hidden from me for most of my life. And now that they are open, I will never close them to these truths again.

We form our opinions from life’s experiences and from the knowledge we acquire along the way. Little knowledge equals little understanding. More knowledge equals more understanding. Much knowledge equals much understanding.

We’ve often heard it said that what we don’t know can’t hurt us. But in this case, I believe it can. I believe it does. I believe it hurts us all very badly.

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